Cheats & Guides

Mortal Kombat Trilogy Cheats For Nintendo 64

  1. Play as Khameleon

    When the Story screens appear, qucikly press:

    Right C, Up C, A, B, Down C, Up C, Right C.

    If you're fast, you'll hear Shao Kahn say Khameleon, and he'll be selectable at the character select screen.

    Contributed by: KasketDarkfyre 

  2. Play as Shao Khan

    After entering the Stage Select code, choose your fighter and select ''Pit 3'' as your Stage. before the match begins, hold Down+A+B. Your fighter should morph at the beginning of the battle.

    Contributed by: ATadeo 

  3. Play at Motaro

    After entering the Stage Select code, choose your fighter and select ''Jade's Desert'' as your Stage. before the match begins, hold Left (on D-Pad)+Low Kick+High Kick simultaneously. Your fighter should morph at the beginning of the battle.

    Contributed by: ATadeo 

  4. Play as Human Smoke

    Select Robo-Smoke as your fighter and hold Left (on D-Pad)+Block+High Punch+High Kick+Run simultaneously before the match begins. Robo-Smoke should morph into Human Smoke.

    Contributed by: ATadeo 

  5. Babalities to Fatalities

    When a babality is performed on you, immediately hold High Punch, Low Punch, High Kick, and Low Kick. Your character will turn back into an adult and explode, resulting in a fatality.

    Contributed by: LordAtomic 

  6. Slide off Spikes

    After the Kombat Tomb Pit fatality, hold Up or Down. Your dead foe will slide off of the spikes.

    Contributed by: LordAtomic 

  7. Amah Sound at Dead Pool

    Hold Down after delivering or receiving the Pit fatality on the Dead Pool stage. You will hear someone say ''amah''.

    Contributed by: LordAtomic 

  8. Crispy Sound at Scorpion's Lair

    During the Pit fatality at Scorpion's Lair, hold Low Punch on controller 1 and 2. You will hear Shao Kahn say ''crispy''.

    Contributed by: LordAtomic 

  9. 2nd Crispy on Scorpion's Lair

    During the Pit fatality at Scorpion's Lair, hold Block on controller 1 and 2. You will hear Dan Forden say ''crispy''.

    Contributed by: LordAtomic 

  10. Frosty Sound

    As Sub-Zero, beat you're opponent until his/her life bar says ''danger''. Perform Sub-Zero's Ice Freeze (QCF + LP). Dan Forden will appear and say ''frosty''.

    Contributed by: LordAtomic 

  11. Hidden Game One

    Play 50 games in 2-Player mode to play a hidden game.

    Contributed by: LordAtomic 

  12. Hidden Game Two

    Play 100 games in 2-Player mode to play a hidden game.

    Contributed by: LordAtomic 

  13. Double Menu Code

    This code will give you access to two special option menus. As the text on the demo screen scrolls by, press Block,HK,LK,Run,LP,HP,HP,HP,LP, and LP. You will hear a voice say, ''Uh-huh,'' if you did it correctly. Then go to the Options screen to access the new menus.

    Contributed by: Nomad Z 2000 

  14. Ultimate Kombat Kode

    After getting a game over screen you are prompted to enter a "Ultimate Kombat Kode". At this time enter 113-840. The screen will flash when the time runs up and the text "Smoke and Khameleon are at your control" will appear. Both characters will then be selectable on the character select screen. Thanks to Proto K for discovering this.

    Contributed by: hiro1112 

  15. Play Space Invaders

    When playing a 2-Player versus match at the Pit stage, keep an eye on the moon. If you see an object fly by then press the Z button. You will hear a bell noise to confirm correct code entry. Now the winner of that match will get to play a short game of Space Invaders.

    Contributed by: leeko_link 

  16. Varied Gameplay

    Before the battle when your able to put number codes with pictures. Thats where you use these.

    Effect Effect
    524-425 (message) PREPARE FOR MORTAL KOMBAT IV
    246-975 (message) RAINS COUNTERPART IS SNOW
    484-484 Automatic Combos
    020-020 Blocking Disabled
    109-901 Bloody Kombat
    390-390 Both Players Inflict 1/2 damage
    722-722 Combo System Disabled
    688-422 Dark Kombat
    788-322 Fast Uppercut Recovery
    987-123 No Powerbars
    033-000 Player 1 Half Power
    390-000 Player 1 Inflicts 1/2 damage
    707-000 Player 1 Quater Power
    000-033 Player 2 Half Power
    000-390 Player 2 Inflicts 1/2 damage
    000-707 Player 2 Quarter Power
    985-125 Psycho Kombat
    444-444 or 460-460 Randper Kombat
    040-404 Real Kombat
    975-310 Regenerating Power Bars
    300-300 Silent Kombat
    555-556 Special Moves Disabled
    024-689 Super Endurance
    321-789 Super Run Jumps
    100-100 Throwing disabled
    010-010 Throwing Encouraged
    044-440 Unikoriv Referri: Sans Power
    466-466 Unlimited Run
    345-987 WILLY WEST KOMBAT (similar to Randper Kombat combined with Health Recovery)
    642-468 You are entering the Land of Rellim
    246-246 You are entering the Outer Limits

