Golden Sun is the best handheld game I've ever played. Period.

User Rating: 10 | Golden Sun GBA
In this game, you play as Isaac. He and his friends are whats known as adepts, those with the ability to manipulate the elements. They wield both weapons and elemental abilities and are on a quest to prevent their world from destroying itself. This game has one of the better stories I've seen in a game. It has lots of interesting characters, an interesting main plot and plenty of places to explore. The moves and abilities your people can pull off is amazing and almost never seems to get old. The music is original and exhilarating and the gameplay is as smooth as it could be. Not only will you lose yourself to this game but you may very well go play it again and again. Then if you get tired of it, theres even a sequel. The only drawback is how long it can take to go between places. Overall, this game is definitely worth getting and I strongly recommend it to anyone with a GBA.