What happened to Wii?

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#1 wiidog
Member since 2007 • 600 Posts
I don't know about you guys but if you've played PS3 or Xbox 360 you will soon realize that the Wii is missing something. When I first saw trailers of the Wii and it's games b4 it was released it showed something different. It showed intense Zelda, WiiSports and real promise to be the top system this gen(I don't mean in sells). Now it seems(after e3) that the Wii is just trying to give us another party game week after week. Nintedo isnt being creative nor are they innovating they are just puting out lackluster, poorly presented party games. And they havent announced anything really special but Animal Crossing. Are you guys as dissapointed as I am?
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#2 Keenzach
Member since 2006 • 1210 Posts
I dont know I seem to remember them promissing DVD playback 2 and were is it ?
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#3 air_wolf_cubed
Member since 2004 • 10233 Posts
Mines in my room i dont know where yours is
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#4 wiidog
Member since 2007 • 600 Posts
I at first put all of my faith in the Wii but it's true nature is comming out. I would have been happy with an enhanced gamecube but we didnt even get that.
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#5 sman3579
Member since 2008 • 21174 Posts
I dont really care, as long as we get good games. Sure they didnt announce a more hardcore game at E3, but that doesnt mean they wont make more hardcore games. They did announce another Mario, Pikmin, and Zelda game. Besides this could be part of there plan, to give use the more casual games so when a more harcore game comes out more people will buy it to get there hands on a more meatier game.
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#6 wiidog
Member since 2007 • 600 Posts

I dont really care, as long as we get good games. Sure they didnt announce a more hardcore game at E3, but that doesnt mean they wont make more hardcore games. They did announce another Mario, Pikmin, and Zelda game. Besides this could be part of there plan, to give use the more casual games so when a more harcore game comes out more people will buy it to get there hands on a more meatier game.sman3579

Maybe but do you feel thats fair to us loyal gamers to make us wait a ridiculous amout of time for something that should already be there? Hardcore games should be in abundance just like the casual games

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#7 sman3579
Member since 2008 • 21174 Posts

[QUOTE="sman3579"]I dont really care, as long as we get good games. Sure they didnt announce a more hardcore game at E3, but that doesnt mean they wont make more hardcore games. They did announce another Mario, Pikmin, and Zelda game. Besides this could be part of there plan, to give use the more casual games so when a more harcore game comes out more people will buy it to get there hands on a more meatier game.wiidog

Maybe but do you feel thats fair to us loyal gamers to make us wait a ridiculous amout of time for something that should already be there? Hardcore games should be in abundance just like the casual games

No it isnt fair, but its their decision
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#8 haziqonfire
Member since 2005 • 36390 Posts
I'm not disappointed. The more I look at the PS3/360 the more I see titles I don't want because its the "been there, done that" thing.

Wii offers new experiences.
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#9 MooCowRocks
Member since 2006 • 202 Posts

Nintendo has said that they are no longer using E3 to announce their hardcore games, since it is pretty mainstream now. They are announcing more casual games to bring in new costomers, sice E3 is covered by the media to an extent. It actually makes sense, when you think about their strategy.

So don't fret, Nintendo has its "hardcore" games in the making, and more will be announced later.

EDIT: Link: http://play.tm/story/19725

From **** "At this E3 we had to focus on software for the mass audience and software that will be sold in this year or next, This one of the rare opportunities to reach out to mass audiences around the world."

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#10 poolwatcher
Member since 2008 • 60 Posts

what ridiculous amount of time? a year??? that isn't ridiculous and some good games are hidden jems, you gotta search through the rough to find a diamond. I got more fun out of a generic dragon ball z game than TP. A "meatier" game your searching for is already made or coming out, anyway.

As for a good game wait till september for force unleashed. or GH4 and rock band 2 at christmas. If you want a meaty game play a RPG it took me 70 HOURS to beat dragon quest 8 And thats not counting the secret dungeon!

