Cheats & Guides

Metal Gear Solid Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Women's Restroom Codec

    When you enter the women's restroom to talk to Meryl, stop and call Nastasha and Mei Ling first. Nastasha will be annoyed. But Mei Ling will be absolutely furious at Snake, and will even say she won't let you save.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  2. Hallway Cinematography

    After you've reached the hallway directly before Otacon's lab, take the time to examine the guards that the Cyborg Ninja just killed. If you crouch down near them, you'll find that every single body will be shown with cinematic camera angles. Some bodies have multiple camera angles to display them close-up, at a distance, or numerous bodies at the same time. Other angles can be seen by leaning against the wall next to the crater at the end of the hallway, as well as leaning against the wall where the hallway turns left. This trick also works with any plot-relevant character who dies and/or injured and is left lying on the ground.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  3. Alternate Ketchup Codecs

    After you've escaped from the cell, call Otacon. The conversation will be different depending on how well/if you used the ketchup to escape. If you used it successfully, Snake will be in disbelief that it actually worked. If you failed or didn't use the ketchup at all, Snake won't understand what Otacon's idea was, and state that the guard was just careless.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  4. Hidden Briefing Tape

    Choose the Briefing section from the main menu. After you've watched the first tape, immediately exit from the Briefing section without watching any of the other tapes. This will automatically trigger a hidden tape in which Snake outright refuses the mission, saying he wants to get back to his huskies at Twin Lakes. Campbell will responded with a more hostile tone, and will not-so subtly blackmail Snake into accepting the mission.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  5. Title Screen Tricks

    When you reach the title screen, push any of the directions on the D-Pad to be able to get different colors for the background graphics.

    Contributed by: KasketDarkfyre 

  6. Alternate SOCOM Dialogue

    In the first area of the game, do not pick up the SOCOM. Instead, go into the 1st floor vent. Turn left and follow the path all the way to the end. It'll trigger a cutscene in which the guards talk about the status of their supply of SOCOMs, and how the lock on one of the doors is broken.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  7. Snake Goes Insane

    When Meryl gets shot by Sniper Wolf, don't retreat. Instead, shoot or throw explosives at Meryl as she's bleeding out on the ground. Meryl will weakly demand to know why Snake has betrayed her. This will also trigger multiple codec calls from Campbell and Naomi, who will yell at you to stop. For maximum effect, try shooting Meryl with one bullet at a time. Eventually, a horrified Campbell will proclaim that Snake has gone insane, and Naomi will call Snake a poor excuse of a man.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  8. Campbell's Assessment

    Campbell will make different comments depending on how quickly you make it up the elevator at the beginning of the game. If you do it quickly, Campbell will say that age hasn't slowed Snake down one bit. But if you take too long, he'll say that Snake must be feeling a little rusty.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  9. Raven Codecs

    When you're on the cargo elevator on the way down to the Vulcan Raven fight, take the time to kill several of the ravens around you. This will eventually trigger a call from Campbell and Naomi, who will be utterly disgusted by you. Also, an extra line will be added to Vulcan Raven's pre-battle cutscene; he'll yell at you for killing his friends.

    Alternatively, you can call Master Miller while on the cargo elevator. Snake will refer to the birds as crows, but Miller will correct him and explain that particular species of raven. This brief lecture will only appear if you call him while on the elevator, but before he calls to warn Snake about Naomi. If done correctly, he'll do the raven lecture first, and then say, "By the way..." and segue into the scripted Naomi conversation all within the same codec call. Also, any references to crows will be changed to ravens from that point forward.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  10. Running And Shooting At The Same Time

    Pressing both the Square and X Buttons in tandem will allow you to run and shoot at the same time. This makes the Revolver Ocelot fight, the Communications Tower stair sequence, and several other parts of the game much easier.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  11. Alternate Ocelot Scene

    At the end of his boss fight, Ocelot will normally praise your skills and comment how long it's been since he's had such a good fight. But if you die repeatedly, it'll trigger a different scene. Ocelot will mock your performance and say you're not cut out for war. He'll also have a different reaction to the Cyborg Ninja.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  12. Ocelot's Save Warning

    If you haven't saved in a long time before the torture sequence begins, Ocelot will actually break the fourth wall to mention it, and extra line will be added to the cutscene. He'll warn you that it'll be game over if you die by torture, and asks, "You really wanna travel down that long road again?"

