Cheats & Guides

Chaser (2003) Cheats For PC

  1. Using Console and the cheats that go along with it

    Unlocking console:
    Find your shortcut to "Chaser" and select properties, then add "-console" at the end of the target line (without the qoutes). While playing the game, push ~, then submit one of the codes below in the console window to unlock that particular cheat code. You must push the "+" on the right hand side of the screen to activate the cheat, then push ~ to resume the game.

    Effect Effect
    \cht_armor 100 100 additional armor
    \cht_health: 100 100 health \cht_health
    \cht_giveall All weapons and items
    \cht_timescale <number> Change game speed
    \cht_flymode Flight mode
    \cht_god God mode
    \cht_weapon <name> Spawn indicated weapon

    Contributed by: killaXxXcroc