    Contributed by: filouk, muckbottom 

  17. Special Options in the Option Menu

    In the beginning of the game where it shows all the words , type this in(You must do it Fast):

    Effect Effect
    Up Up Down Down Left Left Right Right Left C Up C Right C Down C A B A Special Option in the Options Menu(Blue Question Mark)

    Contributed by: KillaBlade 

  18. Secret Endurance Mode

    Effect Effect
    At the character select screen highlight Kano and press Down + Start Endurance Mode

    Contributed by: surferdude509 

  19. Level Select

    At the character select screen, highlight sonja and press up+start. After choosing the character you wish to play you will be able to select which level you start on.

    Effect Effect
    Up+start level select

    Contributed by: Dirge420 

  20. Unlimited continues

    Effect Effect
    At the attract mode screen press Left, Left, Up, Up, Right, Right, Left, Left Unlimited Continues

    Contributed by: surferdude509 

  21. Ultimate Cheat

    At the first title when the words starts scrolling. Must do Quickly

    Effect Effect
    C-up,C-Right,C-Down, A,B,B,B,A,A Unlocks Everything

    Contributed by: GodOnDaStick 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Character FAQs Smoke by KasketDarkfyre 7K
Character FAQs Smoke Infinity Combo by Vercingetorix 2K
Character FAQs Sub-Zero by KasketDarkfyre 7K
Foreign Language FAQs FAQ/Move List by Xandoidao 10K
Foreign Language FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by DarkBarreto 62K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by CBlaney 22K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Rain 22K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Shawnecyx 60K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by SirGalahad 98K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Smoke 59K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by WorknMan-rat 36K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by AOlivero 25K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by DMarsh 71K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by CGrey 30K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Anonymous 34K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by DarkLink89 74K
General FAQs Move List by ADunn 27K
In-Depth FAQs Combo FAQ by Sub-Zero 10K
In-Depth FAQs Console Differences FAQ by psychochronic 10K
In-Depth FAQs Shao Kahn's Treasures FAQ by psychochronic 17K

Mortal Kombat Trilogy Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Old School Characters

    Highlight either Kano, Kung Lao, Jax, or Rayden and press select. They should explode and turn into MK1 Kano, MK2 Kung Lao, MK1 Rayden, and MK2 Jax (without metal arms). They have the same moves and fatalities as the ones in the old games.

    Contributed by: jgar 430 

  2. Random Select

    Highlight Noob Saibot (P1) or Rain (P2) and press Up and Start.

    Contributed by: Crystalking52 

  3. Level Select

    To select your starting level in 1-player or Vs mode, highlight Sonya and pressing Up + Start.

    Contributed by: Mike D 

  4. Listen to the Soundtrack

    Put the game into your computers CD or DVD rom drive, and if using Windows media player, you can hear the soundtrack to the game. Windows media player even detects it as Mortaal kombat trilogy soundtrack.

    Contributed by: Simsguy7 

  5. Kombat kodes

    On the VS. screen, enter these Kombat Kodes by using the following buttons: The numbers in the Kodes represent how many times that button needs to be pushed. Each combination will have a different effect.

    Effect Effect
    PLAYER 2 HALF POWER 000 033
    MESSAGE: WHATCHA GUN DO ? - E.B. 004 400
    PLAYER 1 HALF POWER 033 000
    MESSAGE: SKUNKY !! - E.F. 122 221
    SILENT KOMBAT 300 300
    UNLIMITED RUN 466 466
    DARK KOMBAT 688 422

    Contributed by: Tiv2 

  6. Misc. Codes

    Effect Effect
    At the options screen hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up Hidden Menu
    Highlight Sonya, and Hold Up and Start till the screen shakes Level select
    At the character selection screen highlight any of the male masked ninjas and hold Back + High Punch + High Kick + Run + Block until the match begins Play as Chameleon