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#11 Lord_Omikron666
Member since 2007 • 4838 Posts

[QUOTE="sman3579"]I dont really care, as long as we get good games. Sure they didnt announce a more hardcore game at E3, but that doesnt mean they wont make more hardcore games. They did announce another Mario, Pikmin, and Zelda game. Besides this could be part of there plan, to give use the more casual games so when a more harcore game comes out more people will buy it to get there hands on a more meatier game.wiidog

Maybe but do you feel thats fair to us loyal gamers to make us wait a ridiculous amout of time for something that should already be there? Hardcore games should be in abundance just like the casual games

Within about a year and a half Nintendo gave us their big core titles with Super Mario Galaxy, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and Metroid Prime 3, they also released titles from their other core franchises like Batallion Wars 2 and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. So, I don't see why you're complaining there aren't enough hardcore titles because the big ones already came out and the next ones are in development which means it will be a couple more years till we get them because Nintendo is always about quality in their core franchises.

Meanwhile, we are getting a load of 3rd party titles and the more I look at the 360 and PS3 lineup it just looks like the same "unique shooter/FPS"
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#12 Lidve
Member since 2007 • 2415 Posts

[QUOTE="sman3579"]I dont really care, as long as we get good games. Sure they didnt announce a more hardcore game at E3, but that doesnt mean they wont make more hardcore games. They did announce another Mario, Pikmin, and Zelda game. Besides this could be part of there plan, to give use the more casual games so when a more harcore game comes out more people will buy it to get there hands on a more meatier game.wiidog

Maybe but do you feel thats fair to us loyal gamers to make us wait a ridiculous amout of time for something that should already be there? Hardcore games should be in abundance just like the casual games

Lol,ps3 users waited almost year to get title like GTA before that everything was more or less mediocore.

So if you dont have much titles at moment dont mean you will not get them in future.

Especialy takeing in consideration that console iwll last at least 5-6 years

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#13 jmangafan
Member since 2004 • 1933 Posts

Wii Music is a glorified tech demo. Thats fine, you have a sound argument there. Wii Sports Resort is shipping with an item that allows true 1:1 control. That sounds like innovation to me. Animal Crossing is one of the most player demanding titles around (if you leave it alone for a month, the whole place goes to hell without you), so its one of the most hardcore series in recent years.

That was what Nintendo offered up new for E3.

We're getting a slew of original titles for the Wii both from 3rd Party (The Conduit, de Blob, Little King Story) and 1st Party teams (Pikmin 3, a new Mario, and a new Zelda have already been announced) and rumors of a new Kid Icarus via Factor 5 (with concept art no less).

Please, OP. Do you think you're the first person to create a topic like this? Do you think you're bringing attention to some overlooked slight towards gamers? Let me tell you this. No. You are not. This topic has been created several dozen times since E3. You're not being original, more to the point few people really care what you think. Most of them have either called Chicken Little and said the world was coming to an end or have just accepted that it was a weak showing meant for the broader casual audience.

There are games out there, they exist. We have screens of many of them. THERE IS A WHOLE FREAKING THREAD.

Seriously, everyone, stop these threads. For the love of people that ACTUALLY LIKE TO DISCUSS GAMES. PLEASE quit making these threads. It might be too much to ask, but could these threads start to be locked? They're far to common and address the same complaint over and over again. And each time they get answered. I'd love an autoban, but a warning thread would be nice. These just get so annoying.

Almost as much as "WHUT GAEM SHULD I GIT?!" threads.

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#14 Foxi911
Member since 2008 • 1676 Posts

Ok,so they already made a new zelda and mario,Pikmin doesnt count we havent had one in ages,so we are do for one.Still wtf,Why are people complaining we just got new mario games (Mario kart wii,Super Mario Galaxy,Mario Strikers,Mario Party 9 and the New Mario Sluggers) Sure If Only one is a RPG and the other is sport games. You still got Mario games.

Now,About zelda. Sure it was a gamecube title, you still got one at the release of the wii! WTF! I Dont think Nintendo should not make anymore zelda or mario titles sequels yet,Thats too close. I think there spoiling the nintendo core gamers with zelda and mario.

They should focus on the casual gamers right now. Then come back with the classic new franchises Starfox and Fzero and then come with another mario and zelda like 3yrs from now. God you people want to much from nintendo. >.> and people call them self nintendo fan boys or girls lol. WOW

Personally I dont care If I dont see any RPG zelda or mario for 3 to 5 yrs I want options Not the same mario and zelda!

