Why do conservatives get mad when an actor has a liberal opinion?

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#101 Blackhairedhero
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@AlexKidd5000: Ohh please. Right wingers consistently go into the lions den.. Rather its CNN, Bill Maher, The View... I can go on and on. Leftwingers 99% of the time go on a show where they are welcomed on. Do you honestly think the left does a better job debating most social issues? Even many leftists know that's not their strong point.

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#102 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178878 Posts

@blackhairedhero said:

@AlexKidd5000: Ohh please. Right wingers consistently go into the lions den.. Rather its CNN, Bill Maher, The View... I can go on and on. Leftwingers 99% of the time go on a show where they are welcomed on. Do you honestly think the left does a better job debating most social issues? Even many leftists know that's not their strong point.

Oh for ***** sake I've seen many if not most of the right make an ass of themselves in debates.

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#103 Blackhairedhero
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@LJS9502_basic: Would you like to compare some videos?

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#104 LJS9502_basic
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@blackhairedhero said:

@LJS9502_basic: Would you like to compare some videos?

None of that would dispute the fact that I've already seen videos with right wing pundits losing. Duh...........

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#105  Edited By nintendoboy16
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Because they can't take other opinions well. True, you could argue that of left-wingers, but all the same. But with me, some people are more deserving of backlash with their opinions than others (looking at you, Ted Nugent and Billy Corgan, because what those two have to say mean nothing compared to others simply backing a politician you dislike, looking at Willie Nelson and his support for Beto O'Rourke).

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#106  Edited By Blackhairedhero
Member since 2018 • 3231 Posts

@LJS9502_basic: like who?

Let's post the videos and see who generally does better.

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#107 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178878 Posts

@blackhairedhero said:

@LJS9502_basic: like who?

Let's post the videos and see who generally does better.

Again you can't argue opinion which all you're doing here. I have no doubt that the biggest idiot could be in a debate and as long as he mentions talking points you agree with you'll say he won. See trump for exhibit A. That man has no grasp on any policies. He lies continuously to elevate himself and you lap it up.

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#108  Edited By Blackhairedhero
Member since 2018 • 3231 Posts

@LJS9502_basic: That's funny because id say the same about you. The point is right wing commentators can debunk most left wing talking points with statistics. Left wing politics almost always focus on things that happened nearly 60 or more years ago and act as if all that logic applies to today. They are far more likely to debate with emotion and few facts.

You keep bringing up Trump but the reason he won was because of people like you. We just needed someone louder and obnoxious who didn't give a ****.

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#109  Edited By LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178878 Posts

@blackhairedhero said:

@LJS9502_basic: That's funny because id say the same about you. The point is right wing commentators can debunk most left wing talking points with statistics. Left wing politics almost always focus on things that happened nearly 60 or more years ago and act as if all that logic applies to today. They are far more likely to debate with emotion and few facts.

You keep bringing up Trump but the reason he won was because of people like you. We just needed someone louder and obnoxious who didn't give a ****.

And again I'm telling you I've seen them demolished. But you keep arguing against that. Purely a ridiculous move.

The reason trump won was because with the EC winner take all and less populated regions have a bigger vote. By popularity he lost.

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#110 mattbbpl
Member since 2006 • 23058 Posts

I love it when conservative celebrities voice political opinions.

I'm not much of a star watcher. The news I follow takes to be on the tech/business/law/political spheres, and you'd sooner see me read the comics section than the entertainment section. However, I understand that a lot of people do.

Those celebrity opinions give exposure of political ideas to people who wouldn't otherwise have that exposure.

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#111 Blackhairedhero
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@LJS9502_basic: If you don't count New York and California he would have dominated the popular vote.

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#112 LJS9502_basic
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@blackhairedhero said:

@LJS9502_basic: If you don't count New York and California he would have dominated the popular vote.

Exactly why should those individuals not have their vote counted? We did remove the ideology of taxation without representation when we sent the Brits packing.

