Age of Conan's first siege worldwide - Utter fail.

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#51 xNJN
Member since 2006 • 1374 Posts
They axed Dragon Empires for this?
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#52 Nikalai_88
Member since 2006 • 1755 Posts

[QUOTE="V4LENT1NE"]Look at the screens what is that raid UI? Looks fricken awful.ShaizanHgh

You ever see WoW's Orig raid UI, Freakn awful. Good thing someone came along and made a new UI for the game.

Guess that's the advantage of being out for a long time, but there is no way you can argue that WoW's release was in the same state as AoC, other than server stability (AoC wins there) in optimization, balance (lol cultural PvP), bugs, content, UI and promised features WoW launch wins hands down. Blizzard also didn't **** off ATI users. Anyways AoC does not support custom UI's to the extent of WoW.

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#53 Iraqi_Gangster
Member since 2008 • 503 Posts
All I heard that it was buggy and the PvP was unfair.
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#54 MTBare
Member since 2006 • 5176 Posts
They posted an announcement today regarding massive siege battles and client performance. Not letting me copy/paste the whole message though.
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Member since 2006 • 12901 Posts

[QUOTE="V4LENT1NE"]Look at the screens what is that raid UI? Looks fricken awful.ShaizanHgh

You ever see WoW's Orig raid UI, Freakn awful. Good thing someone came along and made a new UI for the game.

WOW is over 2 years old, but still to this day manages to look impressive in its UI, most things about Conan's UI look garbage, nameplates look cheap and tacky, combat text looks pretty poor, all in all I dont think the game has been able to achieve the basics, which when you have games like WOW to compete against you just cant do that. And yes you can say I sound like a WOW fanboy, I agree I totally do, but thats because I am so let down by how they seemed to skip the basics for innovation in this game, and even that innovation is broken, nice raid, at 2fps.

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#56 Wasdie  Moderator
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According to FunCom they are fixing the problems. Hopefully they do this soon. My guild wants to siege!
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#57 turaaggeli
Member since 2007 • 785 Posts

Funcom has been doing a great job of patching AOC so far, im sure they will have the Seige Battles worked out, as they have worked out the other problems in the game very fast. The game has been a very good experience for me so far, and if Funcom can keep updating the game like they have, ill be a player on AOC for along time to come.

Every MMO that has ever been released has had some problems at launch, this one is no differnt.


Yet somehow people just don't seem to understand this..... :|

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#58 kozzy1234
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They will fix the seige problems soon enough like they have with the other problems that have come about.

I personally love AOC, its got better graphics, better combat, more mature players and a better story then WOW.

Just hope funcom keeps up the great work they have been doing on patches

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#60 Gooeykat
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Yeah, I really don't care about this. I know the AoC trolls will use this as proof that the game is bad compared to thier beloved WoW (yes, most of the trolls are WoW fanboys, they are really threatened by this game for some reason). But I really don't care about Siege Battles, maybe in a few months but right now I am enjoying this game very much.
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#61 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58562 Posts

AoC had a great first impression with me. But the more I spoke with high level characters and the more I played, the more I realized it was an incomplete game. Its polished, yes, but incomplete.

Imagine if a car developer had to make a new car, but they ran out of time. The car had one door and three wheels. So, instead of admitting their mistakes, they "polished" the incomplete car: instead of four standard wheels, they gave it three 24 inch blingin' wheels. instead of four doors, they gave it one gulf-wing door.

"Oh my god, look at those rims!" people say. "Sweet, the door opens up! not out!" And they eat it up. But when they get it home, the novelty wears off, and soon they realize that while it looks impressive they can barely use it to get to the store.

That is what AoC is. A shiny incomplete game that lacks the fundamentals of a good MMO:

-the netcode is horrible, a necissity for an online-only game

-AoC is horribly optimized; its not as purdy as Crysis, but its almost as exclusive

-It is instanced, somewhat like Guild Wars. Each server is broken into partitions: instead of being one giant locale like on WoW and other real MMOs, AoC puts about 1000 players per partition of server. This really cripples the MMO aspect.

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#62 ShaizanHgh
Member since 2006 • 1022 Posts

Imagine if a car developer had to make a new car, but they ran out of time. The car had one door and three wheels. So, instead of admitting their mistakes, they "polished" the incomplete car: instead of four standard wheels, they gave it three 24 inch blingin' wheels. instead of four doors, they gave it one gulf-wing door.


The day cars cost $50 to buy and only $15 a month to drive, will this analogy ever be correct.

I cant believe this is the second time today Ive had to use this line. Where do you get this stuff from, cause I know you are just repeating what someone else said.

Edit: But I understand what you are trying to say.

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#63 Gooeykat
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-It is instanced, somewhat like Guild Wars. Each server is broken into partitions: instead of being one giant locale like on WoW and other real MMOs, AoC puts about 1000 players per partition of server. This really cripples the MMO aspect.


Nearly every MMO that I've played (with the exception of WoW) is "partitioned." Because it is partitioned, doesn't mean its not a real MMO. WoW can do this because the graphics engine is ancient, and the advantage of a seamless world while cool is mostly aesthetic.

