What is more dangerous? The 1st or the 2nd Amendment

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Poll What is more dangerous? The 1st or the 2nd Amendment (28 votes)

1st Amendment 36%
2nd Amendment 64%

I thought I'd ask an interesting question today because of a meme on Facebook being passed around. It was a statement from Hilary Clinton saying if you are too dangerous to fly, you're too dangerous to buy a firearm. This got me thinking. What's really dangerous is our freedom, because it allows people to abuse our rights. Everyone has the right to free speech, but as a result, hatred and bigotry and racism continue to thrive. Many people have died as a result of this amendment. Everyone has the right to bear arms (or should be, but some circumstances remove this right) but as a result, some people buy guns and kill each other with them instead of what the true intent of this amendment was for: defending ourselves from a tyrannical government.

So which amendment of the two is really doing more damage to this country? The first amendment that allows such things as hatred, homophobia, Islamophobia, racism, etc. to proliferate? Or the second amendment that allows mass shootings in this country on an almost weekly basis?

Also, by no means am I looking to discuss having either of these amendments changed. I believe strongly in freedom and as such know that are there are prices to be paid for such freedoms. This thread is only for the purpose of talking about the effects of those freedoms.

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#101 bmanva
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@hillelslovak said:
@thegerg said:


Hey dumbass- guns have one purpose:

This is simply untrue. There are plenty of guns that are meant for sport. Even if something is meant only for killing, is that reason enough to ban it? Herbicides, fly-swatters, and mousetraps are all made to kill, should we ban those?

fly swatters mousetraps and herbicides are to protect humans from animals that give disease and destroy crops. And trying to obfuscate with appeals to firearms sports seems dishonest. The primary purpose of guns is to kill. If it was not, well, I would be wrong about history.

Primary purpose of guns is shooting a projectile to where it was aimed. The intent to kill is with the users.

None of it changes the fact that millions upon millions of bullets is fired each day in America without taking a life. While at the same time, things that aren't designed to kill are in fact killing people more often than guns are. As subzero stated, if the intent is saving lives then the conversation would focus elsewhere. But that's not what gun control is about.

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#102 deactivated-5cf0a2e13dbde
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@thegerg said:


"The primary purpose of guns is to kill."

Not all of them. Anyway, your post implies that there are certain scenarios where killing is justified, and this justifies the use of tools that are made to kill. It seems that, really, you agree with me that even if something is made to kill it's not inherently bad.

Just because there are beanbag guns, airsoft etc, does not negate the fact that guns primary purpose is to kill. And the fact you either cannot, or do not care to admit there is a difference between killing animals that give humans disease with herbicides fly swatters and mousetraps, and firearms, is astounding.

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#104 deactivated-5cf0a2e13dbde
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@thegerg said:


Again, that's not the primary use of all guns. I am a gun owner, only one of my guns has the primary purpose of killing.

Anyway, at no point have I said that there is no difference between killing pests and killing humans. You're seeing posts that aren't there, man. Are you OK?

Your post is unintelligible.

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#105 slateman_basic
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Religion has done far more damage to the world than firearms. Combine that with the freedom to inspire revolution and discord, and the First Amendment vastly exceeds the Second Amendment. Hell, look at the damage done by Martin Luther and his 95 Theses. He created more controversy with that one act than all the mass shootings in the last ten years.

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#107 deactivated-5f9e3c6a83e51
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@thegerg said:


By what criteria should we determine which guns are "high-powered" guns?

High powered guns may actually cause less tissue damage. The killing power of the orginal M16 was because its bullets entered the body at a lower velocity and tumbled - creating more tissue damage. The ak47 fired projectiles that were higher velocity, but would pass through the body more cleanly.

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#108 deactivated-5cf0a2e13dbde
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@thegerg said:


You've displayed that your reading comprehension is relatively poor, so I'm willing to help you out here. What do you need to see clarified?

You implied that me recognizing the need to kill pests conflated a tacit admission on my part that certain killing is justified, and used it to insinuate that I agreed with your justification for guns. There is a justification, and argument to be had for not killing animals, or killing certain animals for specific reasons, but to act as if I was agreeing with the point you were trying to make shows the lack of comprehension on your part.

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#110 xscrapzx
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@battlestreak said:

@thegerg: Sure it does.

Video games aren't needed but they're fun and act as a hobby, or something more. Fully automatic guns, can kill people very easily. Walk into a crowd with a fully automatic gun, and take out 30 people in 30 seconds. Let me just make myself clear. I'm not against guns. Handguns, shotguns, and even snipers are fine. But when it comes to something like an AK-47, or an AR-15, no. Those are weapons of death.

