Star citizen Squadron 42 delayed till the end of 2017

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#151  Edited By jhonMalcovich
Member since 2010 • 7090 Posts

According to PC Gamer, the game is not officially delayed. The rumor TC cites has been debunked by the dev.

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#152 Desmonic  Moderator
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Seems the Hermits have their 2nd The Last Guardian!

Their 1st TLG was, and still is, Half-Life 3 :P

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#153 Ghosts4ever
Member since 2015 • 25059 Posts

@jhonMalcovich said:

According to PC Gamer, the game is not officially delayed. The rumor TC cites has been debunked by the dev.

so if game is still coming out fall 2016 then where is our gameplay? its like releasing SP game before yet only showing MP portion.

we are in fall 2016. so i doubt its coming out soon.

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#154 JasonOfA36
Member since 2016 • 3725 Posts

@ghosts4ever said:
@jhonMalcovich said:

According to PC Gamer, the game is not officially delayed. The rumor TC cites has been debunked by the dev.

so if game is still coming out fall 2016 then where is our gameplay? its like releasing SP game before yet only showing MP portion.

we are in fall 2016. so i doubt its coming out soon.

Eh, I'd take Chris Roberts' words more than yours.

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#155  Edited By lawlessx
Member since 2004 • 48753 Posts

@ghosts4ever said:
@jhonMalcovich said:

According to PC Gamer, the game is not officially delayed. The rumor TC cites has been debunked by the dev.

so if game is still coming out fall 2016 then where is our gameplay? its like releasing SP game before yet only showing MP portion.

we are in fall 2016. so i doubt its coming out soon.

you say where is "our"gameplay ,but last time i check you never even backed the game.

Chris said we will see SQ42 at citizencon so wait a month for that flashy trailer you want so badly

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#156 madsnakehhh
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I just hope this doesn't go full "No Man's Sky" all over again...

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#157 ArunsunK
Member since 2014 • 335 Posts

@ghosts4ever said:
@jhonMalcovich said:

According to PC Gamer, the game is not officially delayed. The rumor TC cites has been debunked by the dev.

so if game is still coming out fall 2016 then where is our gameplay? its like releasing SP game before yet only showing MP portion.

we are in fall 2016. so i doubt its coming out soon.

Where are you getting 'fall 2016' from?

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#158 lawlessx
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@madsnakehhh said:

I just hope this doesn't go full "No Man's Sky" all over again...

it can never go full no man sky..

Besides the OP has already been debunked. The TC just has a problem waiting for a game he doesn't have enough interest in researching himself

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#159  Edited By MirkoS77
Member since 2011 • 17692 Posts

@jereb31 said:
@MirkoS77 said:
@jereb31 said:
@MirkoS77 said:

Don't strawman my position and claim I'm saying "the game's never coming out". Cite where I said that, or do me the consideration of not misrepresenting my position and then attacking me on the basis of a claim I never made.

I'm glad you can notice the difference between a sandbox alpha and the a narrative driven game, but again, it seems like it's only the "whiney minority" that all up in arms about no SQ42 footage, using that one fact as a platform to also state the game will never come out as well. Absurd.

Yes, it is absurd. I'm glad you realize I'm not making that argument or using the lack of 42 in that way. *sigh* Again, a response predicated upon a strawman and a broad generalization. I've not stated the game won't be completed (in fact I explicitly stated I DON'T think it's a scam), so don't lump me into this audience and then predicate your tirade on something stemming from something I never said.

I'm going to be honest, that whole end paragraph of yours is reading like you are just so upset that I don't have enough detail to make a decision whether to buy a game that isn't out yet, may not be out yet for another year. How about you wait for them to release more info, or read some of the developer, blogs, lore etc. they have been releasing so you can build that context instead of having it spoon fed to you in 3-min short. You mention books as an example of narrative, the blurb would be the trailer in this case, well the blurb is a 100 word long description, often only outlining the barest of story without giving any depth away. You have that already on the RSI website and the Gary Oldman Trailer for SQ42. Oh hey look, there IS footage of SQ42, you just didn't want to look for it.

It ain't my job to research and dedicate part of my life towards a game's progression to get an idea of what constitutes an element of it. This is what advertising exists for. Yes, you are essentially taking a grander context, compressing it, and providing it into spoon fed segments to people. Welcome to the wonderful world of advertising! It is, by its very nature, spoon fed. That's the entire art of it. Ads on TV, magazines, the radio, trailers in theatres, you name it. So no, I'm not going to apologize for desiring such to give me a taste of what is to come. Don't you understand the difference between looking up a website to read that 100 word explanation, and advertising? Can you not see how just important one is than the other?