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#64 pwilletts
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-It is instanced, somewhat like Guild Wars. Each server is broken into partitions: instead of being one giant locale like on WoW and other real MMOs, AoC puts about 1000 players per partition of server. This really cripples the MMO aspect.


Nearly every MMO that I've played (with the exception of WoW) is "partitioned." Because it is partitioned, doesn't mean its not a real MMO. WoW can do this because the graphics engine is ancient, and the advantage of a seamless world while cool is mostly aesthetic.

A game that looks as great as AoC would be hard pressed to have a seamless world. It would take some serious power to handle that.

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#65 deactivated-57e5de5e137a4
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Unfortunately, the one other MMO game I was looking forward to (Gods and Heroes) was cancelled a bit before release so I jumped into AOC.

It's not a bad game by any means. I like it more than most other popular MMOs. It just hasn't drawn me in yet. I've only played about 2 hours in the last two weeks.

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#66 turaaggeli
Member since 2007 • 785 Posts

AoC had a great first impression with me. But the more I spoke with high level characters and the more I played, the more I realized it was an incomplete game. Its polished, yes, but incomplete.

Imagine if a car developer had to make a new car, but they ran out of time. The car had one door and three wheels. So, instead of admitting their mistakes, they "polished" the incomplete car: instead of four standard wheels, they gave it three 24 inch blingin' wheels. instead of four doors, they gave it one gulf-wing door.

"Oh my god, look at those rims!" people say. "Sweet, the door opens up! not out!" And they eat it up. But when they get it home, the novelty wears off, and soon they realize that while it looks impressive they can barely use it to get to the store.

That is what AoC is. A shiny incomplete game that lacks the fundamentals of a good MMO:

-the netcode is horrible, a necissity for an online-only game

-AoC is horribly optimized; its not as purdy as Crysis, but its almost as exclusive

-It is instanced, somewhat like Guild Wars. Each server is broken into partitions: instead of being one giant locale like on WoW and other real MMOs, AoC puts about 1000 players per partition of server. This really cripples the MMO aspect.


1. Every single MMO released to date is "incomplete" So why in the world do people keep pulling this incomplete card on AoC?

2.Jesus...... Don't tell me you expected Crysis visuals from an MMO? There is absolutely nothing wrong with AoC's graphics as far as MMO's go. Unoptimized? Yes. Terrible? Not at all. Why is it that every game that has released after Crysis suddenly "isn't up to par". Imagine what the performance would be if AoC had Crysis' visuals......yeah.

3. It is instanced for a reason you know. Would you rather have a competition with other players trying to do a quest? Or have fun, relax and do the quests at your own pace? Because that is one of the reason it is instanced: to keep the flow and balance of the game enjoyable by not having too many players on a single server. Because of this you don't have to sit ona spot for 30 mins with a bunch of other people waiting for a boar to respawn so you can loot its kidney.

EDIT: Don't take this the wrong way. This may seem as a harsh response, but it's not. I'm not trying to be mean, just giving my opinion on things :)

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#67 Lilgunney612
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Looks like funcom is already all over it.

"We are very serious about our Massive Siege PvP system and we became more aggressive on fixing several issues appearing in that regard. The bulk of the feedback can be summarized within two categories: a) Client performance and b) Content and collision.

I would like to say that most of you – our players – most likely have some time to go before you reach the stage where Siege Battles become a daily activity. It is unfortunate that some of these issues have arisen, but it will not be felt personally for most of our players as they will be addressed before you participate in Massive Siege. Funcom and I have a clear policy on focusing clearly and honestly on problems. This will give you predictability and the hopefully will be what you, our customers, see us as a company – clear and open.

Client Performance

The client performance seems to be the biggest issue. Luckily we already had several improvements of performance **** directly towards the siege battles in the pipeline when we got this feedback. We are confident that we will be able to get these update s to you within a short time. (We hope to get some out as early as on the Monday down-time!)

The improvements will include: a) ways to remove / hide performance impacting particles and sound, b) a more stylized view-distance (shorter and more pvp fitting) in the battle areas to increase framerate c) changes to how certain abilities and spells are being propagated. We are also confident that this fixes will greatly improve the framerate and overall client performance in the Siege Battles.

We will not stop optimizing this until we get to a stage where we are happy that all clients can host / participate in Siege PvP.

Content and collision

There were other problems with the siege battles as well. Luckily these are less severe in scope and it should be doable to address them all. We already have collision bug fixes for the dynamic collision in these areas on their way.

I hope you understand we do not take this lightly and that we are doing a strong push to address all issues immediately. "

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#68 Meu2k7
Member since 2007 • 11809 Posts

But we just came to the conclusion that no MMO has been released finished. If people would of quit playing WoW at the start do to all the bugs and wait time to access your character on a server, would it be as big of a game as it is today? Probally not.

People will know what is finished? This is somewhat an ambiguous answer, considering people's definition of finished is as varied as each individuals computer configuration.


It's basically like this.

Companies come out, announce their new MMO, develop continues, we get to preview all these great features and what-not, the hype train begins to roll. Release day comes around, the game turns out to be a buggy mess, features are incomplete, some don't exist at all.

