The struggle that is PC gaming...

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#51  Edited By Jankarcop
Member since 2011 • 11058 Posts

@stuff238 said:

LOL PC gaming. That is a huge reason why it sucks. You spend $2000 on a state of the art PC and it can't even run the games without you wasting hours installing things in the hopes it might actually work. Console gaming is so much easier. I just stick the disc in and it works. The minor FPS/Rez bumps are not worth the headaches pc gamers suffer.

So you're going to believe a guy who was lying on a gaming forum over factual analysis by Digital Foundry?

Game not working...hours of installing...And $2,000? You can stop with the early 2000's talking point lies.

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#52 Roler42
Member since 2013 • 1067 Posts

Oh noes... 4 games out of 352 sitting in my library have issues! PC gaming sucks!

nice troll thread btw :)

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#53  Edited By leandrro
Member since 2007 • 1644 Posts

@Gue1 said:



Out of the 4 PC games I have I had to google for fixes to 3 of them.

-Metal Gear Rising for for some reason upscales to 1080p when I activate any kind of AA. My TV is 768p native and even though it supports 1080p inputs because is not native it makes everything looks worse.

-Deus Ex HR Director's Cut has multiple issues with Nvidia cards in general and no matter the frame-rate there is judder everywhere to the point the game's unplayable unless you go to regedit to change the value of "Thread Optimization" to 0 to disable it completely. And even then, the judder is not gone, only reduced. Vsync like with every PC game causes a lot of lag too but if you disable it the frame-rate goes crazy over 100 frames. And this is only the tip of the iceberg of the multiple issues present in game alone...

-Now Ground Zeroes has this issue that it crashes at startup that I have still not been able to solve but it seems pretty widespread.

-Batman Arkham Asylum is the only one that did not give me any issues. It's a bit laggy with Vsync enabled though but since the idiots capped the game at 62 instead of 60 then it's pretty much mandatory for the sake of both: screen tear and judder.

Seriously, how can you herms give up consoles for this shit? All 4 of them maxed out don't even look that much better than the console versions to begin with. And not to mention that games like Batman, that weren't made for 60fps are not only just as laggy as 30fps on consoles but animations don't even look right. It's like the game is interpolated instead of real 60fps. And I say this because the difference between Batman and Rising when it comes to frame-rate and smoothness are astronomical.

this reminds me of battlefield 3 on my ps3, it crashed every 2 hours for all the life after so many patches, also the sound was on only 50% of the time, nothing wrong with my brand new ps3, it was a wide spread ps3 issue on bf3

i also remenber constant crashes on my wii games and also constant crashes on any PS2 game with decent graphics or big sandbox world

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#54 PernicioEnigma
Member since 2010 • 6662 Posts

You've got to take the good with the bad. PC gaming is more of a hassle and can lead to a lot of frustration, but at it's best it's a far superior experience to what you find on consoles. It's up to the individual to decide whether it's worth the hassle or not.

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#55  Edited By Notorious1234NA
Member since 2014 • 1917 Posts

@Heil68 said:

Not to mention the inability to garner perfect 10/10 exclusives nor a recent GOTY exclusive in the last decade+.

those are overtly bias against PC games....

You would expect gaming journalist to own each console, a pc, OS, android, virtual they can give a well rounded opinion. They don't

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#56  Edited By Ribstaylor1
Member since 2014 • 2186 Posts

@stuff238: Don't know who you've been talking too but unless you intentionally trying to mod a game, or crack it so you don't have to pay for it, there is literally nothing else needed besides your hardware's drivers, windows with DirectX 10-11 or an equivalent API installed though games generally have both in file. As well as the game (and in some cases a steam like service). You make it sound harder then it is, when all the answers and fixes are literally on the first page Google pops up as long as you search the right keywords.

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#57 L0ngshot
Member since 2014 • 516 Posts

Don't play pirated games.

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#58 JasonN36
Member since 2014 • 160 Posts

Never had problems while playing them on my sub-par gaming rig when it was working, except for DE:HR DC, cos I played the original, not the Director's cut.

Not that I'm saying that there's no problem in PC gaming(All platforms have problems), but most of the time it's the developer's fault, not the end-user's fault.