    Contributed by: KasketDarkfyre, Jamesccg, JHicks 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Character FAQs Smoke by KasketDarkfyre 7K
Character FAQs Sub-Zero by KasketDarkfyre 7K
Foreign Language FAQs FAQ/Move List by Xandoidao 10K
Foreign Language FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by DarkBarreto 62K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Rain 22K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Anonymous 34K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by DMarsh 71K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by SirGalahad 98K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Smoke 59K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by WorknMan-rat 36K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by DarkLink89 74K
General FAQs Move List by ADunn 27K
In-Depth FAQs Combo FAQ by Sub-Zero 10K
In-Depth FAQs Console Differences FAQ by psychochronic 10K
In-Depth FAQs Shao Kahn's Treasures FAQ by psychochronic 17K
In-Depth Guides Combo Guide by PWXShock 48K

Mortal Kombat Trilogy Cheats For Saturn

  1. Endurance Mode

    At the Character Selection screen, highlight Kano and press Down+Start. If done corectly Shao Kahn will taunt you. Next, choose your Kombat and the Hardest path. All but three of the fights will be endurance matches.

    Contributed by: Shadow. 

  2. Kombat Codes.

    Kombat Kodes are entered at the VS screen using a button to control each of the six boxes. Press the button as many times as the numbers.

    Effect Effect
    550-550 "Go See The Mk Live Tour" Message.
    987-666 "Hold Flippers During Casino Run" Message.
    282-282 "No Fear, Max Countdown, E B Button,Skydive" Message.
    717-313 "Rain Can Be Found In The Grave Yard" Message.
    122-221 "Skunky!!" Message.
    123-926 "There Is No Knowledge That Is Not Power!" Message
    004-400 "Whacha Gun Do? E.B." Message.
    020-020 Blocking Disabled.
    722-722 Combos Disabled.
    688-422 Dark Kombat
    321-789 Hyper Run Jumps.
    987-123 Invisible Energy Bars.
    555-556 No special moves.
    033-000 Player 1 1/2 Energy
    707-000 Player 1 1/4 Energy
    390-000 Player 1 Does 1/2 The Damage
    000-033 Player 2 1/2 Energy
    000-707 Player 2 1/4 Energy
    000-390 Player 2 Does 1/2 The Damage
    300-300 Silent Kombat.
    024-689 Super Endurance.
    100-100 Throwing Disabled.
    001-010 Throwing Encouraged.
    044-440 Unikkorn Referi-Sans Power.
    466-466 Unlimited Run.
    788-322 Uppercut Recovery.
    205-205 Winner of 1st Round fights Classic Smoke.
    969-141 Winner of 1st Round fights Motaro.
    769-342 Winner of 1st Round fights Noob Saibot.
    033-564 Winner of 1st Round fights Shao Kahn.

    Contributed by: Shadow. 

  3. Codes

    Effect Effect
    In the options menu, hold L + R + Up Cheat Menu
    On the character select screen, choose any male ninja, then on the loading screen press High Punch + High Kick + Run + Block + Left Fight as Chameleon
    On the character select screen, highlight Sonya and hold Up and press Start Stage Select

    Contributed by: Baseman, DarkCrono x2 

  4. More Options

    Enter the following at the story screen:

    Effect Effect
    press High Kick, Low Kick, Run, Low Punch, High Punch, High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch Low punch. More Options, there will be red and blue question marks.

    Contributed by: Y2JkicksRVD 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Character FAQs Smoke by KasketDarkfyre 7K
Character FAQs Sub-Zero by KasketDarkfyre 7K
Foreign Language FAQs FAQ/Move List by Xandoidao 10K
Foreign Language FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by DarkBarreto 62K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by WorknMan-rat 36K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Smoke 59K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by SirGalahad 98K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Shawnecyx 60K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Rain 22K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by DMarsh 71K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by CGrey 30K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Megnetto 34K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Anonymous 34K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by CBlaney 22K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by DarkLink89 74K
General FAQs Move List by ADunn 27K
In-Depth FAQs Combo FAQ by Sub-Zero 10K
In-Depth FAQs Console Differences FAQ by psychochronic 10K
In-Depth FAQs Shao Kahn's Treasures FAQ by psychochronic 17K

Mortal Kombat Trilogy Cheats For

  1. Secret Menu

    Press Up, C, D, B on the options screen.

    Contributed by: Captain Doormat 

  2. Quick Finishing Moves

    Enable the ? Menu then turn on QUICK FINISH. After defeating your opponent, enter one of the sequences below to finish him or her.