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#113 theone86
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@JimB said:
@theone86 said:
@JimB said:
@Jacanuk said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

The left? You mean the group most accepting. Moral Law? That's rich coming from someone who supports two immoral individuals......trump and kavanaugh.

You don't vote America. You vote wealthy privileged America. Two different things.



So you mean the side that literally began to hate the Republicans more and more..... so I am sure you want to correct that statement, to "most accepting of their own political views and opinions"

Why do you hate Republicans? We have never threatened you, we never said you were all racists, we never called you all homophobes, we never called you all deplorables, we never denied you your freedom of speech. Because we disagree with you we are constantly called vile names. We are insulted by your leaders and the media all the time. We lose elections we don't form mobs and march in the streets and destroy private property or plot revenge. Instead we try to offer solutions to solve problems. When was the last time the left has offered any solutions to problems? When was the last time a president did something about unfair trade agreements, or used the free money supplier. For seventy years North Korea has been a threat no president was willing to do anything about them except give them money to make the problem go away. This is the first time in my memory that a president has stood up for United States and I am proud to say I voted for him and will do so again.

Are you ****ing kidding me? No, seriously. Are. You. ****ing. Kidding. Me? I've about had it, so Imabouta unload on you. You ****ing conservatives have been calling us liberals enemies, goddamn enemies of the mother****ing state, for literally decades. You perpetuated a goddamn witch hunt against liberals using the authority of the Senate as a cudgel to force us out of politics, and when that plan failed you just continued to smear us as attempting to destroy everything good in the world. You constantly accuse of us of harboring some secret agenda to bring back Lenin-style communism, and use that completely baseless accusation to defeat every goddamn legislative proposal we have. ****ing Mitt Romney wrote the ****ing piece of legislation that we passed to expand healthcare coverage, and you ****ers smeared us as reds for it.

And name-calling, you want to talk about goddamn name-calling? How about the n-word, how's that for name-calling? That's been a hallmark of the Republican Party for years. Let's not even talk about the president who says that the people who go around using it openly are "very good people," let's just talk about the Republican Party strategizing on ways to use the term against black people without actually saying it. Yes, the Republican strategist behind Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush openly talked about how to slur African-Americans without using an acutal goddamn slur. But Republicans never name-call. They never say, for example, that god hates ***s. They never try to shame people with a different sexual orientation or gender status as perverts, all the while apologizing for actual ****ing perverts who just so happen to be Republican or Christian. Your beloved shitpile of a president campaigned on ****ing name-calling. "dumb mouthpiece, drunk loser, sloppy dog, dumb as a rock, wacko, a clown, dummy, clueless hypocrite," these are just some of the things he's said about REPUBLICANS, and I'm not even halfway down the ****ing list. The shit he says about Democrats is ten times worse, and this is the mother****er you're whole-heartedly supporting. Don't sit there and lecture me about name-calling, you sanctimonious little shit. You sit there every ****ing day and brag about how you love to watch the goddamned libs get triggered, dollars to ****ing donuts it's the first thing out of your mouth when you reply to this, and it's ****ing psychotic. You're actively taking goddamned pleasure in watching people in agony, that's the textbook ****ing definition of a psychopath.

You never form mobs? Like the mob you formed in ****ing Charlottesville, the one that killed an innocent woman? Most of Trump's campaign rallies were dangerous ****ing mobs. They attacked goddamn reporters and anyone not wearing Trump colors, and you sit there and want to ****ing talk about us not accepting anyone with different ****ing views? A goddamn Republican politician BODY SLAMMED a ****ing reporter for asking questions, and you ****ers not only cheered him on, you elected him to the goddamn House of Representatives. You never form ****ing mobs? You accept everyone with different opinions? Bull-****ing-shit.

You have done nothing but ****ing insult us for at least the past forty years. You make every bullshit accusation under the sun. You say we're immoral, that we're tearing away at the moral fabric, you yourself just ****ing accused us of DESTROYING moral ****ing law. You've called us agents of ****ing Satan, accused President Obama of being a secret ****ing Muslim (as if that would have been disqualifying). Speaking of President Obama, you ****ers insulted him at every goddamn turn. You called him ****ing uppity (oh, but you're not racist), called him a ****ing monkey (oh, but you're not racist), posted images of him in a ****ing noose (oh, but you're not racist). You flat-out vowed to undermine his ****ing presidency on ****ing day one.

