Cheats & Guides

Front Mission 4 Cheats For PlayStation 2

  1. Secret level in the Demo

    After you have completed all the available missions in the demo, save your game (Make sure to do it after you complete the last mission). Then, load that save up and go to the mission list. Make sure the first mission is selected and press Up and X. You will then be taken to the Wanzer Shop, and, once done, will start the secret bonus level in the Demo.

    Contributed by: Icelight 


    Play Durandal simulation 13 and finish it under 10 minutes.

    Contributed by: ardiyono 

  3. EP plus without using skill slots

    In the U.S. version of FM4, if you have a pilot learn and equip the skill EP plus and then fight through one battle(can be a simulator mission) with it on, you can then replace that ep plus and equip some other skills with the freed up slot, but the pilot will still gain 20% extra ep per battle until you either reset or load another game.

    Contributed by: ollumi 

  4. End Game Save - New Game Plus

    Successfully complete the game first. Then after the Credits, the game will take you to the Save/Load/Exit menu, select Save. On the main menu, select Load and load the end game save, you'll be starting the game from the beginning but you keep the money and the characters' EPs from the previous game, everything else will be reset.

    Contributed by: Kouli 

  5. Durandal: Unlockable Simulations & Items

    The following is a list of unlockable simulations, detailed by the simulation are items, parts, or weapons you will acquire by beating that simulation. <p />Note: These are for the Durandal Missions/Simulations

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Win Stage 1: Jutland, Denmark Durandal Simulation 1
    In Stage 16: Port Nikolaev defeat the two Zeder H2 missileers in 15 turns OR win Durandal Simulation 6 in 25 Turns or Less. Durandal Simulation 10 (Vampire Arms)
    Win Stage 22 Defend the Carrier w/The Carrier's HP 40% or higher left OR Win Durandal Simulation 7 in 30 Turns or Less Durandal Simulation 11 (Zhelanie IV Wanzer)
    Win Stage 24: Zaftran Terminal with over half the British Army Wanzers intact, OR win Durandal Simulation 8 in 30 Turns or Less Durandal Simulation 12 (Artdeux Machinegun)
    Win Durandal Simulation 12 Durandal Simulation 13 (JP75-AdlerII/ EMP9F-LicorneII/ RD33-GlockeII)
    Win Stage 2: German Base Durandal Simulation 2
    Win Stage 6: German Border Durandal Simulation 3
    Win Stage 7: Blauer Nebel Castle Durandal Simulation 4
    Win Stage 12: Zaftran Border Durandal Simulation 5
    Win Stage 18: Megafloat Base Durandal Simulation 6
    Win Stage 23: Zaftran Border Fortress Durandal Simulation 7
    Win Stage 24: Zaftran Terminal Durandal Simulation 8
    Win Stage 6: German Border in 15 Turns or Less Durandal Simulation 9 (Galbados Rocket Launcher)

    Contributed by: WBirkin, cyrus19 

  6. U.C.S.: Unlockable Simulations & Items

    The following are the requirements to unlock UCS Simultations:

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Automatically Unlocks when you earn Simulator mode in U.C.S. Missions. U.C.S. Simulation 1
    Defeat all enemy units in Stage 14: Governor's Manor, OR win U.C.S. Simulation 5 in 30 Turns or Less. U.C.S. Simulation 10 (Minotaur Weapon Arms)
    In Stage 21: Base Elevator Shaft, move a unit to the very bottom platform in 10 Turns or Less, OR win U.C.S. Simulation 7 in 25 Turns or Less. U.C.S. Simulation 11 (Zenith RV Wanzer)
    Win Stage 26: Central Caracas, but destroy Ivanovna's Zhuk II before destroying the two Zhuk I-B units, OR win U.C.S. Sim. 11 in 20 or Less Turns U.C.S. Simulation 12 (Oborona II Wanzer)
    Win Stage 8: Port Cumana U.C.S. Simulation 2
    Win Stage 10: Refugee Village U.C.S. Simulation 3
    Win Stage 13: Caracas Hideout U.C.S. Simulation 4
    Win Stage 15: Caracas Escape U.C.S. Simulation 5
    Win Stage 20: Secret Zaftran Base U.C.S. Simulation 6
    Win Stage 26: Central Caracas U.C.S. Simulation 7
    Win Stage 4: Guinerama Base in 15 Turns or Less OR Win U.C.S. Simulation 2 in 20 Turns or Less. U.C.S. Simulation 8 (22s Leosocial Machinegun)
    Win Stage 13: Caracas Hideout without losing any Alianza Units, OR Win U.C.S. Simulation 4 in 30 Turns or Less. U.C.S. Simulation 9 (BOA 36 Bazooka)

    Contributed by: WBirkin 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by fatgamecat 127K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Der Schnitter 611K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by felix79 34K
In-Depth Guides Ability Ranks Guide by d3smond and akade1 19K
In-Depth Guides Bare Bones Walkthrough by Lord Plothos 31K
In-Depth Guides Battle Simulator FAQ by LegaiaRules 137K
In-Depth Guides Battle Skill List by Neo Combattler 13K
In-Depth Guides Beginner's Guide by Lord Plothos 62K
In-Depth Guides Computer Shop List by akade1 and d3smond 25K
In-Depth Guides Damage Tables by Lord Plothos 22K
In-Depth Guides Enemy Guide by moogon 162K
In-Depth Guides Game Script by Ascerute 389K
In-Depth Guides Simulator Guide by moogon 15K
In-Depth Guides Special Weapon Guide by moogon 11K
In-Depth Guides Wanzer Shop FAQ by Lord Plothos 40K
Patch Codes Patch Codes by romeoluo 31K