    Brutality - Forward, Forward, Forward, A
    Friendship - Forward, Forward, Forward, C
    Babality - Forward, Forward, Forward, D
    Fatality - Forward, Forward, Forward, B

    Contributed by: insannescorp55 

  3. Hidden characters

    Press the following at the player select screen:

    Effect Effect
    B, C, B, B, D Ermac
    D, D, C, D, B Noob Saibot
    Hold Up, Left, and Right for 5 seconds. Scorpion

    Contributed by: Retro, War Pig 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Move List and Guide by SStarmie 37K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by CrashMan 3K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Dangerboy 24K

Mortal Kombat Trilogy Cheats For PC

  1. Question Mark Menu

    Press and hold Up + Run + Block at the options screen until it begins to shake.

    Contributed by: XPLICIT187 

  2. Stage Select

    To choose what stage you want to fight at, highlight Sonya and hold Up+Enter before you select your fighter

    Contributed by: Warhawk 

  3. Classic Characters

    To be able to fight as MK1 Kano or Rayden, or MK2 Jax or Kung Lao highlight one of these characters and press either X or 7

    Contributed by: Warhawk 

  4. Immediately Access Lost Treasures of Shao Kahn

    Add the following parameter to the command line in your shortcut properties or when launching from DOS:
    You can also combine this with other parameters.
    This will automatically take you to the Lost Treasures screen that usually appears when you beat Shao Kahn or win an 8-player tournament.

    Contributed by: jh51681 

  5. Random Select

    Press Up+Start with Noob Saibot highlighted (Player 1) or Rain highlighted (Player 2) to randomly select a fighter.

    Contributed by: jh51681 

  6. Play as Chameleon

    To play as the ever-changing ninja Chameleon, choose a male fighter then hold Back+HP+HK+BL+RN until your fighter changes.

    Contributed by: jh51681 

  7. Debug Coordinates

    While playing the game push N

    Contributed by: Undergrads2003 

  8. 1 Button Fatalities

    Add the following parameter to the command line in your shortcut properties mkrtilw -f_1butt command line then input 1 of the keys below when "FINISH HIM" appears on the screen.

    High Punch = Brutality
    Low Punch = Babality
    High Kick = Fatality 1
    Low Kick = Fatality 2
    Block = Friendship
    Run = Animality

    Contributed by: Undergrads2003 

  9. Instant Kills

    Add the following parameter to the command line in your shortcut properties mktrilw -instykill in the command line.
    Push F1 to kill Player 1 or F2 to kill Player 2

    Contributed by: Undergrads2003 

  10. View all Command Line Cheats

    Add the following parameter to the command line in your shortcut properties mktrilw -povhelp in the command line
    *Works only w/ Windows*

    Contributed by: Undergrads2003 

  11. Versus Screen Codes

    Players 1 and 2 must enter these button combinations on the vs. screen with the HP, HK, and LK buttons respectively. The number indicates the times you must press each button.

    Effect Effect
    P1: (0,3,3) P2: (0,0,0) 1/2 energy for Player 1
    P1: (0,0,0) P2: (0,3,3) 1/2 energy for Player 2
    P1: (7,0,7) P2: (0,0,0) 1/4 energy for Player 1
    P1: (0,0,0) P2: (7,0,7) 1/4 energy for Player 2
    P1: (0,2,0) P2: (0,2,0) No Blocking
    P1: (3,0,0) P2: (3,0,0) No Sound
    P1: (1,0,0) P2: (1,0,0) No Throws
    P1: (7,8,8) P2: (3,2,2) Quick uppercut recovery
    P1: (0,1,0) P2: (0,1,0) Throwing Encouraged
    P1: (4,6,6) P2: (4,6,6) Unlimited Run

    Contributed by: Undergrads2003 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Character FAQs Smoke by KasketDarkfyre 7K
Character FAQs Sub-Zero by KasketDarkfyre 7K
Foreign Language FAQs FAQ/Move List by Xandoidao 10K
Foreign Language FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by DarkBarreto 62K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Anonymous 34K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by CBlaney 22K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by CGrey 30K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by DMarsh 71K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Rain 22K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Shawnecyx 60K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by SirGalahad 98K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Smoke 59K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by WorknMan-rat 36K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by DarkLink89 74K
General FAQs Move List by ADunn 27K
In-Depth FAQs Combo FAQ by Sub-Zero 10K
In-Depth FAQs Console Differences FAQ by psychochronic 10K
In-Depth FAQs Shao Kahn's Treasures FAQ by psychochronic 17K
In-Depth FAQs UNIVBE Workaround FAQ by PsychoSy 7K