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#15 jmangafan
Member since 2004 • 1933 Posts

Personally I dont care If I dont see any RPG zelda or mario for 3 to 5 yrs I want options Not the same mario and zelda!


Admittedly. the Zelda team ONLY works on Zelda games. Since they have jobs to keep, they have been working on it for at least a year and a half. Just because one is announced, doesn't mean that its coming out right away. TP was announced nearly 3 years before it actually came out. A new Zelda makes sense and we are getting one.

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#16 Rocky32189
Member since 2007 • 8995 Posts
Thetre's plenty of good games out and coming. If you can't find them, then you must not be looking hard enough.
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#17 sportdude6
Member since 2004 • 106 Posts

Wii Music is a glorified tech demo. Thats fine, you have a sound argument there. Wii Sports Resort is shipping with an item that allows true 1:1 control. That sounds like innovation to me. Animal Crossing is one of the most player demanding titles around (if you leave it alone for a month, the whole place goes to hell without you), so its one of the most hardcore series in recent years.

That was what Nintendo offered up new for E3.

We're getting a slew of original titles for the Wii both from 3rd Party (The Conduit, de Blob, Little King Story) and 1st Party teams (Pikmin 3, a new Mario, and a new Zelda have already been announced) and rumors of a new Kid Icarus via Factor 5 (with concept art no less).

Please, OP. Do you think you're the first person to create a topic like this? Do you think you're bringing attention to some overlooked slight towards gamers? Let me tell you this. No. You are not. This topic has been created several dozen times since E3. You're not being original, more to the point few people really care what you think. Most of them have either called Chicken Little and said the world was coming to an end or have just accepted that it was a weak showing meant for the broader casual audience.

There are games out there, they exist. We have screens of many of them. THERE IS A WHOLE FREAKING THREAD.

Seriously, everyone, stop these threads. For the love of people that ACTUALLY LIKE TO DISCUSS GAMES. PLEASE quit making these threads. It might be too much to ask, but could these threads start to be locked? They're far to common and address the same complaint over and over again. And each time they get answered. I'd love an autoban, but a warning thread would be nice. These just get so annoying.

Almost as much as "WHUT GAEM SHULD I GIT?!" threads.


Thank you

Wii is doing fine... hardcore demands are being addressed.

We have Pikmin 3, Madworld, Conduit, Animal Crossing, new Marios and Zeldas... and many more that I dare not try to remember and list.

We have Wii Motion Plus, allowing true 1:1 control (c'mon lightsabers!!), Wii Speak (Better late than never) which allows for something that even xbox and Ps3 dont... two free ears. We also have Nintendo's attention with the storage problem which, when addressed will allow for more DLC, patching, updating, etc. (the story with Reggie's statement is on GS now)

And honestly, really look at the libraries of the 360 and PS3, please OP, we have shooter after shooter after shooter, all which SLIGHTLY improve on the last, and RPGs to follow the same pattern. Only rarely do you see something original and interesting. Sure those games are fun...but are they INNOVATING like you said? I say no, simply improving.

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#19 wiidog
Member since 2007 • 600 Posts
Gimme a break. Most of you guys mention a few hardcore games but they are all old. Twilight princess was at launch(if my memory serves me right) and it was great. but what im saying is that since the launch the wii has gone downhill and is no longer interested in the big stuff. A GAME THAT DOESNT have multiplayer is only good until ya beat it. nobody wants to play TP anymore because its old. So u cant say the wii has core games when those games are old. And mario kart and mario party arent core games. they are glorified party games.
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#20 Lord_Omikron666
Member since 2007 • 4838 Posts
Gimme a break. Most of you guys mention a few hardcore games but they are all old. Twilight princess was at launch(if my memory serves me right) and it was great. but what im saying is that since the launch the wii has gone downhill and is no longer interested in the big stuff. A GAME THAT DOESNT have multiplayer is only good until ya beat it. nobody wants to play TP anymore because its old. So u cant say the wii has core games when those games are old. And mario kart and mario party arent core games. they are glorified party games.wiidog