People pay, people complain, people quit. Company profits off of people who buy their incomplete product and continue to profit off of the subscriptions of players who are convincing themselves to continue playing, missing content and features are promised in the form of future updates and patches, players wait, players wait for things that should have been in release, players wait.

It doesn't have to be like this.

Umm in this case yes it does, funcom were verging on bankrupt, sorry if your "Awesome epic pvp" plans interveened with thier financial situation, they should of just cancelled the game altogether because you competitive game rushers want to be the best :roll:

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#69 deactivated-59d151f079814
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[QUOTE="V4LENT1NE"]Look at the screens what is that raid UI? Looks fricken awful.Nikalai_88

You ever see WoW's Orig raid UI, Freakn awful. Good thing someone came along and made a new UI for the game.

Guess that's the advantage of being out for a long time, but there is no way you can argue that WoW's release was in the same state as AoC, other than server stability (AoC wins there) in optimization, balance (lol cultural PvP), bugs, content, UI and promised features WoW launch wins hands down. Blizzard also didn't **** off ATI users. Anyways AoC does not support custom UI's to the extent of WoW.

WoW had its own problems.. How bout the fact for quite a long time Raiding in that game was aweful grinding?

And I don't understand people in this one.. It was rushed 4 to 5 months ahead of the scheduled release.. Why? Because they did not want to compete with a few other mmo's.. I am honestly gonna give this game a try in a few months when its better on its feet.

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#70 ct1615
Member since 2004 • 733 Posts

AoC had a great first impression with me. But the more I spoke with high level characters and the more I played, the more I realized it was an incomplete game. Its polished, yes, but incomplete.

Imagine if a car developer had to make a new car, but they ran out of time. The car had one door and three wheels. So, instead of admitting their mistakes, they "polished" the incomplete car: instead of four standard wheels, they gave it three 24 inch blingin' wheels. instead of four doors, they gave it one gulf-wing door.

"Oh my god, look at those rims!" people say. "Sweet, the door opens up! not out!" And they eat it up. But when they get it home, the novelty wears off, and soon they realize that while it looks impressive they can barely use it to get to the store.

That is what AoC is. A shiny incomplete game that lacks the fundamentals of a good MMO:

-the netcode is horrible, a necissity for an online-only game

-AoC is horribly optimized; its not as purdy as Crysis, but its almost as exclusive

-It is instanced, somewhat like Guild Wars. Each server is broken into partitions: instead of being one giant locale like on WoW and other real MMOs, AoC puts about 1000 players per partition of server. This really cripples the MMO aspect.


1. Every single MMO released to date is "incomplete" So why in the world do people keep pulling this incomplete card on AoC?

2.Jesus...... Don't tell me you expected Crysis visuals from an MMO? There is absolutely nothing wrong with AoC's graphics as far as MMO's go. Unoptimized? Yes. Terrible? Not at all. Why is it that every game that has released after Crysis suddenly "isn't up to par". Imagine what the performance would be if AoC had Crysis' visuals......yeah.

3. It is instanced for a reason you know. Would you rather have a competition with other players trying to do a quest? Or have fun, relax and do the quests at your own pace? Because that is one of the reason it is instanced: to keep the flow and balance of the game enjoyable by not having too many players on a single server. Because of this you don't have to sit ona spot for 30 mins with a bunch of other people waiting for a boar to respawn so you can loot its kidney.

1. wrong - AoC had gameplay issues like non-working stats. I could care less about silly bugs and some broken chains. Game-play has to be polished when launched and most MMO's don't have that issue. LOTRO game-play had some ugly game-play animation but it was polished.

2. wrong again- No one expects Crysis visuals from AoC but when you can run crysis better on your PC then you can AOC, there is a sclaing issue.

3. hat trick in wrongs, you get a Dumb-azz T-shirt - I still have to wait with 10 other people for bosses since a lot of zones are basically dungeons and boss re-spawns times are way too long. I never had such issues in LOTRO. With WoW, you may have to wait with other people but the boss respawns so fast that I've scene other people looting their boss kill as a new one appears.

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#71 GettingTired
Member since 2006 • 5994 Posts

if you look at the latest reviews for AoC you see them in the 7.5-7.8 range from (the top video game site on the web!) and (5+ pages of AoC pros and cons). All the AoC fan boys and hack review sites gave this game 9-10 rating reviews based on 1-2 days of playing through tortage.

I don't fault this so much on the game developers as I do on Funcom sales/marketing that made promises it's developers could never deliver. The game is slight variant to WoW and LOTRO melee. Yes it makes you more involved but it takes away certain freedom's also. Yes the graphics are very good but you need a very good system to see them other wise they fall below LOTRO with a decent rig since AoC does not scale well. Has anyone looked at AoC graphics with the shader turned from 3.0 to 2.0? Try it, you will see a new level of cartoony graphics beyond that of WoW.

And all you AoC fan boys with your pitch forks, I gave AoC a 8.0 rating (frankly the most accurate rating on gamespot for AoC!) and a higher rating then most current professional reviews. I've played four toons so far (more then 40 hours) and have enjoyed certain parts of the game. It's a good game and so enjoy it but it's not perfect, so stop waving your perfect flag for it.