Oh, I'm sorry, did I hurt your little snowflake feelings by calling you a racist? Well here's a ****ing idea, stop saying racist shit! I swear to ****ing Christ, you ****ers act like calling someone a ****ing racist is worse than actually being a ****ing racist. It's like being mad at the family of the victim of an axe murderer for calling him a ****ing axe murderer. And Hillary never called you all deplorables, she said there was a portion of you who were deplorable, but I'll go ahead and call you ****ers deplorable, the whole ****ing lot of you. Anybody who sits by and tolerates this bullshit is deplorable, anybody who revels in it like you do is worse. To call you deplorable would be a compliment.

For forty years the Democrats controlled the house and the senate. The Republicans took back the congress and senate in the mid nineties in 2007 the democrats took back the congress and the senate. The Republicans took back the congress in 2010 and the senate in 2012. Explain how we have been using the senate to force you out of politics? What law did the Republicans pass that forces Democrats out of politics?You want to talk about mobs. When you have no ideas you resort to mob rule of destruction and intimidation which has been prevalent especially the two years. AS for the Trump rallies they don'y leave the rallies and destroy property, block streets or threaten anyone. AS for Obama being a secret Muslim his actions speak louder than words. As for calling Obama names some people did that was not every person who voted against him in fact it was so minuscule it wouldn't register percentage wise. As for you being Lenin style I an going to give you a link to something that was read in the Congress in 1963 and tell me which things have come to pass and which party more identifies whit what was read.


As far as being a snowflake I have been called worse I have a pretty thick skin. I wanted to see why you were so full of hate. You pretty much came unhinged.

You are completely wrong on the facts, big surprise there. I was referring to the McCarthy hearings, you know, where a Republican Senator saw all liberals as enemies of the state and not only tried to purge them from government but prevented liberal citizens from obtaining work. Anyway, Democrats did NOT hold both houses of Congress for forty years. Republicans held the Senate from 1981-1987, 1995-2001, 2003-2007, and 2015-present. That's eighteen years out of the past forty, that's close to half. You are so completely misinformed it's not even funny.

What mob rule has there been? Conservatives are the ones getting tiki torches and swastika posters and marching past synagogues, conservatives are the ones who ran a woman over with a goddamn car, conservatives are the ones who want to pass laws making it fully legal to murder protesters by running them over with vehicles, conservatives are the ones body-slamming reporters and attacking guests at Trump rallies for not sharing his political views. Liberals organize in order to create visibility for themselves and others, conservatives organize to form mobs to intimidate and harm people.

LOL, you not only attempt to give credibility to a racist conspiracy theory, but you excuse conservatives calling other people names while attacking liberals for doing the same. Go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of, racist.

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#114 LJS9502_basic
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@theone86: LOL harsh. I really think he's just uneducated and gets all his views from propaganda sites.

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#115 Blackhairedhero
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@LJS9502_basic: Because the two most leftwing cesspools in the nation shouldn't pick our President for eternity.

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#116 LJS9502_basic
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@blackhairedhero said:

@LJS9502_basic: Because the two most leftwing cesspools in the nation shouldn't pick our President for eternity.

Even if everybody in both states..............they won't.......there are republicans in those states by the way.........voted for a Democratic president every time they still would not have the votes themselves to elect the president. Learn math.

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#117 deactivated-5c2e78cbd8d85
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@blackhairedhero said:

@LJS9502_basic: Because the two most leftwing cesspools in the nation shouldn't pick our President for eternity.

Instead the backwaters should?

And seriously, if you think a state like Wyoming should field the same amount of senators as a state with almost 80 times it's population then you're insane. The US's political system is a joke.

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#118 LJS9502_basic
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@lordlobster said:
@blackhairedhero said:

@LJS9502_basic: Because the two most leftwing cesspools in the nation shouldn't pick our President for eternity.