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#59 xhawk27
Member since 2010 • 12183 Posts

Yeah because Console games never crash. :|

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#60  Edited By deactivated-57d307c5efcda
Member since 2009 • 1302 Posts

Look, you can run into issues with PC gaming just as much as Console Gaming. Recently I decided to get Fallout 3 on Steam and found some issues. First the game seems to want Games for Windows live as it's now defunct. Google searching led me to find that their is a mod for this and disables the GFWL from the game. Then setting the game for XP compatibility fixed the rest. After that it wall all learning how to mod and configure. PC gaming it more technical if you want it to be. If I just wanted the game to work then I would have been done at disabling GFWL, but I continued so I could use mods to make the the game so much better. After playing a bit the weather mod alone is worth it. I loved being in megaton during a rainstorm and hearing the thunder booming and the rain. Also loved how it adjusted to when I was indoors and sounded correct then.

We live in the days of Google searching, where you can find solutions to most issues very shortly (especially on old games, you can find whole forums about it).

I'm not criticizing on anyone who would rather just get the vanilla game to work and get on playing. I'm just saying you are rewarded for a little extra work that some quick Google searches would help you solve it.

EDIT* But I worked for a PC repair store for a while only just having our Store leave our town due to a stupid lease recently and am not anymore, and I do understand many people just don't have the intellect and just don't know how to read and follow directions. I can't even tell you how many people don't even know how to work the basics of windows let alone get a game working other than hitting install. ALOT of people don't even know how to get to the control panel or IE settings. Most of these people also have a hard time working a game console or even a blu ray player to update it's firmware for playing the latest movies.

My point it is you can learn to fix this stuff or you can be ignorant about it and fail to learn. I'm not bashing consoles either, I have all of them and they have many good merits as well and most of these people even fail to work these machines. What I am frustrated about is society and it's people that are completely devoid of intelligence and the unwillingness to learn something new.

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#61 R10nu
Member since 2006 • 1679 Posts
@R4gn4r0k said:

If I have a problem like this on PC I can google the solution and have it fixed in 5 minutes tops.

This a 100 times.

I've been playing TLOU Remastered back in the summer and my PS4 would randomly turn off.

Quick google search revealed 2 possible solutions:

1. Don't play for too long.

2. Get a new PS4 ( if problem persists go to option 1 ).

Like, what the actual ****?

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#62 foxhound_fox
Member since 2005 • 98532 Posts

@MonsieurX said:

I don't remember the last time that I had a game or driver crash on me

This. TC must be doing something wrong.

The last time I remember having a crash was when trying to boot Skyrim with some conflicting mods and then having to sift through about 50 of them to find the conflict.

TC. Get some anti-virus and anti-malware software.

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#63 Wasdie  Moderator
Member since 2003 • 53622 Posts

I don't have issues on any sort of a large scale, nor does anybody who keeps the basic level of maintenance on their PCs, understands their PC's capabilities, and buys legitimate copies of their games.

PCs are extremely easy to keep up on yet the people who have these kind of problems always fail to do so. Simply keeping up with the drivers, keeping up with basic Windows updates, and actually buying the games instead of pirating them is going to result in a mostly smooth experience. Issues do crop up, but that comes down to a game-by-game basis and are usually addressed pretty quickly.

Of course if you choose to play nothing but Kickstarted betas, early access titles, or just betas for games, you're going to have a lot of very rocky experiences.

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#64 hatecalledlove
Member since 2004 • 1383 Posts
@stuff238 said:

LOL PC gaming. That is a huge reason why it sucks. You spend $2000 on a state of the art PC and it can't even run the games without you wasting hours installing things in the hopes it might actually work. Console gaming is so much easier. I just stick the disc in and it works. The minor FPS/Rez bumps are not worth the headaches pc gamers suffer.

Console gaming is getting further and further away from plug and play. You can't just insert the disk and have full access to a game now. You have to install the game to the device's limited HDD and install day 1 patches and updates to get you have the online gaming charge on the PS4 and Xboxone.

Still easier then building a gaming pc and doing the work yourself, but it's far from plug and play now a days.

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#65  Edited By lundy86_4  Online
Member since 2003 • 61543 Posts

I've had a bunch of crashes/errors with multiple PS4 games. Most recently was FFXIV, but before that was Dying Light/Far Cry 4/Dragon Age Inquisition/Assassin's Creed Unity/Lords of the Fallen.

You should check the error history on that thing, because it's hilarious. Shit, it even shows when you can't login to PSN due to "maintenance."

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#66 AzatiS
Member since 2004 • 14969 Posts

@Gue1: Out of 198 steam games and a god knows how many more outside of steam i have the last 10-12 years for PC ... Very very very few times i had errors and craps like that.

How is possible for you to have 4 games and out of 4 , 3 of them having problems beyond me when i got almost 200 on steam alone with zero problems with windows 8 ( not even 8.1 let alone 7 ) as of now.

