Cheats & Guides

Age of Empires: The Age of Kings Cheats For DS

  1. Unlockable Maps

    This is a list of all the unlockable maps. You can unlock these for use in Empire Map mode by buying them with your empire points in "Bonus Items."

    Unlockable Unlockable
    250 empire points Agincourt
    200 empire points Archipelago Large
    300 empire points Asia Major
    100 empire points Bridges Large
    150 empire points Castles
    100 empire points France
    250 empire points Hannibal's Crossing
    250 empire points Hastings
    250 empire points Khyber Pass
    300 empire points King of the Mountain
    150 empire points Outremer
    250 empire points Skirmish- Desert
    250 empire points Skirmish- Plains
    150 empire points Swamplands
    100 empire points Valley

    Contributed by: EagleRebirth 

  2. Unlockable units

    Here are all of the unlockable units. You use empire points that you earn in matches to purchase them. To purchase them, just go to "bonus items" in the main menu.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    150 empire points Dark Ram
    100 empire points Dopple- handers
    100 empire points Genoese Crossbowmen
    200 empire points Knights of the Round Table
    150 empire points Mons Meg
    100 empire points Swiss Pikemen
    150 empire points War Wolf
    100 empire points Welsh Bowmen

    Contributed by: BillytheKilly 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Strategy Guide by iloveaoe 119K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Armaced 43K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by wolfmanphd 44K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by 1337mangamaster 64K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by obiwankenobi246 70K
General FAQs Walkthrough by jimmythesnowman 169K
In-Depth FAQs Unit Skill Guide by Raestloz 12K