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  13. Meryl Kills Snake

    If you hit Meryl, she'll hit back and deal a tiny amount of damage. However, it is possible to kill Snake using this method. If you intentionally get Snake's health down to the bare minimum and let Meryl punch him, it'll trigger a Game Over with Mei Ling saying a unique line: "This can't be!"

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  14. Blast Furnace Crane Skip

    When you go through the Blast Furnace, you normally have to walk slowly along a narrow ledge while avoiding a moving crane. But if you have the Nikita or Stinger missiles, you can actually just shoot the crane. The explosions will severely damage it, letting you get past the ledge without any extra effort.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  15. Cardboard Box Fast Travel

    The Cardboard Boxes have a secret use aside from stealth. When you come across a cargo truck, get into the back, equip a cardboard box, and don't do anything else. This will automatically trigger a cutscene in which a guard will notice the box and deliver you to another location. The destination depends on what's printed on the side of the box. Box A goes to the Heliport, Box B goes to the Nuclear Warhead Storage Building, and Box C goes to the Snowfield. This trick will significantly cut down on the time you need to spend on backtracking.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  16. Extra Johnny Scene

    Once you escape from the holding cell, deliberately let Johnny see you, but don't attack him. Instead, let him chase you back into the torture room. This will trigger a brief scene in which his stomach gets the better of him yet again, and he runs to the nearby bathroom. You can even taunt him by knocking on the bathroom door while he's in there, and he'll groan in response.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  17. Net Yaroze PlayStation

    When you're in Otacon's Lab, head to the center area and look closely at the desks. One of them will have a Net Yaroze PlayStation, complete with a DualShock controller.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  18. Alternate Meryl Introduction

    There's an alternate scene of Snake and Meryl talking for the first time. If you haven't gotten the SOCOM by this point, Snake will grab the tip of Meryl's FAMAS instead of drawing the gun.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  19. Exhausted Snake

    After you've finished the stairs sequence and made it onto the roof of the Communications Tower, immediately call Colonel Campbell before the next cutscene. This will trigger a unique Codec. Snake will be out of breath after climbing all those stairs. Naomi will mention that Snake's vital stats indicate he's exhausted. Campbell will jokingly ask Snake if he's out of shape from all the dog mushing he's done since retiring.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  20. Controlling Guards on Controller 2 During Escape Route

    During the escape sequence, if you plug in a controller into port 2, you can control some of the guards.

    Contributed by: retroboy1827 

  21. Hideo Kojima Message (JP Version Only)

    If you have a save game of Policenauts on your memory card when you fight Psycho Mantis, he will mention it as usual. However, if you have a save game of Policenauts and Snatcher, you will get a special message saying that you enjoy Hideo Kojima games. After this, Hideo Kojima himself will thank you for your support. Note that this only works on the Japanese version of the game.

    Contributed by: rob29 

  22. Get Mei Ling Mad

    Keep calling Mei Ling on the codec. Say do not save about 5 to 8 times. She will get mad eventually and stop talking to you.

    Contributed by: danyates 

  23. Castlevania Message

    If you have a save game of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night on your memory card, Psycho Mantis will give you surprising message before you fight him.

    Contributed by: LaC2 

  24. Defeat Psycho Mantis with ease

    Make the boss fight with Psycho Mantis much easier by switching your controller to port 2 when the message HIDEO appears on your screen. If you do it correctly, Psycho Mantis will be unable to read your thoughts making the fight much easier.

    Contributed by: metalgearsolid5 

  25. A more useful cardboard box

    When you're in the cave area with Meryl, hit her and quickly equip a cardboard box. She'll order a wolf to attack you, but if you're in a box, a wolf will pee on it instead. Now whenever that box is equipped the wolves will no longer attack you.

    Contributed by: Dinob0t 

  26. Easily cross minefields.

    If you don't have the mine detector, but want to cross a minefield without having to worry about blowing up, just go up to the area where you believe mines are and crawl across the ground. Not only will you be unharmed, but you will also receive any claymore mines that you crawl over!

    Contributed by: Felix_Arabia_ 

  27. Suikoden Message

    If you have a Suikoden Save Game on your Memory Card ,
    Psycho Mantis will give you special message regarding Suikoden when he reads your mind.

    Contributed by: ShinWesker 

  28. Otacon's Ending

    To view Otacon's Ending instead of Meryl's ending after completing the game, submit to Ocelot's torture after being captured.

