Cheats & Guides

SSX Blur Cheats For Wii

  1. Cheat Menu

    In the options menu, go to cheat and enter any code.
    All passwords are case sensitive

    Effect Effect
    NoHolds All Characters Unlocked
    DisableThem All cheats have been DISABLED!
    AllStars Every character's stats have been boosted to the max!
    FullGasTank Now your groove will always be maxed out - get ready to pull off some sweet tricks!
    ClothShop Unlock all clothes
    MasterKey Unlocks all tracks
    FairPlay Well, your wish has been granted - all your stats are as low as they can go!
    WildFur Yeti costume
    BlankRecord You have reset all the high scores to their defaults!
    SportShop You just unlocked all boards and skis!
    Artistry You've unlocked all the concept art in the game Go take a look in the extras section!
    Comboer You've unlocked all the ubertricks!

    Contributed by: sykedoc, Jay FNG Philbrook, ChikinSloat, weirdomi 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by gondee 194K