Its either you trolling or you dont own the original copies of games. IF some games having problems its not because of PCs , more likely because of their studios side. Dont forget how many fixes consoles games had the last few years as well thru patching. That doesnt mean that consoles are problematic ...

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#67  Edited By Snugenz
Member since 2006 • 13388 Posts

Never had a problem with any of those games. The last game that gave me issues was Lords of the Fallen at launch with random CTD's but that was fixed soon after.

Edit: Also as others have said Ground Zeroes runs flawlessly for me too, it's a good example of a port done well.

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#68  Edited By Jankarcop
Member since 2011 • 11058 Posts

@AzatiS said:


Its either you trolling or you dont own the original copies of games.

He's pure trolling. Look at his past posts.

After The Order flopped, he's gone into meltdown mode and is going around making up lies.

Here is a Digital Foundry quote on Ground Zeroes:

Having proven its technical mettle on console already, Ground Zeroes on PC continues a very strong run for Kojima's latest. Rather than rest on its laurels with fixed, console-grade graphics, it caters to most needs with a string of worthwhile visual upgrades. The boldest of these is its broadened object LODs and added lights - each pushing past what's possible on PS4 - and only slightly let down by a missing option to run above 60fps. With so many options to hand, this ranks as a very clean, solid conversion.

But without a doubt the most impressive part is its scalability. The game looks superb on its default settings and the notion of getting 60fps gameplay from entry-level enthusiast graphics cards at HD resolutions is highly commendable. At just 3GB in size, Ground Zeroes is a nimble and polished sample of the Fox Engine on PC - it takes the excellent PlayStation 4 game and provides enough in the way of upgrades to make us eagerly await a more thorough work-out for the technology in The Phantom Pain.

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#69 ConanTheStoner
Member since 2011 • 23734 Posts

Man, guess I'm just lucky. I always hear these PC horror stories on on gaming forums, but never experience them for myself. It's only when I go crazy with tons of mods that issues arise. Even then, it's a quick fix to get things back to normal.

More specifically, Ground Zeroes? I've run the game on workstation GPUs, beastly gaming rigs, complete pos laptops... all sorts of different hardware configs, never seen an issue. Really, that game runs well on just about anything, I have no idea wtf you could be doing wrong.

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#70 GioVela2010
Member since 2008 • 5566 Posts

as a pc gamer I admit it, pc gaming is buggy as hell

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#71 whalefish82
Member since 2013 • 511 Posts

Sometimes I wonder why I ever bothered to start posting in this forum. If, like me, you're one of the millions around the world that buy PC games legitimately, it's highly unlikely that you'll ever have any serious issues running them these days. The OP is clearly a troll and I'm pretty sure he/she posted a screenshot of an error from someone who'd pirated Ground Zeroes, particularly given the fact that it's one of the most flawless PC ports for years.

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#73 melonfarmerz
Member since 2014 • 1294 Posts

I think I've had one game crash since I got my new PC a year ago. Obviously, that game was BF4. Perhaps OP needs help using a computer.

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#74 Jankarcop
Member since 2011 • 11058 Posts

@ps4hasnogames said:

pc sucks ass. waste of money and time, all the good games come to consoles while pc losers must sign petitions lmfao.

fucking lames.

Name one system that gets as many aaa/aa/a as PC or the best version of almost all multiplats.

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#75 MirkoS77
Member since 2011 • 17700 Posts

@charizard1605 said:

Are you using a Pentium 4 running Windows Vista, or something?

Nah, a 386 with a turbo button. Monster.

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#76 thehig1
Member since 2014 • 7537 Posts

Been a PC gamer for just over a year and not had any problems with any normal games. Only had issues with Skyrim conflicting mods and Fallout 3/New Vegas again because of installing conflicting mods.

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#77 gamecubepad
Member since 2003 • 7214 Posts

@ps4hasnogames said:

pc sucks ass. waste of money and time, all the good games come to consoles while pc losers must sign petitions lmfao.

fucking lames.

No, I was not aware you could smoke crack out of a pop can thanks for sharing.

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#78 MirkoS77
Member since 2011 • 17700 Posts

@stuff238 said:

LOL PC gaming. That is a huge reason why it sucks. You spend $2000 on a state of the art PC and it can't even run the games without you wasting hours installing things in the hopes it might actually work. Console gaming is so much easier. I just stick the disc in and it works. The minor FPS/Rez bumps are not worth the headaches pc gamers suffer.

You can get a very capable PC for under a grand.