I've never heard someone call AoC perfect. Everyone knows it has bugs. But Funcom has been addressing them. Now, that isn't as good as fixing, but it's good enough for a few people to give the game some time. It's still fun with all the numerous bugs, and that says a lot.

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#72 turaaggeli
Member since 2007 • 785 Posts

AoC had a great first impression with me. But the more I spoke with high level characters and the more I played, the more I realized it was an incomplete game. Its polished, yes, but incomplete.

Imagine if a car developer had to make a new car, but they ran out of time. The car had one door and three wheels. So, instead of admitting their mistakes, they "polished" the incomplete car: instead of four standard wheels, they gave it three 24 inch blingin' wheels. instead of four doors, they gave it one gulf-wing door.

"Oh my god, look at those rims!" people say. "Sweet, the door opens up! not out!" And they eat it up. But when they get it home, the novelty wears off, and soon they realize that while it looks impressive they can barely use it to get to the store.

That is what AoC is. A shiny incomplete game that lacks the fundamentals of a good MMO:

-the netcode is horrible, a necissity for an online-only game

-AoC is horribly optimized; its not as purdy as Crysis, but its almost as exclusive

-It is instanced, somewhat like Guild Wars. Each server is broken into partitions: instead of being one giant locale like on WoW and other real MMOs, AoC puts about 1000 players per partition of server. This really cripples the MMO aspect.


1. Every single MMO released to date is "incomplete" So why in the world do people keep pulling this incomplete card on AoC?

2.Jesus...... Don't tell me you expected Crysis visuals from an MMO? There is absolutely nothing wrong with AoC's graphics as far as MMO's go. Unoptimized? Yes. Terrible? Not at all. Why is it that every game that has released after Crysis suddenly "isn't up to par". Imagine what the performance would be if AoC had Crysis' visuals......yeah.

3. It is instanced for a reason you know. Would you rather have a competition with other players trying to do a quest? Or have fun, relax and do the quests at your own pace? Because that is one of the reason it is instanced: to keep the flow and balance of the game enjoyable by not having too many players on a single server. Because of this you don't have to sit ona spot for 30 mins with a bunch of other people waiting for a boar to respawn so you can loot its kidney.

1. wrong - AoC had gameplay issues like non-working stats. I could care less about silly bugs and some broken chains. Game-play has to be polished when launched and most MMO's don't have that issue. LOTRO game-play had some ugly game-play animation but it was polished.

2. wrong again- No one expects Crysis visuals from AoC but when you can run crysis better on your PC then you can AOC, there is a sclaing issue.

3. hat trick in wrongs, you get a Dumb-azz T-shirt - I still have to wait with 10 other people for bosses since a lot of zones are basically dungeons and boss re-spawns times are way too long. I never had such issues in LOTRO. With WoW, you may have to wait with other people but the boss respawns so fast that I've scene other people looting their boss kill as a new one appears.

1. As I said.... every MMO to date has been shipped INCOMPLETE. AoC is no exception. So I don't see what's wrong with my statement. Different games have different bugs.

2. AoC visuals are excellent considering what kind of a game it is. You can't expect a MMO that has thousands of people, mobs and all that to perform as good as a singleplayer game. An MMO is so much more vast than a singleplayer game.

3. That's too bad for you since I haven't had that problem in AoC except once(I had to wait for a hyena for a couple of minutes so I could loot his testicles, but I had that problem loads of times in WoW)Even if you've encountered that problem it still doesn't change the fact why AoC is instanced. To keep the performance stable and divide the amount of players into instances so the place doesn't become too overcrowded.

I suggest you hold on to that Dumb-azz T-shirt since it's got your name on it.

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#74 turaaggeli
Member since 2007 • 785 Posts

AoC had a great first impression with me. But the more I spoke with high level characters and the more I played, the more I realized it was an incomplete game. Its polished, yes, but incomplete.

Imagine if a car developer had to make a new car, but they ran out of time. The car had one door and three wheels. So, instead of admitting their mistakes, they "polished" the incomplete car: instead of four standard wheels, they gave it three 24 inch blingin' wheels. instead of four doors, they gave it one gulf-wing door.

"Oh my god, look at those rims!" people say. "Sweet, the door opens up! not out!" And they eat it up. But when they get it home, the novelty wears off, and soon they realize that while it looks impressive they can barely use it to get to the store.

That is what AoC is. A shiny incomplete game that lacks the fundamentals of a good MMO:

-the netcode is horrible, a necissity for an online-only game

-AoC is horribly optimized; its not as purdy as Crysis, but its almost as exclusive

-It is instanced, somewhat like Guild Wars. Each server is broken into partitions: instead of being one giant locale like on WoW and other real MMOs, AoC puts about 1000 players per partition of server. This really cripples the MMO aspect.


1. Every single MMO released to date is "incomplete" So why in the world do people keep pulling this incomplete card on AoC?