Instead the backwaters should?

And seriously, if you think a state like Wyoming should field the same amount of senators as a state with almost 80 times it's population then you're insane. The US's political system is a joke.

Indeed. It's not equal representation by any means............

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#119 Blackhairedhero
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@lordlobster: Except they don't. You had a liberal President for 8 years. And California has a massive EC count which the Democrats have gotten freely for decades.

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#120 Blackhairedhero
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@LJS9502_basic: Oh please you didn't bitch about it when it went your way twice in a row. And the entire media was so sure DT didn't have a chance. I'm sorry but middle America exist.

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#121 Sevenizz
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Actors generally have a low education level so when they think they’re important enough to expunge their political beliefs, it comes from an ill informed place.

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#122  Edited By deactivated-5c2e78cbd8d85
Member since 2018 • 210 Posts
@blackhairedhero said:

@lordlobster: Except they don't.

Well they sure as hell have disproportionate power in the electoral college. Doing some quick math on my California-Wyoming example, California has only about 18 times more electoral votes despite have 68 times the population. The only reason Republicans aren't frothing at the mouth about this is because it's highly convenient for them and lets them win elections. My senate example is even more grotesque.

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#123 TryIt
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@lordlobster said:
@blackhairedhero said:

@lordlobster: Except they don't.

Well they sure as hell have disproportionate power in the electoral college. Doing some quick math on my California-Wyoming comparison, California has only about 18 times more electoral votes despite have 68 times the population. The only reason Republicans aren't frothing at the mouth about this is because it's highly convenient for them and lets them win elections. My senate example is even more grotesque.

case in point, the entire state of Oklahoma as less people then Houston Metro area

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#124  Edited By AlexKidd5000
Member since 2005 • 3103 Posts

@blackhairedhero: ok first, Obama was anything but a liberal, and the left did bitch about him quite a bit. But since he had a good demeanor, and a way with words, most of the left was in a sort of trance. And dumbass conservatives acted like Obama was a far left commie. Which is so stupid, I have to question whether those people knew which hole in there bodies to shit from.

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#125 LJS9502_basic
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@blackhairedhero said:

@LJS9502_basic: Oh please you didn't bitch about it when it went your way twice in a row. And the entire media was so sure DT didn't have a chance. I'm sorry but middle America exist.

Uh............you should be president when you win the popular vote. Duh............you are clueless.

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#126 horgen  Moderator
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WTF did I miss in this thread? I have something to read tomorrow :D:D:D

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#127 Blackhairedhero
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@LJS9502_basic: So you can flood the country with immigrants , make them legal and get your free votes? No thanks.. !

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#128  Edited By ad1x2
Member since 2005 • 8430 Posts
@lordlobster said:
@blackhairedhero said:

@lordlobster: Except they don't.

Well they sure as hell have disproportionate power in the electoral college. Doing some quick math on my California-Wyoming example, California has only about 18 times more electoral votes despite have 68 times the population. The only reason Republicans aren't frothing at the mouth about this is because it's highly convenient for them and lets them win elections. My senate example is even more grotesque.

History will tell you why we have an Electoral College instead of a popular vote, but if you want a summary it comes down to giving each state an incentive to join the union. We're the United States of America, not the United People of America.

I know that people in the present like to ignore that because it doesn't allow big cities full of people that have no idea what are the needs of people in middle America overrule their vote during most elections, but that's just the way it is.

Maybe in a few years Texas will turn purple, since liberals from California seeking relief from their taxes and regulations are moving there and are bringing their politics with them.

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#129  Edited By Gaming-Planet
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*Looks at Kayne*

*Looks at OP*

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#130 deactivated-5c2e78cbd8d85
Member since 2018 • 210 Posts
@ad1x2 said:
@lordlobster said:
@blackhairedhero said:

@lordlobster: Except they don't.

Well they sure as hell have disproportionate power in the electoral college. Doing some quick math on my California-Wyoming example, California has only about 18 times more electoral votes despite have 68 times the population. The only reason Republicans aren't frothing at the mouth about this is because it's highly convenient for them and lets them win elections. My senate example is even more grotesque.