This is what I have in mind when I talk about a trailer. Not the specifics obviously, but in terms of framework, pacing, a short elaboration on the story, and gameplay. Something to give direction. Everything that constitutes the game is melded together. Is there a 42 trailer existing like this? Show it to me.

The only thing I think that perhaps I'm not considering is the differences between the traditional AAA model of development and marketing, and the transparency of the crowdfunding model and resource allocation that may be a victim of priorities. Yet I don't think I can be blamed for that, as this is all new territory, especially with such a budget as large as SC's.

New day and feeling fresh, so let's continue shall we.

I'm not strawmanning your position, that's not even what a strawman is you dolt. A strawman is refuting an argument that was not created or advanced by an opponent. I merely lumped you in with the group that are whining about lack of SQ42 footage and using that as a platform to say the game isn't coming out. You are within that group, if only representing the whining side, not the never coming out side.

Again, i'm lumping you in with the whining majority, you think the lack of the trailer is not giving you enough info on what the game is going to be. There is plenty of info there, it's just not what you want. Ask all of the people who have been following the game and they will tell you the same thing. SQ42, you take on the role of a combat pilot in an elite unit in a fight against the Vanduul. What do you want, specific footage of ships blowing up and some tense moments with whispered words and shocked expressions. Get over yourself the game isn't even finished. When they decide to release a trailer then you can pick it apart. Until then, do what the rest of us do. Wait.

Also the whole ads on TV, magazines etc. etc. is more a console thing, you know that.

Do your own research, read the info we gave you, watch the trailer you've been given, watch the 2 "tech demo" videos's you've been given. Then realise that yes, there is footage of SQ42, there is a trailer. It's just not what YOU expected it to be.

What you did (and are pathetically trying to excuse) IS a strawman. You are misrepresenting my position through generalization and attacking and attempting to refute me on it. That, you dolt, is a strawman, because being in the "whining majority", while it can be connected to those wishing for SC's failure, also can stand exclusive to it. You "lump me in", I am then complicit within that generalization and the entire position that it holds. So please, get over yourself and don't try to dissect what you said to attempt to weasel your way out of responsibility and then claim ME using a fallacy YOU are unable to make a distinction on.

Christ man.

What I'm asking for is nothing new that others haven't been desiring for a long time now. THERE IS NOT A TRAILER. The whining majority? Yea you'd think you'd wonder why it's the majority. Stop shoveling me this shit pretending its pudding. Other people are impatient, I'm growing impatient. Fucking sue me, and throw your little guilt shaming tactics where they belong: the trash. You quote nothing substantial and instead toss out tech demos expecting me to be content with something that speaks NOTHING on overall context and structure that a trailer can convey. These are not advertisements in the traditional sense, they are transparency into the development of a game and its portions in the macro. Learn the difference.

But I give up. Let's part, as I've articulated my point to no productive end to those too blind to see it and've heard your side.

"A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent."

How is me placing you in a group I made to classify people whinging about the game a strawman. You keep saying you want more info or footage of SQ42. I think that is whinging. I'm not arguing my way out of anything. It's not a strawman. It's not even an argument, it's me placing you in a classification I made because I think that's how you and a group of people are behaving. That's more anthropology than a strawman.

Hey have a look at this trailer again

and then the definition of trailer "give advance publicity to (a film, broadcast, or proposal) by releasing extracts or selected details." are you saying that the "answer the call" vid and the blurb below doesn't fit this definition?

Sensitive are you.

Generalizations do not absolve you of responsibility of misrepresentation. Let's flip this on its head.

I lump you in with the crowd of SC apologists that are so vehement in defense of it because you believe there's some validity to the positions put forth that SC is indeed never going to come out, and is just a scam. Is that your position? Do you think there is credibility to these doubters? I doubt it, yet I assume you're content if I "merely lump" you in this demographic and then predicate my response upon that generalization? That's precisely what you're doing with me. If you are responding to me on the overall gist of a generalization that I only partially adhere to in position, you are making a strawman. This is not difficult to grasp.

"A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent."

I never advanced the argument that it was never coming out, did I? Yet you stated previous:

I merely lumped you in with the groupthat are whining about lack of SQ42 footage and using that as a platform to say the game isn't coming out. You are within that group.

Therefor, through implication, are attributing me to an entire other stance and responding in kind. Not a strawman? I especially enjoyed this sentence:

I'm glad you can notice the difference between a sandbox alpha and the a narrative driven game, but again, it seems like it's only the "whiney minority" that all up in arms about no SQ42 footage, using that one fact as a platform to also state the game will never come out as well. Absurd.