    Contributed by: UltimaterializerX 

  29. Save message from Psycho Mantis

    If you save enough times before fighting Psycho Mantis he will tell you how wise you are for saving often.

    Contributed by: djmikso 

  30. Alternate Save Message from Psycho Mantis

    If you save less than three times before you fight Psycho Mantis, you will get a special message on how reckless you are.

    Contributed by: MrFoxhound 

  31. Tokimemo Message (JP Version Only)

    If you have at least two Tokimeki Memorial save games on your memory card, Psycho Mantis will comment on it when you encounter him. Note that this includes all PS1 Tokimeki Memorial games made 1998 and earlier. Also, this is exclusive to the Japanese version of the game.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  32. Faster elevator

    Ever wanted to eliminate the risk of getting caught waiting for the elevator? Just go over to the call button an push it a second time, it will show up immediately. It's quite useful for speedruns!

    Contributed by: NitroPalm 

  33. Konami Game Preferences Messages (JP Version Only)

    The classic Psycho Mantis memory card easter egg is far more extensive in the original Japanese version. Aside from specific games, he will mention the genres and studios you like based on different combinations of game saves from various titles. If you have at least two saves including Policenauts and the Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series Vol. 1 or 2, he'll comment that you like KCE Japan games. If Snatcher is included among those saves, he'll comment that you like Adventure games. If you have at least two saves including Mitsumete Knight and Tokimeki Memorial: Forever With You or Private Collection, he'll comment that you like dating sims. If you have at least two saves from Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius, Gradius Gaiden, Susume or Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Puzzle Dama, he'll comment that you like Arcade games. If you have at least three saves from any of the aforementioned games, any of the TwinBee or Tokimeki Memorial games made in 1998 or earlier, or Lightning Legend, he'll comment that you like Konami games.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  34. Meryl's Ending

    Resist Ocelet's torture to see a happy ending where everyone lives.

    Contributed by: MrFoxhound 

  35. Game Preference Messages

    Aside from the specific games Psycho Mantis can mention when you encounter him, there are a couple of extra messages that will appear if you have saves from several games on one memory card. He'll mention that you enjoy RPGs if you have a combination of at least two of these games: Suikoden, Azure Dreams, and Vandal Hearts. He'll mention that you enjoy Konami games if you have at least three games saved. These include the aforementioned ones, as well as Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  36. Azure Dreams Message

    If you have a save game of Azure Dreams on your memory card when you fight Psycho Mantis, he'll mention it when you encounter him.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  37. Meryl Undressed

    There are two different ways you can see Meryl without her pants on. When you're in the vents on the way to the DARPA chief, look down into Meryl's cell and watch her work out. Leave the vent, go back in, and watch her work out. Repeat this five or six times, and eventually she do the workout while undressed.

    The second way is when you have to find Meryl when she's pretending to be one of the soldiers. When she runs to the restroom, get to the last stall within five seconds. The cutscene will play out like normal, but she won't be wearing pants because she didn't have enough time to change.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  38. How to make the Ninja free you

    After you are tortured, thrown in the cell, and called Otacon, the guard goes to the bathroom. Otacon comes, gives you a few things and then when he leaves and the guard comes back, let the guard go to the bathroom 2 more times. When the guard goes to the bathroom the second time, you'll hear something like a FAMAS. The Ninja comes and frees you!

    Contributed by: Pin_Cheater 

  39. Ghost Picture of Hideo Kojima

    After you beat the Ninja, take your camera and take a picture of the picture of the big orange-like robots in Otacon's lab. When you've done it, reset and load the picture. You'll see a ghost picture of Hideo Kojima!

    Contributed by: Pin_Cheater 

  40. Mono TV

    Before the fight with the Hind D, change the audio settings from stereo to mono. During the fight, call Campbell twice. At first, he'll advise you to listen for the Hind D's rotors to know which direction it's coming from. However, he and the rest of the team be surprised when they discover you're using a mono TV.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  41. Blushing Meryl

    When you're with Meryl, stare directly at her in first person view for a minute or so. She'll get embarrassed and blush. The longer you do it, the brighter red her character model will become.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  42. Misc. Unlockables