History will tell you why we have an Electoral College instead of a popular vote, but if you want a summary it comes down to giving each state an incentive to join the union. We're the United States of America, not the United People of America.

I know that people in the present like to ignore that because it doesn't allow big cities full of people that have no idea what are the needs of people in middle America overrule their vote during most elections, but that's just the way it is.

Maybe in a few years Texas will turn purple, since liberals from California seeking relief from their taxes and regulations are moving there and are bringing their politics with them.

Umm yeah it's 2018, time to get a system of equal representation.

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#131 ad1x2
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@lordlobster said:
@ad1x2 said:
@lordlobster said:
@blackhairedhero said:

@lordlobster: Except they don't.

Well they sure as hell have disproportionate power in the electoral college. Doing some quick math on my California-Wyoming example, California has only about 18 times more electoral votes despite have 68 times the population. The only reason Republicans aren't frothing at the mouth about this is because it's highly convenient for them and lets them win elections. My senate example is even more grotesque.

History will tell you why we have an Electoral College instead of a popular vote, but if you want a summary it comes down to giving each state an incentive to join the union. We're the United States of America, not the United People of America.

I know that people in the present like to ignore that because it doesn't allow big cities full of people that have no idea what are the needs of people in middle America overrule their vote during most elections, but that's just the way it is.

Maybe in a few years Texas will turn purple, since liberals from California seeking relief from their taxes and regulations are moving there and are bringing their politics with them.

Umm yeah it's 2018, time to get a system of equal representation.

When people in LA or NYC show that they actually give a crap about people in Oklahoma or Nebraska instead of just referring to them as dumb flyover trash, then maybe we could consider a popular vote a good idea in the United States. A person that has lived their whole life in a city isn't going to know (and probably doesn't care) what someone that lives in a farming community needs outside of what they may read on the internet.

But by all means, if you think we should go to a popular vote then join the movement to get the Constitution amended.

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#132 deactivated-6068afec1b77d
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Well, it's Hollywood and most its actors are liberal so it is going to come as mostly biased. Also, Hollywood as an organization so it leans toward democrats. Its like NRA, where its organization leans toward republicans.

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#133 LJS9502_basic
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@blackhairedhero said:

@LJS9502_basic: So you can flood the country with immigrants , make them legal and get your free votes? No thanks.. !

Ah the hysteria of the right................

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#134 LJS9502_basic
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@ad1x2 said:
@lordlobster said:
@ad1x2 said:

History will tell you why we have an Electoral College instead of a popular vote, but if you want a summary it comes down to giving each state an incentive to join the union. We're the United States of America, not the United People of America.

I know that people in the present like to ignore that because it doesn't allow big cities full of people that have no idea what are the needs of people in middle America overrule their vote during most elections, but that's just the way it is.

Maybe in a few years Texas will turn purple, since liberals from California seeking relief from their taxes and regulations are moving there and are bringing their politics with them.

Umm yeah it's 2018, time to get a system of equal representation.

When people in LA or NYC show that they actually give a crap about people in Oklahoma or Nebraska instead of just referring to them as dumb flyover trash, then maybe we could consider a popular vote a good idea in the United States. A person that has lived their whole life in a city isn't going to know (and probably doesn't care) what someone that lives in a farming community needs outside of what they may read on the internet.

But by all means, if you think we should go to a popular vote then join the movement to get the Constitution amended.

Ah the hypocrisy of the right considering the people in Oklahoma and Nebraska don't give give a crap about LA and NYC. Priceless the double standards employed by the far right.........

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#135  Edited By ad1x2
Member since 2005 • 8430 Posts
@LJS9502_basic said:
@ad1x2 said:
@lordlobster said:
@ad1x2 said:

History will tell you why we have an Electoral College instead of a popular vote, but if you want a summary it comes down to giving each state an incentive to join the union. We're the United States of America, not the United People of America.