How can you speak for everyone? Alot of people will go back to old games and play them again.
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#21 musicman748
Member since 2007 • 2754 Posts
No. Im actually really excited for things coming to wii like wiispeak, wiimotion plus, and third party support so i still love my wii.
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#22 Lyphe2k
Member since 2007 • 3385 Posts
Nintendo has taken a direction that does not follow in the footsteps of the PS3 or the 360. They are aiming at a different audience this time around. Sooner you get used to it and stop expecting the Wii to all of a sudden turn into what the N64 was, the sooner you'll start to enjoy it more.
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#23 Huell_Howser
Member since 2008 • 364 Posts

what happened to the entire gaming industry?

the ps3/360 just keep giving us the same game over and over with prettier graphics and the wii, although showing originality, doesn't seem to be taking it in the right direction. Sure each console has a handful of great original titles, but so far this generation seems to show a slowing rate of the release of games that will become classics and a stagnation of the industry as a whole. We need another "golden age of gaming" like the 16-bit era.

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#24 toonlinkk
Member since 2008 • 66 Posts

I'm not disappointed. The more I look at the PS3/360 the more I see titles I don't want because its the "been there, done that" thing.

Wii offers new experiences.

Yeah, but sadly the experiences it brings aren't worth the 300$ i spent on it.

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#25 Zeppy007
Member since 2008 • 558 Posts
2008 is the worst year for wii theirs only mario kart and brawl
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#26 Lord_Omikron666
Member since 2007 • 4838 Posts
2008 is the worst year for wii theirs only mario kart and brawlZeppy007

Speak for yourself, there's plenty more for the rest of us.
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#27 haziqonfire
Member since 2005 • 36390 Posts

[QUOTE="Haziqonfire"]I'm not disappointed. The more I look at the PS3/360 the more I see titles I don't want because its the "been there, done that" thing.

Wii offers new experiences.

Yeah, but sadly the experiences it brings aren't worth the 300$ i spent on it.

Depends on the person. I've been enjoying my Wii ever since I got it. 22 retail games, a lot of VC/WiiWare games.

I'm happy.
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#28 Zeppy007
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[QUOTE="Zeppy007"]2008 is the worst year for wii theirs only mario kart and brawlLord_Omikron666

Speak for yourself, there's plenty more for the rest of us.

Did I ever say I was speaking for every one who owns wii thats what I think And tell me about this mountain of games the only ones I see Mega Man 9, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed,Animal Crossing: City Folk,and thats it. But I say this is the best year for DS.

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#29 dragonball3900
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A GAME THAT DOESNT have multiplayer is only good until ya beat it. nobody wants to play TP anymore because its old. wiidog

Oh how wrong you are, I still play Trauma Center and Fire Emblem all the time, and I have gone through Zelda 3 times since launch. Old isn't always worse, often times its the best(OOT...).

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#30 Lord_Omikron666
Member since 2007 • 4838 Posts

[QUOTE="Lord_Omikron666"][QUOTE="Zeppy007"]2008 is the worst year for wii theirs only mario kart and brawlZeppy007

Speak for yourself, there's plenty more for the rest of us.

Did I ever say I was speaking for every one who owns wii thats what I think And tell me about this mountain of games the only ones I see Mega Man 9, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed,Animal Crossing: City Folk,and thats it. But I say this is the best year for DS.

You said there's only Mario Kart Wii and SSBB this year, implying that they are the only good games for the Wii in 2008. Do you need a list of the games coming this year because there's alot more then those 3.

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#31 madsnakehhh
Member since 2007 • 18268 Posts
Maybe this year isnt as good as others, it always happen in every console, sometimes they have great games after great games, sometimes dont, having in mind that 2008 is still young, maybe we will have some nice titles in Q4, maybe the next year, but i'm sure that the Wii have still a lot of potential.
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#32 Zeppy007
Member since 2008 • 558 Posts

[QUOTE="Lord_Omikron666"][QUOTE="Zeppy007"]2008 is the worst year for wii theirs only mario kart and brawlLord_Omikron666

Speak for yourself, there's plenty more for the rest of us.

Did I ever say I was speaking for every one who owns wii thats what I think And tell me about this mountain of games the only ones I see Mega Man 9, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed,Animal Crossing: City Folk,and thats it. But I say this is the best year for DS.

