looking for the name of a old snes game

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#1 clint316
Member since 2020 • 3 Posts

looking for a snes game that has fighting trucks with guns in the future and when you finish a mission it will have the guys do a thing like mystery science 3000

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#2 jigrykora
Member since 2023 • 1 Posts

I used to play this game as a kid had to be released pre 1992 for the snes. The text was not in English.. but it was not a language like Chinese or Spanish.. maybe a Nordic language or Greek or something It gave you an overhead view of rooms. Generally the screens were segmented and you might have to go through a few screens to get to a different part of the screen you started on.

I think it was an RPG type game but I don't really remember I believe you collected items in the game and had an inventory and stuff

I know the details are sketchy.. been trying to find this game for over a decade

Any ideas guys?