You are taking someone aggravated by no footage and transforming it into stating the game will never come out. I am NOT in that group. You can't "merely" lump people into vast generalizations, respond to it, and then expect them to be content with the inaccuracies of their position due to it being thrown into that generalization. That's bullshit and you know it. I don't need to be included in that group at all, you could've just claimed me a "whinger", yet you didn't. And what the hell does anthropology have anything to do with a logical fallacy you are committing? You can excuse anything if you present it in such vague terms. What does anthropology have to do with the intricacies of argumentation and pertinent topic?

So don't sit there and try to shovel me this shit to try to excuse your own culpability in it, and furthermore attempt to blame me for not understanding what you appear to hold not grasp on yourself. Sensitive? Yes, I'm quite sensitive to those who do not even grasp how strawmans work yet presume to edify others.

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#160 Jereb31
Member since 2015 • 2025 Posts

@MirkoS77 said:
@jereb31 said:
@MirkoS77 said:
@jereb31 said:
@MirkoS77 said:

Don't strawman my position and claim I'm saying "the game's never coming out". Cite where I said that, or do me the consideration of not misrepresenting my position and then attacking me on the basis of a claim I never made.

I'm glad you can notice the difference between a sandbox alpha and the a narrative driven game, but again, it seems like it's only the "whiney minority" that all up in arms about no SQ42 footage, using that one fact as a platform to also state the game will never come out as well. Absurd.

Yes, it is absurd. I'm glad you realize I'm not making that argument or using the lack of 42 in that way. *sigh* Again, a response predicated upon a strawman and a broad generalization. I've not stated the game won't be completed (in fact I explicitly stated I DON'T think it's a scam), so don't lump me into this audience and then predicate your tirade on something stemming from something I never said.

I'm going to be honest, that whole end paragraph of yours is reading like you are just so upset that I don't have enough detail to make a decision whether to buy a game that isn't out yet, may not be out yet for another year. How about you wait for them to release more info, or read some of the developer, blogs, lore etc. they have been releasing so you can build that context instead of having it spoon fed to you in 3-min short. You mention books as an example of narrative, the blurb would be the trailer in this case, well the blurb is a 100 word long description, often only outlining the barest of story without giving any depth away. You have that already on the RSI website and the Gary Oldman Trailer for SQ42. Oh hey look, there IS footage of SQ42, you just didn't want to look for it.

It ain't my job to research and dedicate part of my life towards a game's progression to get an idea of what constitutes an element of it. This is what advertising exists for. Yes, you are essentially taking a grander context, compressing it, and providing it into spoon fed segments to people. Welcome to the wonderful world of advertising! It is, by its very nature, spoon fed. That's the entire art of it. Ads on TV, magazines, the radio, trailers in theatres, you name it. So no, I'm not going to apologize for desiring such to give me a taste of what is to come. Don't you understand the difference between looking up a website to read that 100 word explanation, and advertising? Can you not see how just important one is than the other?

This is what I have in mind when I talk about a trailer. Not the specifics obviously, but in terms of framework, pacing, a short elaboration on the story, and gameplay. Something to give direction. Everything that constitutes the game is melded together. Is there a 42 trailer existing like this? Show it to me.

The only thing I think that perhaps I'm not considering is the differences between the traditional AAA model of development and marketing, and the transparency of the crowdfunding model and resource allocation that may be a victim of priorities. Yet I don't think I can be blamed for that, as this is all new territory, especially with such a budget as large as SC's.

New day and feeling fresh, so let's continue shall we.

I'm not strawmanning your position, that's not even what a strawman is you dolt. A strawman is refuting an argument that was not created or advanced by an opponent. I merely lumped you in with the group that are whining about lack of SQ42 footage and using that as a platform to say the game isn't coming out. You are within that group, if only representing the whining side, not the never coming out side.

Again, i'm lumping you in with the whining majority, you think the lack of the trailer is not giving you enough info on what the game is going to be. There is plenty of info there, it's just not what you want. Ask all of the people who have been following the game and they will tell you the same thing. SQ42, you take on the role of a combat pilot in an elite unit in a fight against the Vanduul. What do you want, specific footage of ships blowing up and some tense moments with whispered words and shocked expressions. Get over yourself the game isn't even finished. When they decide to release a trailer then you can pick it apart. Until then, do what the rest of us do. Wait.

Also the whole ads on TV, magazines etc. etc. is more a console thing, you know that.

Do your own research, read the info we gave you, watch the trailer you've been given, watch the 2 "tech demo" videos's you've been given. Then realise that yes, there is footage of SQ42, there is a trailer. It's just not what YOU expected it to be.