You said there's only Mario Kart Wii and SSBB this year, implying that they are the only good games for the Wii in 2008. Do you need a list of the games coming this year because there's alot more then those 3.

name them

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#33 wiidog
Member since 2007 • 600 Posts
All im saying is that the Wii has a great technology on its side but instead of using it to a maximum they waste it on pointless party games. Wii Music....come on.
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#35 Caybrown
Member since 2004 • 3722 Posts
I don't know about you guys but if you've played PS3 or Xbox 360 you will soon realize that the Wii is missing something. When I first saw trailers of the Wii and it's games b4 it was released it showed something different. It showed intense Zelda, WiiSports and real promise to be the top system this gen(I don't mean in sells). Now it seems(after e3) that the Wii is just trying to give us another party game week after week. Nintedo isnt being creative nor are they innovating they are just puting out lackluster, poorly presented party games. And they havent announced anything really special but Animal Crossing. Are you guys as dissapointed as I am?wiidog
I agree with you totally. Hahah funny thing is that me and my friend was talking about this! I really think the Wii isnt in its best times now, they havent really given us anything promising in a while. To me Nintendo is kinda to focused on there controller, and not really there games. But i guess this isnt Nintendo's year, maybe next year we will see more and better games. Because of the lack of games i really want on the Wii i'm getting a Xbox 360. Don't get me wrong i absolutely loooove Wii!but its just i havent saw anything good in a while. Lets just hope Nintendo bring up some really good titles.
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#36 gamenerd15
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The Wii has just as much rehash at the other consoles. Elebits, Zelda, Crossbow training, Paper Mario, ghost house mini game, Resident evil Umbrella chronicles, House of the dead 2 and 3, ghost squad, All of these games have the same basic concept, point and shoot. Wii Sports, Deca Sports, Wii Play, Wii music, Game Party, Carnival games, EA Playground, Wii Fit. What are all of these games. Mini games. Okami, Bully, Anubis, Resident Evil 4, Table Tennis, Dead Rising, Baroque, Sonic Zero Gravity, Mortal Kombat Armaggedon, Guitar Hero 3, Rock Band 1 Zelda Twilight Princess, and others. These are all ports of games from other systems or multiplat games which play like their last generation counter parts. Some of these games play better on PS2 than they do on the Wii

Fire Emblem on wii plays just like the GC version only with somewhat bright colors and smoother graphics. There is nothing innovative about that game at all. It is good, but nothing new. Batallion Wars 2, other than having online and the aiming done with the wiimore, it is just like the GC game. Still good but not much new. Paper Mario just put all the elements of previous mario's into one package and called it a day. Not a bad game, but not that new other than art style. Wario Land is pretty much a DS game with some shaking with the Wiimote with some Wii special effects. Seems like a cool title but nothing new. Mario Galaxy was good, but most of the goals in the game have been done in previous mario's such as getting all of a specific color coin and racing a creature around a level. Climbing to the top of a world is not new at all, and the costumes for mario were not unique in the least. Bee Mario was pretty much a yoshi substitute, Ghost mario was pretty much the vanish cap from 64, super hero flying mario was the wing cap, Fat floating mario was done in mario world. Once again a good game, but not really new and going upsidown is not that new either.

Medioore title only on PS3 and 360 um no,

Dewy's Adventure, Dragon Blade, Red Steel, Donkey Kong Barrell Blast, Escape From Bug Island, Boogie, Sonic and the Secret Rings, (no it wasn't that bad, but it still was on the low end side), Mario Party 8, Boxer Revolution, Order Up, Cooking With Mama, Pokemon Revolution, Rapala Fishing, Dragon Quest Swords. Crus N, DBZ Budokai Tenkenchai 2 and maybe 3 since online is crap and laggy. Must I go on.

