Cheats & Guides

Valkyrie Profile Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Hidden Scene

    To see a scene where Brahms and Lezard discuss their future plans, simply wait a couple of minutes after the credits are done rolling. I believe this may only be possible if you obtain the A Ending.

    Contributed by: Pervan 

  2. Misc. Unlockables

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat the Seraphic Gate ten times Angel Slayer
    Get 100% of a character's voice, then go to the Voice Collection option under the Sound menu. Highlight that character's name and press Square Character Art
    Save at the final save point, then return to the main menu Seraphic Gate

    Contributed by: Keith Valentine 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Foreign Language FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Hex Flux 309K
General FAQs FAQ by Tamahome 21K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by SBruck 386K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by delacroix01 262K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Captain K 216K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Kain 139K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by SYusup 371K
In-Depth FAQs Best Ending Guide by KRhee 4K
In-Depth FAQs Bestiary by Captain K 89K
In-Depth FAQs Character FAQ by Chief Ug 53K
In-Depth FAQs Character/Tips FAQ by EChang 93K
In-Depth FAQs Characters FAQ by EDekar 18K
In-Depth FAQs Debug Mode FAQ by Aryuze RV 97K
In-Depth FAQs Endings FAQ by tri-Ace Fanboy 16K
In-Depth FAQs Fighting System FAQ by SHOCK 14K
In-Depth FAQs Hard Mode Walkthrough by SBruck 271K
In-Depth FAQs Iseria Queen Guide by ARangan 10K
In-Depth FAQs Norse Mythology Guide by Hexum 59K
In-Depth FAQs Quotes/Translations FAQ by Kain 23K
In-Depth FAQs Seraphic Gate FAQ by SBruck 20K
In-Depth FAQs Voice Collection FAQ by Dalton Of Zeal 101K
Maps and Charts Seraphic Gate Map by Capheine 158K

Valkyrie Profile Cheats For PSP

  1. Seraphic Gate

    To unlock the bonus dungeon Seraphic Gate beat the game and wait until the scenes after the "Fin" screen. It will give you an option to save. Save your game (it puts you at the last save point in Asgard Hill). Now go to the main menu and you will have an option to go to Seraphic Gate. You must use your completed game save to get in.

    Contributed by: RebornOmnislash 

  2. Character Artwork

    In the Voice Collection, if you have acquired all of a certain character's voices, pressing Square on that character will bring up artwork for the character.

    Contributed by: SteelBeowulf_ 

  3. Secret Scene

    Wait after the credits finish and you will see a scene involving Bramms and Lezard. This can only be posible if you get the A ending.

    Contributed by: luisrodl 

  4. Unlock items by beating the Seraphic Gate multiple times

    Each time you defeat Iseria Queen in the Seraphic Gate, you receive a chest and 1,500,000 exp for your exp orb. Once you defeat her 10 times and receive the Angel Slayer, all successive playthroughs will result in anther Angel Slayer and the orb exp.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat the Seraphic Gate 10+ times. Angel Slayer
    Beat the Seraphic Gate 9 times (one book each time). Book of Riddles 1-8
    Beat the Seraphic Gate once. Tri-Emblem

    Contributed by: Azn Playah 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by vhayste 162K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Captain K 216K
In-Depth FAQs Endings FAQ by tri-Ace Fanboy 16K
Maps and Charts World Map by PowerPenguin 31K