2.Jesus...... Don't tell me you expected Crysis visuals from an MMO? There is absolutely nothing wrong with AoC's graphics as far as MMO's go. Unoptimized? Yes. Terrible? Not at all. Why is it that every game that has released after Crysis suddenly "isn't up to par". Imagine what the performance would be if AoC had Crysis' visuals......yeah.

3. It is instanced for a reason you know. Would you rather have a competition with other players trying to do a quest? Or have fun, relax and do the quests at your own pace? Because that is one of the reason it is instanced: to keep the flow and balance of the game enjoyable by not having too many players on a single server. Because of this you don't have to sit ona spot for 30 mins with a bunch of other people waiting for a boar to respawn so you can loot its kidney.

1. wrong - AoC had gameplay issues like non-working stats. I could care less about silly bugs and some broken chains. Game-play has to be polished when launched and most MMO's don't have that issue. LOTRO game-play had some ugly game-play animation but it was polished.

2. wrong again- No one expects Crysis visuals from AoC but when you can run crysis better on your PC then you can AOC, there is a sclaing issue.

3. hat trick in wrongs, you get a Dumb-azz T-shirt - I still have to wait with 10 other people for bosses since a lot of zones are basically dungeons and boss re-spawns times are way too long. I never had such issues in LOTRO. With WoW, you may have to wait with other people but the boss respawns so fast that I've scene other people looting their boss kill as a new one appears.

1. As I said.... every MMO to date has been shipped INCOMPLETE. AoC is no exception. So I don't see what's wrong with my statement. Different games have different bugs.

2. AoC visuals are excellent considering what kind of a game it is. You can't expect a MMO that has thousands of people, mobs and all that to perform as good as a singleplayer game. An MMO is so much more vast than a singleplayer game.

3. That's too bad for you since I haven't had that problem in AoC except once(I had to wait for a hyena for a couple of minutes so I could loot his testicles, but I had that problem loads of times in WoW)Even if you've encountered that problem it still doesn't change the fact why AoC is instanced. To keep the performance stable and divide the amount of players into instances so the place doesn't become too overcrowded.

I suggest you hold on to that Dumb-azz T-shirt since it's got your name on it.

sorry i dont debate with idiot noobs such as yourself, your blind eyes toward AoC and all its faults cleary state that. The T-shirt is in the mail with your name on it, sorry but I am cleary smarter then you, just look at my well stated points.

Good day sir! and good luck with your career as the village idiot!

Wow. Personal insults.....what are you? 12? I read your "well stated" points and provided you with some insight on mine.....and you attack me. You call yourself a lot smarter than me, yet you make personal insults by calling me an "idiot noob" and "village idiot" I think it's apparent at this point who clearly is the ignorant one. Thank you.


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#75 ct1615
Member since 2004 • 733 Posts
I say poor sir once again, you have lost. Now respect my superiority and go play in traffic. Report all you want but that just implies that you are the immature one who must go running to mommy every time he loses and get's his butt whooped. Once again, good day.
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#77 ShaizanHgh
Member since 2006 • 1022 Posts

I say poor sir once again, you have lost. Now respect my superiority and go play in traffic. Report all you want but that just implies that you are the immature one who must go running to mommy every time he loses and get's his butt whooped. Once again, good day. ct1615

You have to be 13 in order to use Gamespot, please save the mods some trouble and delete your account.

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#78 Lilgunney612
Member since 2005 • 1878 Posts

[QUOTE="ct1615"]I say poor sir once again, you have lost. Now respect my superiority and go play in traffic. Report all you want but that just implies that you are the immature one who must go running to mommy every time he loses and get's his butt whooped. Once again, good day. ShaizanHgh

You have to be 13 in order to use Gamespot, please save the mods some trouble and delete your account.

heh, thats the second time someone told him that.

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#79 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58562 Posts

AoC had a great first impression with me. But the more I spoke with high level characters and the more I played, the more I realized it was an incomplete game. Its polished, yes, but incomplete.

Imagine if a car developer had to make a new car, but they ran out of time. The car had one door and three wheels. So, instead of admitting their mistakes, they "polished" the incomplete car: instead of four standard wheels, they gave it three 24 inch blingin' wheels. instead of four doors, they gave it one gulf-wing door.

"Oh my god, look at those rims!" people say. "Sweet, the door opens up! not out!" And they eat it up. But when they get it home, the novelty wears off, and soon they realize that while it looks impressive they can barely use it to get to the store.

That is what AoC is. A shiny incomplete game that lacks the fundamentals of a good MMO:

-the netcode is horrible, a necissity for an online-only game

-AoC is horribly optimized; its not as purdy as Crysis, but its almost as exclusive

-It is instanced, somewhat like Guild Wars. Each server is broken into partitions: instead of being one giant locale like on WoW and other real MMOs, AoC puts about 1000 players per partition of server. This really cripples the MMO aspect.


1. Every single MMO released to date is "incomplete" So why in the world do people keep pulling this incomplete card on AoC?

2.Jesus...... Don't tell me you expected Crysis visuals from an MMO? There is absolutely nothing wrong with AoC's graphics as far as MMO's go. Unoptimized? Yes. Terrible? Not at all. Why is it that every game that has released after Crysis suddenly "isn't up to par". Imagine what the performance would be if AoC had Crysis' visuals......yeah.