Multiplats that are inferior on Wii

Call of Duty 3, Madden, Need for Speed, Guitar Hero 3, Rock Band 1, The Bigs, NBA 2K8, Spiderman 3, and most other cross platform on all 3 systems

PS3 and 360 games that aren't shooters


Beautiful Katamari

Viva Piniata

Ninja Gaiden 2

Infinite Undiscovery

Dead or Alive

Banjo Kazooie


Project Gotham Racing

Forza 2




Ninja Gaiden Sigma

Ridge Racer

Ratchet and Clank


Devil May Cry

Hot Shots Golf 5

Tekken 6

War Devil Enigma

Little Big Planet

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm

Pixel Junk Eden

Wipeout HD

Metal Gear Solid 4 ( yes it uses guns, but it is more of a stealth adventure than it is a shooter)

Valkyria Chronicles

Disgaea 3

Twisted Metal

God of War 3

I could go on, but I proved my point.

The Wii isn't bad, but it disappointing especially for going into half of it's second year into it's 3rd with some core titles not even mentioned in the make like F-zero, Pilotwings, Kirby, Punch Out, Donkey Kong Adventure Game, Star Fox, or Wave Race.

SNES came out in 91, We had F-zero, Mario Adventure game, and Pilotwings, Zelda followed only a year afterward

N64, came out we had Mario Adventure Game, Pilotwings 64, Wave race. Just before the 1st year mark we had Star Fox 64, Mario Kart came out sometime before that as well. By the second year mark we had Zelda, and F-zero, with some new mario spin offs like party and yoshi's story. The spin offs and cool new IP's continued in 99 with Golf, Smash Bros, Jet Forde Gemeni. We also finally got a proper Donkey Kong game. 2000 wasn't that great but we still got tennis, more party, Kirby and Conquer, and a Zelda sequel. Through the lack of 3rd party support, Nintendo still had some cool games that weren't therese such as Duke Nukem Zero Hour, Turok 1 and 2, Star Wars Episode 1 Pod Racer, The better version of Mortal Kombat 4. Rare was a second party even though they were exclusive with Nintendo, they were their own company and came with games like Blast corps, Golden Eye, and Perfect Dark.

The GC launched, it sort of had a mario related game, Pikmin, Wave Race, Rogue Squadron 2 and equal versions of multiplats like Tony hawk. Smash Bros wasn't quite a launch game, but it might as well have been for how close it was released after. At first year mark we had Mario, Star Fox (even though non proper), Animal Crossing, and Metroid along with equal multiplats for the games that did come for the cube. At the second year mark we had Zelda F-zero, Soul Caliber 2, and Mario Kart Pilotwings was cancelled for the GC For the rest of the time we got sequels to Metroid, Pikmin, Zelda, Star Fox, while getting new titles like Batallion Wars, Baten Khaos, Tales of Symphonia, and for the first time in english speaking territories a Fire Emblem game, though it being like the 9nth installment.

Then the Wii comes out and it's flagship game is a GC port and for the most part the first half of it's first year is PS2 ports and GC games moved to Wii due to poor sales from the past. Fall of year one we get Metroid, Fire Emblem, Mario Adventure game, Batallion Wars, while getting a unique title known as zack and Wiki. Still no sign of F-zero, the cancelled Pilotwings game, Star Fox, Kirby or any of that. Brawl was guaranteed on December 3rd and the NA President made fun of other companies for not having their games and then Brawl gets delayed. Spring of 08 comes and we have Mario Kart and Brawl finally, while getting a new title such as No More Heroes, E3 08, all that gets announced is animal crossing Wii Sports 2, and Wii Music. Still no sign of F-zero, Pilotwings, Wave Race or Starfox. We are heading into the second year mark and don't have the titles that should be here based on previous Nintendo patterns.

We are all suckers somewhat for buying this console. Yes Nintendo has pushed the long time fans aside, otherwise they would have at least talked about some of the games people want like F-zero, Pilotwings, Waverace, and Starfox. They could have said these will be talked about in 09 or something to that affect, but no. Yet here everyone is backing the big N and defending their butts when no should be.

They laugh all the way to the bank while everyone sits around and pretends that the big N is in their corner. People always want to believe that Nintendo are the heroes and that these other games will come out, but the truth is that Nintedo has a new market and that the people who made them rich enough to create this new market don't matter. It is clearly evident by the lack of caring and with no mentioning of the core titles only goes to cement where their aim truly is.