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete the game and submit to Ocelot's torture, then start a new game. Camera
    Complete the game with either ending; complete both endings to completely unlock this option. Demo Theater Mode
    Complete the game on any mode and start a new one. Extreme Mode
    Beat the game with 100 percent two times, then go fight the ninja. Fight Red Ninja
    Enter the VR training mode and successfully complete training mode time attack mode(look for cheat on list). When your done re-enter VR training mode, you'll find the new option. Gun Shooting Mode
    Beat the game 3 times on the same save file. The official Metal Gear Solid themetune will play during the second half of the end credits Hear the MGS theme tune play during the end credits
    Do not submit to Ocelot's toture and at the end you will get Meryl's ending. She will give you a bandanna. Load the game and you will have the bandanna. Equip it and you will have infinite ammo. Infinite Ammo
    Beat the game and submit to Ocelot's torture. Otocan will give you his stealth camoflauge. Load the game and you will have stealth. Equip it and you will be invisible, although wolves can see you and when an FMV shows the guards will see you. Stealth
    Complete Gun Shooting Mode in VR Training Survival Mode
    Complete all other VR Training modes Technical Demonstration Mode
    Enter the VR training mode and succesfully complete training mode. When you re-enter VR Training Mode, you'll find the new option. Time Attack
    Beat the game twice, one with Meryl's ending, once with Otacon's ending. Save them on the same slot. Load the new game and when Snake goes up the elevator in the Dock, Snake will change into a tux. Tuxedo

    Contributed by: chrono3000, Melchior, DARKCLOUDSTRIFE, _JesusFreak1990, metalgearsolid5, Rage012 

  43. Different ending/music

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat game while wearing the Tuxedo Different ending/music

    Contributed by: Warhawk 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Codes and Secrets Secrets Guide by X-Treme 24K
Foreign Language Guides Game Script by Lacassin 181K
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by victorl4 23K
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Jacv 123K
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Imperator 216K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by JHenriksson 90K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by RHarris 188K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by RHendrawan 245K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by ThE_bLImP 27K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by WZafran 43K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Nemesis 85K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by MNolan 64K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Bilboboy 68K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by wayalla 137K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by El_Greco 253K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by winnie_the_poop 130K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by SinirothX 146K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by ChandooG 276K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Crazyreyn 140K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough (Part 1 of 2) by IRojas 14K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough (Part 2 of 2) by IRojas 12K
Full Game Guides Spoiler-Free Walkthrough by Nemesis 10K
Full Game Guides Walkthrough by DHernandez 69K
Full Game Guides Walkthrough by NAkhtar 18K
Full Game Guides Walkthrough by AstroBlue 62K
In-Depth Guides Big Boss FAQ by HitBLaSta 13K
In-Depth Guides Big Boss Rank Walkthrough by SRiesterer 91K
In-Depth Guides Big Boss/Speed FAQ by CHatala 48K
In-Depth Guides Boss Guide by Mike_Kelehan 13K
In-Depth Guides Briefing Mode Guide by J_Sasaki 28K
In-Depth Guides Character FAQ by Dosferra 3K
In-Depth Guides Extreme Difficulty Walkthrough by Dark_Angel_13 and Liquid316 230K
In-Depth Guides Fun Stuff Guide by KThomas 15K
In-Depth Guides Game Script by El_Greco 254K
In-Depth Guides General Speed Guide by MKim 60K
In-Depth Guides Ghosts FAQ by volvox 14K
In-Depth Guides Ghosts FAQ by Tmplknght 13K
In-Depth Guides Information Guide by RBanks 11K
In-Depth Guides Metal Gear Series Timeline by Intothisworld 55K
In-Depth Guides Music FAQ by Imperator 15K
In-Depth Guides Plot Summary by GMorrissey 346K
In-Depth Guides PSX/Gamecube Changes List by AquaHaute 18K
In-Depth Guides Rankings FAQ by RHarris 4K
In-Depth Guides Reference Guide by Dark_Id 425K
In-Depth Guides Text Dump by AUrbina 607K
In-Depth Guides VR Training FAQ by Viktorius 19K
Patch Codes Meryl Ending Code by NathanPS 5K

Metal Gear Solid Cheats For Dreamcast

  1. Unlockables

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat the game twice Crimson Ninja
    To obtain the ''Bandana'' item (which, when equipped, gives you unlimited ammo), do not submit to Ocelot's torture. Beat the game and save the file. Start a new game on that file and you will have the Bandana item. Infinite Ammo
    To obtain the ''Stealth'' item (which, when equipped, makes you invisible to enemy sight), submit to Ocelot's torture. Beat the game and save the file. Start a new game on that file and you will have the Stealth item. Stealth Suit
    Get the stealth and bandana and on the third try you should be wearing a tuxedo Tuxedo Suit