3. It is instanced for a reason you know. Would you rather have a competition with other players trying to do a quest? Or have fun, relax and do the quests at your own pace? Because that is one of the reason it is instanced: to keep the flow and balance of the game enjoyable by not having too many players on a single server. Because of this you don't have to sit ona spot for 30 mins with a bunch of other people waiting for a boar to respawn so you can loot its kidney.

1. wrong - AoC had gameplay issues like non-working stats. I could care less about silly bugs and some broken chains. Game-play has to be polished when launched and most MMO's don't have that issue. LOTRO game-play had some ugly game-play animation but it was polished.Exactly

2. wrong again- No one expects Crysis visuals from AoC but when you can run crysis better on your PC then you can AOC, there is a sclaing issue. Again, this was exactly my point.

3. hat trick in wrongs, you get a Dumb-azz T-shirt - I still have to wait with 10 other people for bosses since a lot of zones are basically dungeons and boss re-spawns times are way too long. I never had such issues in LOTRO. With WoW, you may have to wait with other people but the boss respawns so fast that I've scene other people looting their boss kill as a new one appears.

1. As I said.... every MMO to date has been shipped INCOMPLETE. AoC is no exception. So I don't see what's wrong with my statement. Different games have different bugs.

YEs I know, and accept, this fact. What I cant accept is incomplete basics. Ive played many many MMOs on or around their release datee (WoW, Tabula Rasa, LOTRO, Auto Assault, Pirates of the Burning Sea, etc) and they all had their problems, yes, but they at least got the fundamentals right. I can handle missing audio or a missing texture, but what I cant handle is bad netcode, a horrible UI, and everything else that should be close to perfect. Every MMO I have played no matter how terrible, has at least gotten those basic right.

2. AoC visuals are excellent considering what kind of a game it is. You can't expect a MMO that has thousands of people, mobs and all that to perform as good as a singleplayer game. An MMO is so much more vast than a singleplayer game.

My point was not to compare the visuals to Crysis. My point was to compare the performance to Crysis. You need a Crysis-capable PC to get the most out of AoC. This limits its accesability, which is crucial to any good MMO as a large community equals greater player pool which in turn makes it more fun.

3. That's too bad for you since I haven't had that problem in AoC except once(I had to wait for a hyena for a couple of minutes so I could loot his testicles, but I had that problem loads of times in WoW)Even if you've encountered that problem it still doesn't change the fact why AoC is instanced. To keep the performance stable and divide the amount of players into instances so the place doesn't become too overcrowded.

This is nearly decpetion in my books. They call it an MMO but how MMO is 1000 players? I cant help but feel that Funcom bit off way more than they could chew. I feel like Ive bought a game made by amateurs headed by an over-ambitious professional.

I suggest you hold on to that Dumb-azz T-shirt since it's got your name on it.

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#80 ShaizanHgh
Member since 2006 • 1022 Posts

Dear Mr Bojangles25,

It seems you like analogies, so let me share one that I made earlier today.

You go to the store on a Monday of any given month. You go to the candy aisle and decide to buy a box of Runts. You take em to the checkout and pay your 50 cents and leave. As you are consuming the candy you come across a banana shaped runt. As you are chewing it, you suddenly realize how horrible it tastes, spit it out and remark, "This does not taste like a banana!"

On Tuesday of the same given month, you return to the store and decide to try another box of Runts, figuring the day before you had bought a bad box of runts. You go to the checkout again and pay your 50 cents. Once again you come across another banana shape runt. This time you are sure that this one will taste like a banana. As you start to chew, the same horrible taste causes you to spit it out and remark, "This does not taste like a banana!!"

On Wednesday, you go to another store to buy yet another box of Runts, figuring the last store just happened to get a bad batch. Again you pick out a box, pay your 50 cents and leave the store. This time you pick out the banana shaped runt first to test your theory. As you consume the runt, you are inundated with the same horrid banana taste. This time you throw the box to the ground and proclaim, "I hate runts!"

On Thursday, you decide to go to the store and give the clerk some grief about how bad runts are. As you yelling at the clerk about the horrid banana runts, another customer approaches the counter. Butting into the conversation, the customer informs you that this is how runts have always been, and that maybe you should try a different brand of candy. Still livid over the argument with the clerk, you lash out and tell the customer to "leave", proclaiming that you want to eat runts but they should make the banana runts better.

The customer says, "Banana runts are my favorite."

Some might define "crazy", as doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.

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#81 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58562 Posts

Dear Mr Bojangles25,

It seems you like analogies, so let me share one that I made earlier today.

You go to the store on a Monday of any given month. You go to the candy aisle and decide to buy a box of Runts. You take em to the checkout and pay your 50 cents and leave. As you are consuming the candy you come across a banana shaped runt. As you are chewing it, you suddenly realize how horrible it tastes, spit it out and remark, "This does not taste like a banana!"

On Tuesday of the same given month, you return to the store and decide to try another box of Runts, figuring the day before you had bought a bad box of runts. You go to the checkout again and pay your 50 cents. Once again you come across another banana shape runt. This time you are sure that this one will taste like a banana. As you start to chew, the same horrible taste causes you to spit it out and remark, "This does not taste like a banana!!"