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#38 Masterx1220
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Wii Music is a glorified tech demo. Thats fine, you have a sound argument there. Wii Sports Resort is shipping with an item that allows true 1:1 control. That sounds like innovation to me. Animal Crossing is one of the most player demanding titles around (if you leave it alone for a month, the whole place goes to hell without you), so its one of the most hardcore series in recent years.

That was what Nintendo offered up new for E3.

We're getting a slew of original titles for the Wii both from 3rd Party (The Conduit, de Blob, Little King Story) and 1st Party teams (Pikmin 3, a new Mario, and a new Zelda have already been announced) and rumors of a new Kid Icarus via Factor 5 (with concept art no less).

Please, OP. Do you think you're the first person to create a topic like this? Do you think you're bringing attention to some overlooked slight towards gamers? Let me tell you this. No. You are not. This topic has been created several dozen times since E3. You're not being original, more to the point few people really care what you think. Most of them have either called Chicken Little and said the world was coming to an end or have just accepted that it was a weak showing meant for the broader casual audience.

There are games out there, they exist. We have screens of many of them. THERE IS A WHOLE FREAKING THREAD.

Seriously, everyone, stop these threads. For the love of people that ACTUALLY LIKE TO DISCUSS GAMES. PLEASE quit making these threads. It might be too much to ask, but could these threads start to be locked? They're far to common and address the same complaint over and over again. And each time they get answered. I'd love an autoban, but a warning thread would be nice. These just get so annoying.

Almost as much as "WHUT GAEM SHULD I GIT?!" threads.


agreed completely

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#39 Lord_Omikron666
Member since 2007 • 4838 Posts

[QUOTE="Lord_Omikron666"][QUOTE="Zeppy007"]2008 is the worst year for wii theirs only mario kart and brawlZeppy007

Speak for yourself, there's plenty more for the rest of us.

Did I ever say I was speaking for every one who owns wii thats what I think And tell me about this mountain of games the only ones I see Mega Man 9, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed,Animal Crossing: City Folk,and thats it. But I say this is the best year for DS.

You said there's only Mario Kart Wii and SSBB this year, implying that they are the only good games for the Wii in 2008. Do you need a list of the games coming this year because there's alot more then those 3.

name them

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Guitar Hero: World Tour
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
Sonic Unleashed
Wario Land: Shake It!
Mario Super Sluggers
Little King's Story
Deadly Creatures
Castlevania Judgment
Animal Crossing: City Folk
de blob

Is that enough for you? Maybe you should check Haziq's thread up top for more.

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#40 spartanshorts07
Member since 2007 • 56 Posts
NEW EXPERIENCES!!! The first time i flailed around and somthing happened on screen it was cool. Now after over a year of the same damn party game tactic (3rd party developers are also to blame btw) I can hardly call any of that a new experience. Right now im experiencing amazing parqour (sp? for free running) with assasins creed (sorry i was late for the party), the always fresh competitive halo game andthe sheer variety of GTA4! I have no idea how you can stand the same concept after concept.

On a side note: For any and all of you wii only owners that say the visuals dont mater I realy am going to have to ask you to shove it since so many next gen games rely on emotions created by visuals i dont see how you can find passion in any 3rd party games

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#41 spartanshorts07
Member since 2007 • 56 Posts

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed- potential to be awsome
Guitar Hero: World Tour- not worth a penny due to striped features and grfx compard to other systems
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World- a sequal with potential
Sonic Unleashed - beter on the other systems (gfx update and lack of clumsy control like the last one)
Wario Land: Shake It! - Stop listing these like there games! Its another **** party game cool!!!!!!! we need more!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mario Super Sluggers - Gimic game, youll get bored in an hour maby a week with freinds
Little King's Story - if this turns out well it could be realy fun
Deadly Creatures - I realy dont know what to think about this. It might turn out allright
Castlevania Judgment - I personaly dont like castlvania but this looks good
Animal Crossing: City Folk - cool
de blob - no impresive story and lacking gameplay variety = bust

only 6/11 have any potential and some might not even turn out allright (good concepts bbut might fall into the wiis gimic trap) and 6 games that last as long as these do will get no gamer through this year