I cant believe what I just read. Handguns kill, shotguns kill, snipers kill. The argument that AK-47s or AR-15s are anymore lethal is a stupid argument. If you want to get into full automatic weapons, I'm all for that, they are outlawed and only very few people can possess them. You can obtain a license for them, however it is very expensive and you aren't just filling out a form and obtaining a license. lets not even get into the cost of owning such a weapon. Thirdly, I can take a handgun with 10 rounds hot and have 2-4 additional clips in my pocket ready to go. A simple press of the button the empty clip falls to the ground and I reach into my pocket slap another clip in and ready to go. Damage can be done there. People need to understand that. Finally, guns are only as lethal as who has them in possession, until society realizes this better off everyone will be.

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#111 xscrapzx
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@Shmiity: First of all you can't own an Assault Weapons (Rifles) in Massachusetts. They are banned. You are allowed to have semi-automatic rifles and handguns with a max of a 10 round clip, unless they are pre-ban. The argument of, "I just don't understand why you would need it" That is a very subjective statement. You could say that about almost everything that humans possess. Its a sport and its a hobby. People enjoy collecting them, people enjoy shooting them at ranges, people hunt with them and individuals like to have that assurance that if they have the need to defend themselves in their home or on the street that they can by possessing a firearm. Simply stating I don't understand why YOU would need it is a horrible way to approach gun control. If the country would stop playing politics and pushing their agenda we wouldn't even be discussing this one iota.

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#112 xscrapzx
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@thegerg said:


"Video games aren't needed but they're fun and act as a hobby, or something more."

Just like guns.

"But when it comes to something like an AK-47, or an AR-15, no. Those are weapons of death."

They're no more weapons of death than are handguns or "snipers". In fact, in the US handguns kill far more people than AKs or ARs. If you truly and honestly want to get rid of "weapons of death" why not focus on the weapons that actually cause more deaths?

Or I have a better idea, why don't we focus on who is pulling the trigger? Just a thought, but you know, that is too difficult for this country to do. We don't want to offend anyone now.

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#113 BattleStreak
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@xscrapzx: You're getting me all wrong. We should focus on who is pulling the trigger plenty. More than the liberals actually focus on the guns. But all I'm saying, is that I don't see a need to own a fully automatic weapon or gun.

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#114 xscrapzx
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@battlestreak said:

@xscrapzx: You're getting me all wrong. We should focus on who is pulling the trigger plenty. More than the liberals actually focus on the guns. But all I'm saying, is that I don't see a need to own a fully automatic weapon or gun.

You were saying look at the gun that kills more, which would be the handgun. I believe we need to stop looking at it at all, which I'm agreeing with you on. However, your statement of a fully automatic weapon is not allowed anywhere. For all intents and purposes it is banned. Yes, you can get a license to own one, however it is extremely difficult to get and most likely is banned in your state, such as mine. Mass. I think one thing people are getting confused here is what an assault weapon/rifle is. Its a weapon that sprays bullets when the trigger is held down. These weapon are illegal and are banned. Like I said above you can obtain a machine gun license for them and to be honest I'm ignorant of said license. However, from what I have been told it is extremely difficult to obtain one and fully automatic weapons are so costly that its not even worth owning one.

Folks are using Assault Weapons and semi-automatic guns interchangeably, which is wrong. Its like calling a cat a dog. Its simply not the same thing and the damage that an Assault weapon/rifle causes is much more than that of what a semi does.

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#115 deactivated-5cf0a2e13dbde
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@thegerg said:


I insinuated no such thing. Go back and reread my post. You'll see that it addresses "tools that are made to kill" broadly, not guns specifically. Do you NOT think that the use of tools made to kill is justified in certain circumstances?

For pests that carry disease, and ruin food stores? yes. That is a very different thing than a gun, and if you dont know that, goddamn, show some measure.

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#117 bmanva
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@battlestreak said:

@xscrapzx: You're getting me all wrong. We should focus on who is pulling the trigger plenty. More than the liberals actually focus on the guns. But all I'm saying, is that I don't see a need to own a fully automatic weapon or gun.

I don't see a need for alcohol, we should ban them. I don't see a need for swimming pools, ban. I don't see a need for cars to go faster than speed limits, ban. I could go on, but you get the point. All of those things kill more people each year in America than legally owned fully automatic weapons. Not to mention none are in the category of constitutionally protected right (while select fire weapons are not explicitly in the 2nd amendment you can make the argument a lot easier than those other things).

