One of the best RPGs of all time!

User Rating: 9.3 | Golden Sun GBA
I must say that this game is amazing. I really love a good RPG and game almost beats the Zelda series.
To start off, the battle scenes are really fun. It's one of those, I'll take my turn and then you take yours ordeal. But the graphics are cool, and the barrage of spells are fun to use and watch graphically.
The story is interesting, and can keep you playing for many hours. Definitely a good deal for your money. Especially since it's been out for a while and is quite cheap.
As per usual RPG standards, you gain levels as does the rest of your party. You eventually get 4 people in your party including yourself. Weapons are easy to come by and so is armour and shields.
The graphics overall are nice and also, the puzzles to find your way around are neat. Not too difficult to figure out though.
One of the most unique parts of this series are the things call Djini. They are creatures that give you abilities and when combined, can give you an awesome "one-shot" power that takes time to recharge, but usually deals enough damage to get the job done.