Cheats & Guides

All-Star Baseball 99 Cheats For Nintendo 64

  1. Lizard Team

    At the Kansas City Royals stadium, if you hit one of the two signs that say ''Win a Lizard?'', your team will turn into lizards.

    Contributed by: Baseman 

  2. Cheat Codes

    At the Cheat Menu:

    Effect Effect
    PRPPAPLYR 2D Players
    BEST AL and NL All-stars
    GOTHELIUM Big Head Mode
    BROKNBATS Broken Bats
    ABBTNCSTLO Change Players Weight
    BBNSTRDS Giant Baseball
    ATEMYBUIK Play Alien Team
    GRTBLSFDST Trail on Baseball

    Contributed by: KasketDarkfyre, Sarxos, War Pig, Mike Truitt, matt91486, flowerpot 

  3. Codes

    Effect Effect
    Pause the game, then hold Z and press B, C Left, C Up, C Right, C Down, B, A, C Left, C Left Baseball leaves a smoking trail
    Pause the game, then hold Z and press C Left, A, C Right, C Down, B, A, C Left, C Left Big Baseball
    At the Title Screen press R, A, Z, R, C-Right, A, B Credits Option
    Pause the game, then hold Z and press C-up, C-right, A, C-right, A, C-down, C-down, C-up, C-up, C-down. Players Are Paper-Thin
    Pause the game, then hold Z and press C Up, C Right, A, C Left, C Left, B, C Up, C Left, C Left Players' heads, feet, hands and bats are big
    Pause the game, then hold Z and press C Left, C Left, C Right, C Up, B, C Right Some players are fat, others are thin

    Contributed by: WillDay, War Pig, Limit Break 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by BScharmann 17K
General FAQs FAQ/Strategy Guide by VinnyVideo 38K
In-Depth FAQs Create-A-Player FAQ by FrenZy 15K

All-Star Baseball 99 Cheats For Game Boy

  1. Score/Inning Edit

    During any game mode, when the Team Options menu is displayed, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Left, Right, and any other button. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Next, start a game in any more, then press Start to enter the Team Options menu. Enter the Scoreboard. Press Left/Right to change the inning, Up to boost the score of the top team, and Down to boost the score of the bottom team.