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#119 deactivated-5cf0a2e13dbde
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@thegerg said:


Ok. We've established that you're OK with the use of tools that are made to kill. So am I. I'm glad we are on the same page.

Except I draw the distinction between pests and humans, and do not oversimplify and pretend they are the same.

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#120 JustPlainLucas
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@Seraphy- said:

@JustPlainLucas said:

Everyone has the right to free speech, but as a result, hatred and bigotry and racism continue to thrive.


yeah those things would totally go away without the first amendment


Didn't say they'd go away, either, but they wouldn't thrive. Look at Trump. He's at where he's at because of the first amendment. You take his power away to say those racist and bigotted things he's been saying, then he's unable to influence those groups of Americans who are racist and bigotted themselves.

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#121 KHAndAnime
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@JustPlainLucas said:

Look at Trump. He's at where he's at because of the first amendment. You take his power away to say those racist and bigotted things he's been saying,

What exactly are those things?

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#122 JustPlainLucas
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@KHAndAnime said:
@JustPlainLucas said:

Look at Trump. He's at where he's at because of the first amendment. You take his power away to say those racist and bigotted things he's been saying,

What exactly are those things?

Even if you didn't already know, a quick Google search wouldn't kill you.

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#123  Edited By deactivated-5cf0a2e13dbde
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@JustPlainLucas said:
@KHAndAnime said:
@JustPlainLucas said:

Look at Trump. He's at where he's at because of the first amendment. You take his power away to say those racist and bigotted things he's been saying,

What exactly are those things?

Even if you didn't already know, a quick Google search wouldn't kill you.

Aside from the Curiel comments, which seemed racist, I dont think he has a history in this race of being racist. Even when he implied that Mexico was sending the US it's worse, I dont think it was racist. Absurd? Yes. He did not imply that these people are murderers or rapists because of their race. He seemed to be implying that the government of Mexico was enacting the same policy Castro used with the Mariel Boatlift situation in 1980.

And yeah, do you not see a problem with taking someone's free speech away? If it can be taken away, it is not free speech. And if you think it is ok for someone else to have that right taken away, how can you expect it to not happen to you? Taking away another man's first amendment rights is not an exercise of mine.

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#125 Shmiity
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@bmanva said:
@thegerg said:


The thing is that, all too often, people tend towards this myopic kind of "if you're not with me you're against me" mindset when discussing things that are so emotionally evocative. There's not a sane person on the planet, from the most ardent NRA supporter wacko to the most vocal "ban all guns now" nutcase, who doesn't want to see mass shootings (criminal violence in general, really) to stop. We can all agree on that, I hope.

That said, in order to appropriately address any problem we really have to understand the problem in a manner that's as factually accurate as possible. While mass shootings are awful, they are (as you indicated) remarkably rare occurrences. And even more rare than mass shootings are mass shootings where an "assault weapon" is used. Entirely doing away with "assault weapons" (let's pretend that that term isn't ambiguous enough to the point that it's really kind of useless if we're talking about gun laws that are going to make sense and work) would certainly eliminate mass shootings where "assault weapons" are used. Unfortunately, entirely doing away with such tools is unrealistic and unlawful. Aside from being unrealistic and unlawful, it would be only a tiny benefit to public health and safety.

As we know, the guns that are most commonly used in gun crimes (including mass shootings) are handguns. Well, I guess we don't all know that, otherwise we wouldn't have people like @battlestreak saying things like "[l]ook at every mass shooting you see. They use semi or fully automatic guns. Not handguns." The problem with discussing this reality with him and others is that you say something like "actually, "assault weapons" aren't really the guns you should be worried about", but they hear something like "stay offa muh gunz, I needs dem!"

I think that a big issue with the perception of the issue that some people have is simple ignorance. That doesn't mean that these people are bad, or that they're dumb. It just means that they're ill-informed. They don't have a solid understanding of the reality of the situation. They're more enticed by a pile of bodies in a gay club or dead white kids in a suburban school than they are by hundreds of dead black kids in shitty neighborhoods. They, for whatever reason, find the killings done with ARs more worthy of outrage than the ones done with cheap handguns in the inner-city. They *really* want guns off the streets, just not the guns that kill poor black folk.

EDIT: Well, I guess not *all* of them want just the least dangerous guns off the street. @Shmiity has displayed the intellectual fortitude to make a proposal that, while unrealistic and unlawful, at least brings to the table something that would make a real impact on gun violence.