I know that people in the present like to ignore that because it doesn't allow big cities full of people that have no idea what are the needs of people in middle America overrule their vote during most elections, but that's just the way it is.

Maybe in a few years Texas will turn purple, since liberals from California seeking relief from their taxes and regulations are moving there and are bringing their politics with them.

Umm yeah it's 2018, time to get a system of equal representation.

When people in LA or NYC show that they actually give a crap about people in Oklahoma or Nebraska instead of just referring to them as dumb flyover trash, then maybe we could consider a popular vote a good idea in the United States. A person that has lived their whole life in a city isn't going to know (and probably doesn't care) what someone that lives in a farming community needs outside of what they may read on the internet.

But by all means, if you think we should go to a popular vote then join the movement to get the Constitution amended.

Ah the hypocrisy of the right considering the people in Oklahoma and Nebraska don't give give a crap about LA and NYC. Priceless the double standards employed by the far right.........

There are plenty of liberals in OKC and Omaha, respectively, that have conservative friends and family in the surrounding counties. You're probably going to find more people there that are sympathetic to liberals than liberals sympathetic to conservatives in blue states. Spend time in both red and blue states and you will see what I mean.

Excluding bigots and other unacceptable people from the far-right, if you find conservatives that act like they don't care about liberals, don't be surprised that it is a result of liberals looking at them and anyone else that doesn't agree 100% with them with such contempt and ridicule:

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#136 Blackhairedhero
Member since 2018 • 3231 Posts

@LJS9502_basic: lol Hysteria? English is practically a second language in California. It is now the poorest state in the US based off the SPM... please explain why the **** we would want to be like California?

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#137  Edited By rmpumper
Member since 2016 • 2150 Posts

@ad1x2 said:

There are plenty of liberals in OKC and Omaha, respectively, that have conservative friends and family in the surrounding counties. You're probably going to find more people there that are sympathetic to liberals than liberals sympathetic to conservatives in blue states. Spend time in both red and blue states and you will see what I mean.

Excluding bigots and other unacceptable people from the far-right, if you find conservatives that act like they don't care about liberals, don't be surprised that it is a result of liberals looking at them and anyone else that doesn't agree 100% with them with such contempt and ridicule:

How about including the things that Republicans are saying about these two? And, btw, West yesterday said that he has mental illness yesterday, not to mention that republicans treat him as the "token negro".

And don't you think that liberals have a harder time sympathizing with Conservatives because republican views are mostly hateful to one or several groups of people (women, minorities, poor, immigrants, gays etc.)

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#138 ad1x2
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@rmpumper said:
@ad1x2 said:

There are plenty of liberals in OKC and Omaha, respectively, that have conservative friends and family in the surrounding counties. You're probably going to find more people there that are sympathetic to liberals than liberals sympathetic to conservatives in blue states. Spend time in both red and blue states and you will see what I mean.

Excluding bigots and other unacceptable people from the far-right, if you find conservatives that act like they don't care about liberals, don't be surprised that it is a result of liberals looking at them and anyone else that doesn't agree 100% with them with such contempt and ridicule:

How about including the things that Republicans are saying about these two? And, btw, West yesterday said that he has mental illness yesterday, not to mention that republicans treat him as the "token negro".

And don't you think that liberals have a harder time sympathizing with Conservatives because republican views are mostly hateful to one or several groups of people (women, minorities, poor, immigrants, gays etc.)

Just like all liberals aren't the same, all conservatives aren't the same either. Coming here, I see the contempt a lot of posters have for conservatives, but liberals, conservatives, and independents get along just fine where I work since we have the ability to talk about things other than politics. There are some conservatives with hateful views, but there are plenty more that are not, so you should consider talking to people with different political views instead of dismissing all of them just because the internet tells you that they are all a bunch of racist, bigoted morons.

As for Kanye West, there are plenty of people out there that are mentally ill, but it sometimes appears that people that consider themselves tolerant are afraid to mock someone that is mentally ill unless they are a conservative; then they are fair game to mock since their mental illness is obviously the reason they are conservative in their opinion. Also, the things posted in that picture are the nicer things said about West. Uncle Tom, c**n, and house n****r were some of the harsher things said about him, and two years ago people that didn't hate rap were calling him a musical genius.