On Wednesday, you go to another store to buy yet another box of Runts, figuring the last store just happened to get a bad batch. Again you pick out a box, pay your 50 cents and leave the store. This time you pick out the banana shaped runt first to test your theory. As you consume the runt, you are inundated with the same horrid banana taste. This time you throw the box to the ground and proclaim, "I hate runts!"

On Thursday, you decide to go to the store and give the clerk some grief about how bad runts are. As you yelling at the clerk about the horrid banana runts, another customer approaches the counter. Butting into the conversation, the customer informs you that this is how runts have always been, and that maybe you should try a different brand of candy. Still livid over the argument with the clerk, you lash out and tell the customer to "leave", proclaiming that you want to eat runts but they should make the banana runts better.

The customer says, "Banana runts are my favorite."

Some might define "crazy", as doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.


I dont get it. Is this an analogy for MMOs and how many I've purchased? If so, I definately see the point youre trying to get across.

But its not so simple. MMOs go down for various reasons: Auto Assault was, imo, brilliant but the community just wasnt there and as a result there was little point to keep playing or for the devs to keep adding and improving the game; LOTRO was brilliant, but it just wasnt my cup of tea; Tabula Rasa was great 1-20 but failed miserably later on in the game; PoTBS was neat, but ultimately shallow.

But, even more so, I fail to see how this applies to the current argument we are having.

PS I actually do like banana runts! yummy! :D

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#82 Nikalai_88
Member since 2006 • 1755 Posts

Dear Mr Bojangles25,

It seems you like analogies, so let me share one that I made earlier today.

You go to the store on a Monday of any given month. You go to the candy aisle and decide to buy a box of Runts. You take em to the checkout and pay your 50 cents and leave. As you are consuming the candy you come across a banana shaped runt. As you are chewing it, you suddenly realize how horrible it tastes, spit it out and remark, "This does not taste like a banana!"

On Tuesday of the same given month, you return to the store and decide to try another box of Runts, figuring the day before you had bought a bad box of runts. You go to the checkout again and pay your 50 cents. Once again you come across another banana shape runt. This time you are sure that this one will taste like a banana. As you start to chew, the same horrible taste causes you to spit it out and remark, "This does not taste like a banana!!"

On Wednesday, you go to another store to buy yet another box of Runts, figuring the last store just happened to get a bad batch. Again you pick out a box, pay your 50 cents and leave the store. This time you pick out the banana shaped runt first to test your theory. As you consume the runt, you are inundated with the same horrid banana taste. This time you throw the box to the ground and proclaim, "I hate runts!"

On Thursday, you decide to go to the store and give the clerk some grief about how bad runts are. As you yelling at the clerk about the horrid banana runts, another customer approaches the counter. Butting into the conversation, the customer informs you that this is how runts have always been, and that maybe you should try a different brand of candy. Still livid over the argument with the clerk, you lash out and tell the customer to "leave", proclaiming that you want to eat runts but they should make the banana runts better.

The customer says, "Banana runts are my favorite."

Some might define "crazy", as doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.


Yeah because all MMO launches are the same... oh wait! According to you there was no difference between the launch of LotR or Wow and the launch of Anarchy Online? MMO's may not be 'complete' at the start but they all begin at different stages, AoC looks to be farther than most.

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#83 MTBare
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The second siege went down.

Even has a video with it, that shows even while using fraps to record (which causes a huge performance hit) it was still at a playable fps.

As you can tell we aren't having the same "technical issues" that others conveniently claimed. We don't disagree that there are siege issues such as engines not working, walls bugged, etc. I said that in my original post.

But you can clearly see we were able to move around fairly decently with a lot of players on the screen. Yes they need to improve performance, and yes they need to fix the bugs. But sieges aren't all .05 FPS affairs as some like to claim when they lose. Member from Lords of the Dead

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#84 ShaizanHgh
Member since 2006 • 1022 Posts

Sorry, my point is mmo's have never been released complete. Its come to the point where if you cannot accept this fact, you shouldnt play mmo's, especially not at release. Caveat emptor.

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#85 ShaizanHgh
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The second siege went down.

Even has a video with it, that shows even while using fraps to record (which causes a huge performance hit) it was still at a playable fps.MTBare

Nice video! I guess this means topic over?

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#86 Lord-Nerevar
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Is AOC free online?

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#87 ct1615
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[QUOTE="ct1615"]I say poor sir once again, you have lost. Now respect my superiority and go play in traffic. Report all you want but that just implies that you are the immature one who must go running to mommy every time he loses and get's his butt whooped. Once again, good day. ShaizanHgh

You have to be 13 in order to use Gamespot, please save the mods some trouble and delete your account.

or you could just drop dead and save the earth of your stupidity, feel free to go out which ever way pleases you as long as its fast and we are rid of your incoherent ramblings. ONCE AGAIN GOOD DAY AND NICE KNOWING YOU. YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN YOUR ORDER BY A SUPERIOR!

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#89 ShaizanHgh
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As you get older you will develop critical reading skills.