Well said. Ultimately none of the posters you intended this to will read it unfortunately. They are just looking for things that justifies their set opinions about the world.

I'm not sure if that was a backhand compliment, but yes, me saying "no more guns. period. " is my view, and im sticking by it. I don't care about the constitution, it's a 250 year old document that was meant to be amended.

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#126 KHAndAnime
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@JustPlainLucas said:

Even if you didn't already know, a quick Google search wouldn't kill you.

All I found was a bunch of out-of-context, hoaky journalism. Have anything substantial?

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#129 deactivated-5cf0a2e13dbde
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@thegerg said:


I draw the same distinction, and advise you to not oversimplify and pretend they are the same as well.

Why are you advising me, when you are the one who did it?

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#131  Edited By VFighter
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@InEMplease: Your entire post is utter bs, I can't tell if this is what you actually believe or if you're just trolling?!? Bear arms has no limits...what? I don't even see the point you're trying to make with arming kids? But I do see a very common trend, those against the 2nd amendment (and first) are so grossly unknowledgeable on either its scary.

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#133 bmanva
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@InEMplease said:

@bmanva: When's the last time you saw somebody use alcohol, a swimming pool, or a car to kill a large amount of people in a short amount of time?

How is that relevant? Are you saying that people died of DUIs, drownings or car accidents are less tragic or less worth of our attention?

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#138 sayyy-gaa
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@slateman_basic said:

Religion has done far more damage to the world than firearms. Combine that with the freedom to inspire revolution and discord, and the First Amendment vastly exceeds the Second Amendment. Hell, look at the damage done by Martin Luther and his 95 Theses. He created more controversy with that one act than all the mass shootings in the last ten years.

Controversy and damage are two COMPLETELY different things. Inspiring revolution is not always a bad thing. Are you saying the Protestant Reformation was damaging? If not, what are you saying?

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#139 bmanva
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@InEMplease said:

@bmanva: Are you?

That's what you're apparently suggesting. If the deaths are equal then alcohol, swimming pools and cars should be banned since they cause hundreds of thousands times more lives each year than legally owned fully automatic weapons. In fact in the last 50 years there's only been 2 homicide related to NFA (legally owned select fire guns) items. And one was committed by an off duty cop.

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#141 branketra
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I think that worth reflecting on is the reason for the 2nd Amendment.

When the United States was first formed, the founders of America recognized the importance of protecting against tyranny of the masses and dictatorship. Therefore, their concept was that every law-abiding citizen should have the liberty to protect himself, but cannot form a militia unless it is authorized by the state government. Conversely, they thought that the federal government should not micromanage every aspect of the citizenry's defenses, but has the authority of the military. The Second Amendment is an explication of the basic idea regarding the individual citizen. We see rights being taken away from people already. For example, lawmakers have denied the mentally ill the ability to defend themselves with guns. I think this is interesting because this is similar to people being against abortion, but not offering any assistance after birth, effectively leaving a person defenseless. If there were security guards, then that may be an acceptable alternative for the mentally ill, but as it is gun rights seem like a broken window situation.

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#142 bmanva
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@InEMplease said:

@bmanva: You brought up the irrelevant shit.

You tried to argue that something should be banned based on original intent and design and that's a flawed argument especially when you are basing on the point that the primary purpose of the ban is to save lives since statistically speaking things that aren't designed with the same purpose as weapons are considerably more dangerous. That's like trying to say that we should adopt communism because it is the ideal form of government in concept when we know in reality that it's implementation is inherently faulty.

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#143 deactivated-5cf0a2e13dbde
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@thegerg said:


At no point have I pretended that killing humans and killing pests is the same thing. Pay attention to what is actually being posted. Again, you're seeing things that aren't there.

Yeah, you only implied that I agreed with you because I think killing pests is warranted. Goddamn, you are displaying so much presumption, and you play coy for some reason.

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#145  Edited By deactivated-5cf0a2e13dbde
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@thegerg said:

@hillelslovak: I implied no such thing. Do you NOT agree with me that sometimes the use of things that are meant to kill is justified?

You're the one presuming numerous things here, not I.

"Not all of them. Anyway, your post implies that there are certain scenarios where killing is justified, and this justifies the use of tools that are made to kill. It seems that, really, you agree with me that even if something is made to kill it's not inherently bad."

That is what you wrote. You implied that because I personally sanction pest control devices, then conflate these devices being the same thing as guns.