Cheats & Guides

Pokemon Puzzle Challenge Cheats For Game Boy Color

  1. Super Hard Mode

    Highlight ''Hard'', then hold select and press A button.

    Contributed by: Eon Strife 

  2. Intense Mode

    To open up intense mode on challenge, highlight super hard mode then press select+A.

    Contributed by: Char322 

  3. More Records

    While in the record screen, press and hold Select+A and you get more records. Now you can display how much combos, chain you got and how much blocks your cleared.

    Contributed by: Wolf4knowledge 

  4. More Options

    On the option screen hold select and press A, some more options will appear below the gallery option.

    Contributed by: General Eric 

  5. Disable Stops

    When you power on the game, wait until Pikachu smiles, then enter:
    Left, A, B, Up.

    With this code, the blocks will no longer temporarily stop rising when you score a chain or combo.

    Contributed by: Mop_it_up 

  6. Max. Speed Increase

    At the beginning, right when Pikachu smiles, enter:
    B, A, Left, Left

    This will increase the speed drastically if you're on speed 99. Normally, anything at or above 50 will continue at speed 50.

    Contributed by: andyg87 

  7. Unlock Characters

    Unlockable Unlockable
    On normal level or higher, before fighting Clair, defeat your opponent in less than 25 seconds to face Lass. Defeat her and you'll get Bellossom. Bellossom
    Complete Challenge on Easy. Igglybuff
    Score 100,000 or more in Garbage mode Magby
    Make a 4-chain before beating Clair on normal or higher level and you'll fight a swimmer. Defeat him to get his Marill Marill
    Play challenge mode on normal or harder. Last for at least 4 minutes on any round before reaching Clair. A Pokefan should challenge you. Defeat her to get Pichu. Pichu
    Make a 6-block combo before fighting Clair on normal or higher level and you'll fight a Gentleman. Defeat him to get his Pikachu. Pikachu
    Make a 7-chain before fighting Clair on normal or higher level and you'll fight Beauty. Defeat her to get her Sentret Sentret
    Make a 10-block combo before fighting Clair on normal or higher level and you'll fight a Pokefan. Defeat him to get his Togepi. Togepi

    Contributed by: seto girl, Whole Damn Show, xXhakuhyouXx, you lose, Wolf4knowledge, SS3 Grown Trunks 

  8. Play Panel de Pon GB

    You can play an incomplete version of Panel de Pon GB, but depending on the system using, the process to access it is different. If you are using a Game Boy or Super Game Boy, enter "Cheat 2". If you are using a Game Boy Color (or a more advanced hardware), first enter "Cheat 1" at the title screen to trigger the "GBC-only" warning screen, then enter "Cheat 2".

    At the title screen, press: "Up" 2 times, "Right" 4 times, Down, "Left" 10 times, "Up" 4 times, Right, "Down" 6 times, B. Cheat 1: If using a Game Boy Color / GB Advance / GB Player
    At the "This game can only be played on the GBC" screen, press: "A" 24 times, then "B" 24 times. Cheat 2: If using a Game Boy or Super Game Boy

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

  9. Debug Menu

    At the Title Screen, press Up(2x), Right(4x), Down, Left(10x), Up(4x), Right, Down(6x), B. At the new screen, press the A button until you hear a sound effect then press the B button until you hear a sound effect.

    Effect Effect
    Up(2x), Right(4x), Down, Left(10x), Up(4x), Right, Down(6x), B at the Title Screen. Then A until a sound effect, and B until a sound effect. Debug Menu

    Contributed by: Mezmorize99 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by Shdwrlm3 22K