    Contributed by: Anonymous 

  2. Chicago Cubs (162 Season Length) Passwords

    From the Game Setup screen, select PASSWORD, and enter the following

    8SqDCb 001 Win, 0 Loses
    8SqFFv 002 Win, 0 Loses
    8SqGG( 003 Win, 0 Loses
    8SqHH= 004 Win, 0 Loses
    8SqJk% 005 Win, 0 Loses
    8SqK(^ 006 Win, 0 Loses
    8SqLw^b 007 Win, 0 Loses
    8SqM#^v 008 Win, 0 Loses
    8SqN?^( 009 Win, 0 Loses
    8SqPy^= 010 Win, 0 Loses
    8SqQx^% 011 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SqRw^^ 012 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SqST^^b 013 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SqV8^^v 014 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SqWZ^^( 015 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SqXT^^= 016 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SqYZ^^% 017 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SqZZ^^^ 018 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sq00^^^b 019 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sq22^^^v 020 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sq3)^^^( 021 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sq4n^^^= 022 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sq5f^^^% 023 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sq6b^^^^ 024 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sq7f^^^^b 025 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sq8c^^^^v 026 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sq9b^^^^( 027 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sqc8^^^^= 028 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sqd*^^^^% 029 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sqfq^^^^^ 030 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sqgf^^^^^b 031 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sqjh^^^^^v 032 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sqkj^^^^^( 033 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sqll^^^^^= 034 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sqmm^^^^^% 035 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sqnn^^^^^^ 036 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SqpN^^^^^^b 037 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sqq6^^^^^^v 038 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SqrZ^^^^^^( 039 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SqsW^^^^^^= 040 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SqtY^^^^^^% 041 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SqvS^^^^^^^ 042 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SqwR^^^^^^^b 043 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SqxQ^^^^^^^v 044 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sqzp^^^^^^^( 045 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sq?+^^^^^^^= 046 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sq#w^^^^^^^% 047 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sq/z^^^^^^^^ 048 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sq()^^^^^^^^b 049 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sq))^^^^^^^^v 050 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sq++^^^^^^^^( 051 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sq==^^^^^^^^= 052 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sq*7^^^^^^^^% 053 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sq%R^^^^^^^^^ 054 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sq^J^^^^^^^^^b 055 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr_=^^^^^^^^^v 056 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrB^^^^^^^^^^( 057 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrC*^^^^^^^^^= 058 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrD=^^^^^^^^^% 059 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrG+^^^^^^^^^^ 060 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrH3^^^^^^^^^^b 061 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrJK^^^^^^^^^^v 062 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrKS^^^^^^^^^^( 063 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrLM^^^^^^^^^^= 064 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrMN^^^^^^^^^^% 065 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrPP^^^^^^^^^^^ 066 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrQQ^^^^^^^^^^^b 067 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrRR^^^^^^^^^^^v 068 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrSt^^^^^^^^^^^( 069 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrTb^^^^^^^^^^^= 070 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrYm^^^^^^^^^^^% 071 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrWs^^^^^^^^^^^^ 072 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrXr^^^^^^^^^^^^b 073 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrYp^^^^^^^^^^^^v 074 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrZn^^^^^^^^^^^^( 075 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr0m^^^^^^^^^^^^= 076 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr1K^^^^^^^^^^^^% 077 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr21^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 078 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr38^^^^^^^^^^^^^b 079 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr43^^^^^^^^^^^^^v 080 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr54^^^^^^^^^^^^^( 081 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr66^^^^^^^^^^^^^= 082 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr88^^^^^^^^^^^^^% 083 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr99^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 084 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Srb_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b 085 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrcV^^^^^^^^^^^^^^v 086 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Srd4^^^^^^^^^^^^^^( 087 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Srf9^^^^^^^^^^^^^^= 088 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Srk3^^^^^^^^^^^^^^% 089 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Srl1^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 090 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Srm0^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b 091 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrnZ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^v 092 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Srpz^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^( 093 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Srqf^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^= 094 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Srrn^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^% 095 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Srtq^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 096 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Srvw^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b 097 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Srww^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^v 098 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Srxx^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^( 099 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sryy^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^= 100 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SrzY^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^% 101 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr?G^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 102 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr#R^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b 103 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr/N^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^v 104 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr(H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^( 105 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr)H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^= 106 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr+G^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^% 107 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr!F^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 108 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr=f^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b 109 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr^x^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^v 110 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr%)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^( 111 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sr^=^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^= 112 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ss_B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^% 113 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsBB^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 114 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsCC^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b 115 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsFF^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^v 116 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsGh^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^( 117 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsH#^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^= 118 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsJ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^% 119 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsKz^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 120 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsL/^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b 121 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsNz^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^v 122 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsPy^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^( 123 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsQx^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^= 124 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsST^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^% 125 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsT9^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 126 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsY0^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b 127 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsWY^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^v 128 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsXW^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^( 129 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsYY^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^= 130 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsZZ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^% 131 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ss00^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 132 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ss1/^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b 133 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ss2l^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^v 134 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ss3C^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^( 135 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ss4j^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^= 136 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ss5h^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^% 137 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ss6f^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 138 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ss7d^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b 139 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ss8c^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^v 140 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ssb^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^( 141 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sscs^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^= 142 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ssdh^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^% 143 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ssfb^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 144 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ssgh^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b 145 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sshh^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^v 146 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ssjj^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^( 147 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Sskk^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^= 148 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SslK^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^% 149 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ssm3^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 150 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsnW^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b 151 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ssp1^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^v 152 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsqW^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^( 153 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SsrW^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^= 154 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SssY^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^% 155 Wins, 0 Loses
    8SstT^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 156 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ssvt^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b 157 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ssx*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^v 158 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ssyz^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^( 159 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ss?#^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^= 160 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ss#/^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^% 161 Wins, 0 Loses
    8Ss//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 162 Wins, 0 Loses (Final)

    Contributed by: GameMasterZer0 

  3. Last Game of The Playoffs

    Enter it at the password screen.

    Effect Effect
    pTvCQQwC4?XWr7q_ p_PDPYBDPT_ _ _ _ _ _ Last game

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides FAQ by GammaBetaAlpha 6K