Until then, stick with the insults.

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#90 ct1615
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As you get older you will develop critical reading skills.

Until then, stick with the insults.


lol 1. im older then you

2. im not insulting you but stating the truth. in time you will realize this as you dig ditches, mow other people's lawns, what ever else your HS guidance counselor tells you qualify for.

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#91 ShaizanHgh
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1. im older then you

2. im not insulting you but stating the truth. in time you will realize this as you dig ditches, mow other people's lawns, what ever else your HS guidance counselor tells you qualify for.


I dont mean to use this old cliche but:

Sadly, if you are older then me, you must be one of those 40 year olds who still dwells in momma's basement, cause seriously, the maturity level just aint there.

I'm not insulting you, but stating the truth.

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#92 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58562 Posts

Dear Mr Bojangles25,

It seems you like analogies, so let me share one that I made earlier today.

You go to the store on a Monday of any given month. You go to the candy aisle and decide to buy a box of Runts. You take em to the checkout and pay your 50 cents and leave. As you are consuming the candy you come across a banana shaped runt. As you are chewing it, you suddenly realize how horrible it tastes, spit it out and remark, "This does not taste like a banana!"

On Tuesday of the same given month, you return to the store and decide to try another box of Runts, figuring the day before you had bought a bad box of runts. You go to the checkout again and pay your 50 cents. Once again you come across another banana shape runt. This time you are sure that this one will taste like a banana. As you start to chew, the same horrible taste causes you to spit it out and remark, "This does not taste like a banana!!"

On Wednesday, you go to another store to buy yet another box of Runts, figuring the last store just happened to get a bad batch. Again you pick out a box, pay your 50 cents and leave the store. This time you pick out the banana shaped runt first to test your theory. As you consume the runt, you are inundated with the same horrid banana taste. This time you throw the box to the ground and proclaim, "I hate runts!"

On Thursday, you decide to go to the store and give the clerk some grief about how bad runts are. As you yelling at the clerk about the horrid banana runts, another customer approaches the counter. Butting into the conversation, the customer informs you that this is how runts have always been, and that maybe you should try a different brand of candy. Still livid over the argument with the clerk, you lash out and tell the customer to "leave", proclaiming that you want to eat runts but they should make the banana runts better.

The customer says, "Banana runts are my favorite."

Some might define "crazy", as doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.


this is easily the dumbest post I have yet to read on this forum, you should be ashamed of your over-all stupidity. once again, please die!

lol I tried to be nice about it, but you essentially summed up what I wanted to say.

Its funny when people try to be smarter than they are.

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#93 ShaizanHgh
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It makes about as much sense as compairing a car to a computer game. Sorry Im trying to be nice also.
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#94 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58562 Posts

It makes about as much sense as compairing a car to a computer game. Sorry Im trying to be nice also.ShaizanHgh

My analogy made sense. I stated that AoC, like the car I described, is pretty and interesting but once you sit down and actually own it, you realize it is missing the fundamentals. Yes, the car has nice wheels, but it only has three. Yes, Conan has the best visuals of any MMO but the netcode sucks!

Your analogy, well, I still dont get the point.

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#95 ShaizanHgh
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Mmo's are realeased unfinished. This is how they are. Some people do not like that fact, while with others could care less. Expecting anything different, until a fully finished mmo is released is just crazy.

Runts = mmo's; Candy = video games, just cause you dont like the banana, doesnt mean the entire box is bad.

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#96 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58562 Posts

Mmo's are realeased unfinished. This is how they are. Some people do not like that fact, while with others could care less. Expecting anything different, until a fully finished mmo is released is just crazy.

Runts = mmo's; Candy = video games, just cause you dont like the banana, doesnt mean the entire box is bad.


but I like MMOs. And Runts.

With that said, AoC is beyond "unfinished". AoC is broken. It will be a good game, but it will take a long time to get there.

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#98 ShaizanHgh
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Ever play a game called hellgate london? Or vanguard? Now those would be the definition of a modern day ,"unfinished" mmo.

I can play the edit game also. I gave Aoc a 8.5. Plus I have never said aoc was a good game, I am only pointing out people's flawed expectations.

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#99 mrbojangles25
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Ever play a game called hellgate london? Or vanguard? Now those would be the definition of a modern day ,"unfinished" mmo.


I agree. Unfinished, but not broken. I got Hellgate, and I was able to play it perfectly fine. There were some glitches that occured maybe two or three times every two-hour session or so, but at least they were not constant, ever-present glitches.

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#100 ct1615
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Mmo's are realeased unfinished. This is how they are. Some people do not like that fact, while with others could care less. Expecting anything different, until a fully finished mmo is released is just crazy.

Runts = mmo's; Candy = video games, just cause you dont like the banana, doesnt mean the entire box is bad.


but I like MMOs. And Runts.

With that said, AoC is beyond "unfinished". AoC is broken. It will be a good game, but it will take a long time to get there.

i totally agree with you but you need to understand you are arguing with a fan boy. this is the same person who gives AoC a 10 rating after one hour of playing the game and screams funcom delivered on everything they said they would.

P.S. your chicken biscuit sandwiches rock!