im not getting gta4, mind as well just shoot me now.

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#101 Tylerdurdn71
Member since 2007 • 221 Posts

So you're just pissed off cause you parents don't let you buy itToriko42

sounds like it to me

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#103 tommy7154
Member since 2005 • 344 Posts

It's not just violent, it contains some pretty vocal and graphic sexual references including the ability to phone sex lines and pick up hookers. Fine family fun, eh?

GTA is a crime sim, there are drugs, sex, death, inappropriate language and a grim outlook on's NOT FOR KIDS!!

You Idiots who buy GTA games for children don't know what you're doing to your kids!! (Either that, or you know full well and should be thoroughly ashamed.)


I'm not buying it for her, it's for me. While I'd never encourage her to play something like that I would let her if she wanted to.

So far she's doing just fine and has never swore or killed anyone (so far as I know). So if you want to keep your kids as naive and uninformed about the real world as you can, cool. My kid knows drugs are bad, she knows what words are not to be said, and she probably knows more about sex than I'd like but I honestly don't know what she knows about that.

And since you apparently know and I don't have a clue, why don't you inform me what I'm doing to my kid?

As a side note, if I noticed any behavioral problems from my kid I certainly would not let her play something like that or watch R rated movies etc...In my mind it is the parent's responsibility to raise the kids, not the government or some watch group. I will decide what is and is not appropriate for my kid.

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#104 Thomasdeleo
Member since 2006 • 1984 Posts
I cannot believe this thread is still alive and kickin.
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#105 Muramasa_Edge
Member since 2004 • 287 Posts

You sir, should be obeying the law, instead of being one of the statistics that lead to hash ups like the Byron Report.

You're going to expose your kid to graphic language, audible sex, graphic violence, the ability to kill innocent people without any care, glorification of crime, theft, extortion and all that the game's content entails. You as a parent should be making sure that that sort of content doesn't fall into the hands of a developing mind, and if it does, you'd best be on hand to explain those themes as best you can. You realise of course that all of what is seen will be taken to the playground and to school? You know what social interactions kids do don't you?

I'd like to hope so for your child's sake. Lets hope you're a better parent than you let on.

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#106 tommy7154
Member since 2005 • 344 Posts

No it most likely will not be taken to school because she knows better, that's my point. If it became a problem I'd be made aware of it and deal with it. I see your side of things and would agree that many parents could use assistance like this because they're just not very bright or are neglectful to their children.

And the Byron Report concludes that for the most part it is the PARENTS that need to take responsibility and raise their children the right way. If you and they would agree letting a ten year old play a violent game is not the "right" way, then we have a difference of opinion. I don't think it's right OR wrong really. If my child is well adjusted and I don't see any negative consequences from her playing games, watching movies etc I'm not going to tell her it's wrong and she shouldn't. As long as she knows the difference between a game and reality and what is and is not socially acceptable I think she'll be just fine.

My daughter's actually had the OPPOSITE problem at school. Some kid told her he was going to cut her throat open...THAT is the kid that should not be playing GTA type games. Even so, I bet it isn't strictly because of some game or movie that encouraged him to say that. It was probably neglectful/poor parenting. Sure he may have HEARD it in a movie, but for some reason he felt it was ok to repeat that and/or didn't really realise how bad what he said actually was. Or he wanted to cut her throat open...any which way, I blame the parents for that type of behavior. That or a mental disorder...

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#107 Muramasa_Edge
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I see where you're coming from, and it makes alot of sense and is well reasoned, however you do imply that the argument is that only the violence that is the problem;- I grew up playing Violent Video Games, they weren't a problem- gibbing some Imp in DooM, or blasting some Ts in Counterstrike. The problem I have with GTA is the heavy sexual content. It's the main gripe I have, because it's not exactly something kids 'get' nor is it something altogether appropriate for kids, hence the certification. I understand that you are trying to be responsable, but if you've played San Andreas man, you have to know some of that stuff is pretty heavy, and while we as adults may find it funny and most of us will find it inoffensive and part of the game, kids will turn it into something to brag about, or talk about with their mates. At the end of the day, while it is a matter of choice, GTA has always been one of the most offensive and varied games out there, just be sure that if your kid plays or sees it that you keep that in mind.
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#108 tommy7154
Member since 2005 • 344 Posts

You do have a good point there and it's the part about it I guess that worries me the most. The sex. I don't want her doing anything she shouldn't be at that age or later and getting some disease or getting pregnant way too early...I'll play it first to see what kind of sexual content is in it.

Even I have lines that I don't think need to be crossed at that age lol. She won't be picking up any hookers for I said I am her parent and I'll be watching as she's playing to make sure she doesn't see or do anything I think is inappropriate. She'll just be driving the cars and blowing stuff up most likely which I don't have a problem with. She has played a little of San Andreas and she didn't even want to kill the people because she felt bad. So she just drove around for awhile (yeah she jacked some cars) and beat some people up and got bored of it. Same thing will probably happen with this one.

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#109 raze-boi
Member since 2006 • 853 Posts

PS: The person who said "We don't care" is 4 letters, well actually "don't" is one if you use it like that, unless you separate them, it's one word.

I said words! Not Letters! LOL!
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#110 tommy7154
Member since 2005 • 344 Posts
And apparently some people say "mind" as well? I learned it "might" as well. I don't see how "mind as well" even makes sense. Sorry I couldn't let this thread die.
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#111 Muramasa_Edge
Member since 2004 • 287 Posts

And apparently some people say "mind" as well? I learned it "might" as well. I don't see how "mind as well" even makes sense. Sorry I couldn't let this thread die.tommy7154

It doesn't. Now can we just let it die?