What you did (and are pathetically trying to excuse) IS a strawman. You are misrepresenting my position through generalization and attacking and attempting to refute me on it. That, you dolt, is a strawman, because being in the "whining majority", while it can be connected to those wishing for SC's failure, also can stand exclusive to it. You "lump me in", I am then complicit within that generalization and the entire position that it holds. So please, get over yourself and don't try to dissect what you said to attempt to weasel your way out of responsibility and then claim ME using a fallacy YOU are unable to make a distinction on.

Christ man.

What I'm asking for is nothing new that others haven't been desiring for a long time now. THERE IS NOT A TRAILER. The whining majority? Yea you'd think you'd wonder why it's the majority. Stop shoveling me this shit pretending its pudding. Other people are impatient, I'm growing impatient. Fucking sue me, and throw your little guilt shaming tactics where they belong: the trash. You quote nothing substantial and instead toss out tech demos expecting me to be content with something that speaks NOTHING on overall context and structure that a trailer can convey. These are not advertisements in the traditional sense, they are transparency into the development of a game and its portions in the macro. Learn the difference.

But I give up. Let's part, as I've articulated my point to no productive end to those too blind to see it and've heard your side.

"A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent."

How is me placing you in a group I made to classify people whinging about the game a strawman. You keep saying you want more info or footage of SQ42. I think that is whinging. I'm not arguing my way out of anything. It's not a strawman. It's not even an argument, it's me placing you in a classification I made because I think that's how you and a group of people are behaving. That's more anthropology than a strawman.

Hey have a look at this trailer again

and then the definition of trailer "give advance publicity to (a film, broadcast, or proposal) by releasing extracts or selected details." are you saying that the "answer the call" vid and the blurb below doesn't fit this definition?

Sensitive are you.

Generalizations do not absolve you of responsibility of misrepresentation. Let's flip this on its head.

I lump you in with the crowd of SC apologists that are so vehement in defense of it because you believe there's some validity to the positions put forth that SC is indeed never going to come out, and is just a scam. Is that your position? Do you think there is credibility to these doubters? I doubt it, yet I assume you're content if I "merely lump" you in this demographic and then predicate my response upon that generalization? That's precisely what you're doing with me. If you are responding to me on the overall gist of a generalization that I only partially adhere to in position, you are making a strawman. This is not difficult to grasp.

"A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent."

I never advanced the argument that it was never coming out, did I? Yet you stated previous:

I merely lumped you in with the groupthat are whining about lack of SQ42 footage and using that as a platform to say the game isn't coming out. You are within that group.

Therefor, through implication, are attributing me to an entire other stance and responding in kind. Not a strawman? I especially enjoyed this sentence:

I'm glad you can notice the difference between a sandbox alpha and the a narrative driven game, but again, it seems like it's only the "whiney minority" that all up in arms about no SQ42 footage, using that one fact as a platform to also state the game will never come out as well. Absurd.

You are taking someone aggravated by no footage and transforming it into stating the game will never come out. I am NOT in that group. You can't "merely" lump people into vast generalizations, respond to it, and then expect them to be content with the inaccuracies of their position due to it being thrown into that generalization. That's bullshit and you know it. I don't need to be included in that group at all, you could've just claimed me a "whinger", yet you didn't. And what the hell does anthropology have anything to do with a logical fallacy you are committing? You can excuse anything if you present it in such vague terms. What does anthropology have to do with the intricacies of argumentation and pertinent topic?

So don't sit there and try to shovel me this shit to try to excuse your own culpability in it, and furthermore attempt to blame me for not understanding what you appear to hold not grasp on yourself. Sensitive? Yes, I'm quite sensitive to those who do not even grasp how strawmans work yet presume to edify others.

That's fine, i'm happy to be put in whatever group you want to classify me as, won't ruin my day.

Also, I clarified my position for putting you in that group about 3-4 posts ago, you are in the whiney group, but not one of the people saying it won't come out, I heard you the first time, you seem to not have read my response.

I'm fine with you calling it bullsh*t if you want, totally up to you. Either way, not a strawman.

Topic at hand though, and original non-tangential form of this argument. There is SQ42 footage, just not what you expected to see.

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#161  Edited By JohnF111
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@ghosts4ever said:
@GarGx1 said:

more than any other pre-release game ever in fact.

Have you even backed this game, if not why do you care? I've asked loads of haters and doubters that question and I've never had an actual answer from any of them.

why would i pay for a game before release that i dont even know if it turn out good or faliure? come on

You've never prepurchased a single game in your life? I prepurchased GW2 and the expansion, I prepurchased Legion and I've essentially prepurchased this, only difference is I can play SC now albeit in a rough early form with little to do, doesn't instantly make it a failure.

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#162 enzyme36
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I really enjoy'd wing commander... I look forward to this one a lot! I would even say I am more interested in SQ42 than the full Star Citizen game.