    Contributed by: Dauragon C Mikado88, NTsui, dont hack me 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by El_Greco 253K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by winnie_the_poop 130K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by SinirothX 146K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by winnie the poop 2 140K

Metal Gear Solid Integral Cheats For PC

  1. Staff on the Codec

    Go to a jammed area like the place where you fight Ocelot and set your codec to 140.7

    Contributed by: mkwong98 

  2. Demo Theater Mode

    Beat the game with either Meryl or Otacon ending to unlock this option. Plays all the Cutscenes and Codec calls threw the whole game depending on what ending you picked.

    Contributed by: godreault 

  3. Stealth Camo:

    Do submit to Ocelot Torture and you will get the Otacon Ending after you beat the game. When you load up the save file you will now have a “Stealth Camo” in your inventory. When the Stealth Camo is equipped, you will now be Invisible to the soldiers. (Except the Bosses, they will be able to see you)

    Contributed by: godreault 

  4. Infinite Ammo:

    Do not submit to Ocelot Torture and you will get the Meryl Ending after you beat the game. When you load up the save file you will now have a “Bandanna” in your inventory. When the Bandanna is equipped, you will now have Infinite Ammo.

    Contributed by: godreault 

  5. Easier ninja

    While fighting the ninja throw a chaff grenade and he will freeze letting you hit him.Once you hit him he will fall to his knees and won't get up until all the yellow dust from the chaff grenade has fallen.

    Contributed by: Ecstacy2003 

  6. Animal rights

    Shooting crows and rats will make roy and naomi upset. They'll contact you through your codec and tell you how mean you are.

    Contributed by: Ecstacy2003 

  7. Tuxedo Costume

    Complete the game and save it after the credits end. Load the game and complete it again. Save the game after the credits end. Load the game once more and begin playing. Snake will change into a tuxedo in the elevator during the game.

    Contributed by: XPLICIT187 

  8. All Weapons

    start the game with msg.exe -cheatenable in the command line. Then in game use the following codes:

    Effect Effect
    Backspace + 7 C4
    Backspace + 6 Claymore
    Backspace + 2 Famas
    Backspace + 3 Grenade
    Backspace + 4 Nikita
    Backspace + 0 PSG-1
    Backspace + 1 Socom
    Backspace + 5 Stinger
    Backspace + 9 Stun/Chaff Grenade
    Backspace + 8 Stun/Chaff Grenade

    Contributed by: ECFan89 

  9. Cheat Codes

    Start the game with mgsi.exe -cheatenable in the command line. Then press the following keys during the game:

    Effect Effect
    F4 Infinite Ammo (only in certain areas)
    F5 Normal View
    F6 Observe Mode (Camera can be moved)
    F7 Restart level w/ all collected items
    F2 Restore health
    F8, F9, F11, F12 Toggle graphics textures

    Contributed by: Starky27 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Codes and Secrets Secrets Guide by X-Treme 24K
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by victorl4 23K
Foreign Language Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Imperator 216K
Full Game Guides FAQ (Japanese) by YSF 256K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by JHenriksson 90K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by RHarris 188K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by RHendrawan 245K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by ThE_bLImP 27K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by WZafran 43K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Nemesis 85K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Bilboboy 68K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by wayalla 137K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by El_Greco 253K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by winnie_the_poop 130K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by SinirothX 146K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by ChandooG 276K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough (Part 1 of 2) by IRojas 14K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough (Part 2 of 2) by IRojas 12K
Full Game Guides Spoiler-Free Walkthrough by Nemesis 10K
Full Game Guides Walkthrough by DHernandez 69K
Full Game Guides Walkthrough by NAkhtar 18K
Full Game Guides Walkthrough by AstroBlue 62K
In-Depth FAQs MDX Music Guide by Yoshi Ayarane 8K
In-Depth FAQs Puzzle Mode FAQ by CMacDonald 8K
In-Depth Guides Big Boss FAQ by HitBLaSta 13K
In-Depth Guides Big Boss Rank Walkthrough by SRiesterer 91K
In-Depth Guides Big Boss/Speed FAQ by CHatala 48K
In-Depth Guides Boss Guide by Mike_Kelehan 13K
In-Depth Guides Briefing Mode Guide by J_Sasaki 28K
In-Depth Guides Character FAQ by Dosferra 3K
In-Depth Guides Extreme Difficulty Walkthrough by Dark_Angel_13 and Liquid316 230K
In-Depth Guides General Speed Guide by MKim 60K
In-Depth Guides Ghosts FAQ by volvox 14K
In-Depth Guides Mei-Ling Photography FAQ (Japanese) by JNgo 4K
In-Depth Guides Metal Gear Series Timeline by Intothisworld 55K
In-Depth Guides Music FAQ by Imperator 15K
In-Depth Guides Plot Summary by GMorrissey 346K
In-Depth Guides Rankings FAQ by RHarris 4K
In-Depth Guides Reference Guide by Dark_Id 425K
In-Depth Guides VR Disc FAQ (Japanese) by Saviour-V 8K
In-Depth Guides VR Disc FAQ (Japanese) by ShinJN 132K
In-Depth Guides VR Disc Guide (Japanese) by BOng 39K
In-Depth Guides VR Training FAQ by Viktorius 19K
Patch Codes Meryl Ending Code by NathanPS 5K