As for Taylor Swift, I don't know everything that is being said about her, but I have no issues with her political opinion and I disagree with the idea of mocking her because of it. The picture was just an example of how people will treat you if you fall in line versus if you go against the popular Hollywood opinion. Even though Swift scorched Marsha Blackburn's voting record, she still said that she wants all of her fans regardless of political party to vote in her Instagram post, unlike some other celebrities that make it clear that your vote only matters if you vote the same way they do and if you don't you're a moron that is contributing to the destruction of the country.

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#139 LJS9502_basic
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@blackhairedhero said:

@LJS9502_basic: lol Hysteria? English is practically a second language in California. It is now the poorest state in the US based off the SPM... please explain why the **** we would want to be like California?

Thanks for demonstrating the hysteria.......

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#140 LJS9502_basic
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@ad1x2: You're just being dishonest here. Conservatives attack liberals all the time.

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#141 Fuhrer_D
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Remember when Taylor Swift was alt - right because she wasn't taking a political stance?

Too funny. You haven't said you are with me, so you are against me.

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#142 ad1x2
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@LJS9502_basic said:

@ad1x2: You're just being dishonest here. Conservatives attack liberals all the time.

I didn't say that they don't. Me saying that I don't agree with people mocking Taylor Swift for her political opinion was aimed at the conservatives that do.

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#143  Edited By rmpumper
Member since 2016 • 2150 Posts

@ad1x2 said:
As for Kanye West, there are plenty of people out there that are mentally ill, but it sometimes appears that people that consider themselves tolerant are afraid to mock someone that is mentally ill unless they are a conservative; then they are fair game to mock since their mental illness is obviously the reason they are conservative in their opinion. Also, the things posted in that picture are the nicer things said about West. Uncle Tom, c**n, and house n****r were some of the harsher things said about him, and two years ago people that didn't hate rap were calling him a musical genius.

What has being Conservative has to do with anything. The guy admitted that he is mentally ill in the yesterdays meeting with Trump, and if you would bother to listen to his rant during the meetings, you would see that as well.

This looks like projection on your part, as after every single alt-right white guy mass shooting, he is labeled as mentally ill by republicans, so you projects the same tactics onto liberals.

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#144  Edited By Blackhairedhero
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@LJS9502_basic: Those are called facts. Name one thing I said that wasn't true.... and to hear a leftist talk about Hysteria is funny to me. You think the world has been ending every day the last two years.

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#145 LJS9502_basic
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@blackhairedhero said:

@LJS9502_basic: Those are called facts. Name one thing I said that wasn't true.... and to hear a leftist talk about Hysteria is funny to me. You think the world has been ending every day the last two years.

No you mentioned hysterical ranting points of the far right......nothing factual. Stay away from talking heads...........

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#146  Edited By Blackhairedhero
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California is the poorest state in the US.


English will be a second language in California.


No... FACTS!

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#147 LJS9502_basic
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@blackhairedhero: That wasn't the initial discussion and it has nothing to do with said discussion.


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#148  Edited By Blackhairedhero
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@LJS9502_basic: That had to do with the post you responded to.

And if we want to get with the TC's comments its proven liberals are triggered far more easily then conservatives and far less likely to be open to different view points.

I can link that to if you like?

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#149 TryIt
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@blackhairedhero said:

@LJS9502_basic: That had to do with the post you responded to.

And if we want to get with the TC's comments its proven liberals are triggered far more easily then conservatives and far less likely to be open to different view points.

I can link that to if you like?

oh that is a huge pile of horseshit.

laughable even.

Cons are very sensitive.

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#150  Edited By Blackhairedhero
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@tryit: http://blog.languageline.com/report-california-limited-english-proficient

Not as sensitive as liberals. Not even close. And I can post link after link that verifies that. What's crazy to me is you would even debate that. You guys have protested non stop for two years over a president you don't like. It's not even remotely close.