Though I agree it's nice that consoles just work. Plug and play, even though now patches are usually mandatory. I'll usually always get the console version first and then buy the PC version later on the cheap to take advantage of mods and slight performance bumps. Mods are where the value lies for me in PC gaming. That and M/KB which benefits genres like FPSes and RTSes.

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#79 jhonMalcovich
Member since 2010 • 7090 Posts

There isn't really any struggle, just stupid TCs.

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#80 deactivated-5920bf77daa85
Member since 2004 • 3270 Posts
@GioVela2010 said:

as a pc gamer I admit it, pc gaming is buggy as hell

Yeah, you're not fooling anyone.

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#81 melonfarmerz
Member since 2014 • 1294 Posts

Looking at some of these replies, holy shit console gamers are you all under the age of 18? Ya PC gamers also love to bash consoles but at least they use some form of evidence.

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#82 PS4hasNOgames
Member since 2014 • 2620 Posts

@Jankarcop said:

@ps4hasnogames said:

pc sucks ass. waste of money and time, all the good games come to consoles while pc losers must sign petitions lmfao.

fucking lames.

Name one system that gets as many aaa/aa/a as PC or the best version of almost all multiplats.

pc gets garbage no one knows about or cares about. consoles get the big name games. **** pc. been there done that, headache.

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#83 PS4hasNOgames
Member since 2014 • 2620 Posts

@MirkoS77 said:

@stuff238 said:

LOL PC gaming. That is a huge reason why it sucks. You spend $2000 on a state of the art PC and it can't even run the games without you wasting hours installing things in the hopes it might actually work. Console gaming is so much easier. I just stick the disc in and it works. The minor FPS/Rez bumps are not worth the headaches pc gamers suffer.

You can get a very capable PC for under a grand.

Though I agree it's nice that consoles just work. Plug and play, even though now patches are usually mandatory. I'll usually always get the console version first and then buy the PC version later on the cheap to take advantage of mods and slight performance bumps. Mods are where the value lies for me in PC gaming. That and M/KB which benefits genres like FPSes and RTSes.

I agree totally with stuff238. the minor res/fps bumps aren't even noticeable. atleast consoles get their games on time. RDR the best game of last gen still isn't out on pc. like 6 years? lol you have to pray that you're alive by the time pc gets a port. consoles rule, period.

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#84 MonsieurX
Member since 2008 • 39858 Posts

@ps4hasnogames said:

@MirkoS77 said:

@stuff238 said:

LOL PC gaming. That is a huge reason why it sucks. You spend $2000 on a state of the art PC and it can't even run the games without you wasting hours installing things in the hopes it might actually work. Console gaming is so much easier. I just stick the disc in and it works. The minor FPS/Rez bumps are not worth the headaches pc gamers suffer.

You can get a very capable PC for under a grand.

Though I agree it's nice that consoles just work. Plug and play, even though now patches are usually mandatory. I'll usually always get the console version first and then buy the PC version later on the cheap to take advantage of mods and slight performance bumps. Mods are where the value lies for me in PC gaming. That and M/KB which benefits genres like FPSes and RTSes.

I agree totally with stuff238. the minor res/fps bumps aren't even noticeable. atleast consoles get their games on time. RDR the best game of last gen still isn't out on pc. like 6 years? lol you have to pray that you're alive by the time pc gets a port. consoles rule, period.

Best game of last gen?


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#85  Edited By ArunsunK
Member since 2014 • 335 Posts

@ps4hasnogames said:

pc sucks ass. waste of money and time, all the good games come to consoles while pc losers must sign petitions lmfao.

fucking lames.

The consoles are so starved for games Microsoft spent $2.5 billion to acquire Minecraft.

But seriously what does the XBox One have that gets you so hot and heavy:

Sunset Overdrive (GS: 8, MC: 81), Forza Horizon 2 (GS: 8, MC: 86), Forza Motorsport 5 (GS: 9, MC: 79), Minecraft (GS: 9, MC: 88), GTA V (GS: 9, MC: 97)

Compared to PC with:

The Talos Principle (GS: 9, MC: 86), Legend of Grimrock II (GS: 9, MC: 86), Divinity: Original Sin (GS: 9, MC: 87), Path of Exile (GS: 9, MC: 86), Dota 2 (GS: 9, MC: 90)

By what criteria are we judging games now? If your point is only about GTA V then whoopdedoo XBox1 gets it 4 months before PC.

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#87 MirkoS77
Member since 2011 • 17700 Posts

@ps4hasnogames said:

@MirkoS77 said:

@stuff238 said:

LOL PC gaming. That is a huge reason why it sucks. You spend $2000 on a state of the art PC and it can't even run the games without you wasting hours installing things in the hopes it might actually work. Console gaming is so much easier. I just stick the disc in and it works. The minor FPS/Rez bumps are not worth the headaches pc gamers suffer.