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#42 mariokart64fan
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I don't know about you guys but if you've played PS3 or Xbox 360 you will soon realize that the Wii is missing something. When I first saw trailers of the Wii and it's games b4 it was released it showed something different. It showed intense Zelda, WiiSports and real promise to be the top system this gen(I don't mean in sells). Now it seems(after e3) that the Wii is just trying to give us another party game week after week. Nintedo isnt being creative nor are they innovating they are just puting out lackluster, poorly presented party games. And they havent announced anything really special but Animal Crossing. Are you guys as dissapointed as I am?wiidog
um 360 and ps3 are all the same, wii is far different,

i rather have the later , then the ones i played last gen ,

playing 360 and ps3 is like, hm the same ol thing with updated graphics i dotn want that, i want somthing more, and games you may ask

well wii offers a variety of great games across all genres does any other, no all they offer is fps racing fps racing and a few yearly sports titles,

that are same every year

go else where to complain this is not the board you ps fans go else where, graphics mean nothing, gameplay does, and gc level graphics is good enough , and keen , go buy a damn dvd player they are cheap arent they not , i have 3 i dont need any more, this excludes my ps3 360 ps2 pc and xbox

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#43 bobbetybob
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WHY IS EVERYONE IGNORING 3RD PARTY? Geeze...I see threads like this like every day since E3, every single one saying stuff like "Oh Wii has failed now because Nintendo doesn't have a new Zelda for the end of the year" Seriously if you expected a new Zelda or big game before the end of the year you're delusional. Plus I'm glad there are no Nintendo games, it means people will have to buy the great 3rd party offerings, go look in the Wii gaming 2008 and beyond sticky, look through all those games coming out and tell me that not a single one of those looks interesting.
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#44 Lord_Omikron666
Member since 2007 • 4838 Posts

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed- potential to be awsome
Guitar Hero: World Tour- not worth a penny due to striped features and grfx compard to other systems
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World- a sequal with potential
Sonic Unleashed - beter on the other systems (gfx update and lack of clumsy control like the last one)
Wario Land: Shake It! - Stop listing these like there games! Its another **** party game cool!!!!!!! we need more!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mario Super Sluggers - Gimic game, youll get bored in an hour maby a week with freinds
Little King's Story - if this turns out well it could be realy fun
Deadly Creatures - I realy dont know what to think about this. It might turn out allright
Castlevania Judgment - I personaly dont like castlvania but this looks good
Animal Crossing: City Folk - cool
de blob - no impresive story and lacking gameplay variety = bust

only 6/11 have any potential and some might not even turn out allright (good concepts bbut might fall into the wiis gimic trap) and 6 games that last as long as these do will get no gamer through this year


Oh, so you're devloping the games and have the final say of how they'll do? Thanks for the opinions but don't be trying to pass them off as fact, all those games are proof of 3rd party support for the Wii.
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#45 Englandfc1966
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The WII is for casuals, mine just collects dust because the games are boring and dull and there all party games my 360 gets all my time.
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#46 monkey2go
Member since 2004 • 3760 Posts
I'm not disappointed. The more I look at the PS3/360 the more I see titles I don't want because its the "been there, done that" thing.

Wii offers new experiences.
oh cmon left 4 dead and resident evil 5 cant be those with wii games
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#47 BrunoBRS
Member since 2005 • 74156 Posts
i wont say anything 'cause i usually get modded for saying what i think of people that complain about the wii because of the conference
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#48 totalmachine
Member since 2008 • 876 Posts
I just wish it supported DVD compatibility.
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#49 darthisaki
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This E3 was a dissapointment for sure, but they did say there core games were in development.

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#50 kingjazziephiz
Member since 2006 • 2650 Posts
Gimme a break. Most of you guys mention a few hardcore games but they are all old. Twilight princess was at launch(if my memory serves me right) and it was great. but what im saying is that since the launch the wii has gone downhill and is no longer interested in the big stuff. A GAME THAT DOESNT have multiplayer is only good until ya beat it. nobody wants to play TP anymore because its old. So u cant say the wii has core games when those games are old. And mario kart and mario party arent core games. they are glorified party games.wiidog
lolz tell that to the chrono trigger fans..