Metal Gear Solid Integral Cheats For PlayStation

  1. First-Person View Mode

    The first-person view mode will be available in the special option once you have completed the game once, except with difficulty level, Very Easy. This mode will be quite similar to any Doom or Quake style games. To switch between first person view mode and normal mode, tap triangle twice rapidly. Note that your rank during your first play doesn't affect anything.

    Contributed by: YSF 

  2. Secret Music Codec

    There's a secret codec that plays music, but only works in specific areas. When you're in the Canyon, the entrance of the Comms Tower, or the Snowfield, call 140.66. It will play remixes of three different songs: "Discovery," "Zanzibar Breeze," and "Theme of Solid Snake."

    Contributed by: Cloud_668 

  3. Alternate Outfits

    If you complete the game two times with both endings revealed and have stealth and Bandana as your special item, both Solid Snake and Cyborg Ninja will have their alternate outfits, tuxedo and Crimson red and blue cyborg suit when you play the game for the third time. So, what's the difference between the original Metal Gear Solid and the Metal Gear Solid Integral? The difference is, beside Solid Snake, and Cyborg Ninja, Meryl will now have a new outfit, which is like Snake's sneaking suit.

    Contributed by: YSF 

  4. New Codec Frequency

    In your codec, have you ever wonder what the last row and last columm for? Try calling frequency 140.07 to talk to the staff. Unfortuately, the conversations are in Japanese, so I don't know what they are talking about. There is no English voice-overs available.

    Contributed by: YSF 

  5. Title Screen Tricks

    At the title screen, press any of the directions on the D-Pad to change the background colors.

    Contributed by: KasketDarkfyre 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides FAQ (Japanese) by YSF 256K
In-Depth Guides Mei-Ling Photography FAQ (Japanese) by JNgo 4K
In-Depth Guides VR Disc FAQ (Japanese) by Saviour-V 8K
In-Depth Guides VR Disc FAQ (Japanese) by ShinJN 132K
In-Depth Guides VR Disc Guide (Japanese) by BOng 39K

Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Alternate Title Screen

    Complete 85% of the game to unlock Ninja Mode and the title screen will change to show the face of the Ninja.

    Contributed by: robertwarnes91 

  2. Misc. Unlockables

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat all the sneaking modes with a best time (30 in all). Mei Ling Photo Shoot
    Complete 70% of the total missions. Mystery Mode
    Complete at least 80% of the VR missions NG Selection Mode
    Complete 85% of the total missions. Ninja Mode
    Complete Game 100% Picture of Metal Gear RAY
    Complete at least 50% of the VR missions. Puzzle Mode
    Beat every mission in the entire game. Secret Pictures

    Contributed by: KasketDarkfyre, Ben del Raichu, eelshock61, Mr Flunchy, rob29 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides FAQ (Japanese) by YSF 256K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by BJange 143K
In-Depth FAQs Mystery Mode FAQ by Jerome 8K
In-Depth FAQs NG Selection Mode FAQ by Jerome 8K
In-Depth FAQs Puzzle Mode FAQ by CMacDonald 8K
In-Depth Guides VR Disc FAQ (Japanese) by Saviour-V 8K
In-Depth Guides VR Disc FAQ (Japanese) by ShinJN 132K
In-Depth Guides VR Disc Guide (Japanese) by BOng 39K