You can get a very capable PC for under a grand.

Though I agree it's nice that consoles just work. Plug and play, even though now patches are usually mandatory. I'll usually always get the console version first and then buy the PC version later on the cheap to take advantage of mods and slight performance bumps. Mods are where the value lies for me in PC gaming. That and M/KB which benefits genres like FPSes and RTSes.

I agree totally with stuff238. the minor res/fps bumps aren't even noticeable. atleast consoles get their games on time. RDR the best game of last gen still isn't out on pc. like 6 years? lol you have to pray that you're alive by the time pc gets a port. consoles rule, period.

Well it's a good thing I can afford to have all. No choice to make, and benefits from every angle.

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#88 deactivated-5920bf77daa85
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@ps4hasnogames said:

@Jankarcop said:

@ps4hasnogames said:

pc sucks ass. waste of money and time, all the good games come to consoles while pc losers must sign petitions lmfao.

fucking lames.

Name one system that gets as many aaa/aa/a as PC or the best version of almost all multiplats.

pc gets garbage no one knows about or cares about. consoles get the big name games. **** pc. been there done that, headache.

Shut up and take your damn medication.

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#89 slimdogmilionar
Member since 2014 • 1345 Posts

thread should be renamed to "The struggle that is a weak PC"


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#90  Edited By MonsieurX
Member since 2008 • 39858 Posts

@ps4hasnogames said:

@Jankarcop said:

@ps4hasnogames said:

pc sucks ass. waste of money and time, all the good games come to consoles while pc losers must sign petitions lmfao.

fucking lames.

Name one system that gets as many aaa/aa/a as PC or the best version of almost all multiplats.

pc gets garbage no one knows about or cares about. consoles get the big name games. **** pc. been there done that, headache.

*console gets the big flops

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#91 zeeshanhaider
Member since 2004 • 5524 Posts

@MonsieurX said:

I don't remember the last time that I had a game or driver crash on me

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#92 Link3301
Member since 2008 • 2001 Posts

So Op seeing as you clearly have badass set up made for gaming and have no reason to have problems, would you mind telling us your specs?

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#93 wis3boi
Member since 2005 • 32507 Posts

Anyone wanna play bingo?

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#94 ArunsunK
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That chart is missing my favorite one: "The difference between 900p and 1080p is only 180 pixels."

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#95 HalcyonScarlet
Member since 2011 • 13672 Posts

@MonsieurX said:

I don't remember the last time that I had a game or driver crash on me

This, it doesn't happen often at all for me and I too have an Nvidia card. The only game that crashes for me is an early access game which clearly isn't finished. Also my 360 is a cluster **** now, in which I consider it a success if I finish a session and turn it off with my own free will. And now games on consoles are being released unfinished. I've had more experiences there with games that have crashed me back to the home screen.

Also, if you have an Nvidia card, turn off v-sync in all games and then turn on 'adaptive v-sync' in the driver options, it's much better. It works by only turning on when your frame rate gets to 60, then it caps it. It just looks much smoother than in-game v-sync, but it only works when you turn it off in game first.

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#96 Vaasman
Member since 2008 • 15599 Posts

@GioVela2010 said:

as a pathological liar I admit it, pc gaming is buggy as hell


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#97  Edited By HalcyonScarlet
Member since 2011 • 13672 Posts

@stuff238 said:

LOL PC gaming. That is a huge reason why it sucks. You spend $2000 on a state of the art PC and it can't even run the games without you wasting hours installing things in the hopes it might actually work. Console gaming is so much easier. I just stick the disc in and it works. The minor FPS/Rez bumps are not worth the headaches pc gamers suffer.

Most don't even spend half that amount on a PC. Installing on the PC takes a few minutes. When was the last time you used one? I take it CD keys were still a big thing.

Hmm console gaming is soooooo much easier. Put in disc, wait 15min to install. Right, time to play, now wait for and install a 1GB update.

Also lol at minor FPS and res bumps. Consoles games mostly run at 30fps, PC games most run at 60fps.

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#98 Effec_Tor
Member since 2014 • 914 Posts

console gamers are so cute

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#99  Edited By HalcyonScarlet
Member since 2011 • 13672 Posts

@effec_tor said:

console gamers are so cute

lol, when was this?

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#100 thereal25
Member since 2011 • 2074 Posts

Yes pc gaming can be a headache at times.

But my basic advice is to make sure windows and graphics drivers are up to date.