Biggest turn-offs for a game?

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#1 Oozyrat
Member since 2008 • 926 Posts

Glitches? Art style? Graphics? Or simply a genre? What's the one thing that when reading a review or watching gameplay will almost instantly turn you away from buying it?

Mine would, sadly, be art style. If the game looks cheesy, I won't buy it. I simply don't want to look at big headed characters or overly dramatic features. After watching the first Dishonored trailer I was very excited, however later on my brother showed me the first uploaded pictures of the in-game characters and I literally said, "Well I'm not paying for it." Don't get me wrong, I love artistic touches in video games. The Walking Dead, Soul Caibur, No More Heroes, Mirror's Edge, Mario games, RPG's, Limbo, Minecraft, etc. All are great games, and not only do they have strong artistic aproaches to them, the art actually adds to the setting and makes the experience even better. Dishonored however... after seeing such an amazing looking trailer that looked like a mixture of an art style and realism, it was so disappointing to see it change so much. I'm still looking forward to playing it and I'm sure I will enjoy it, but I won't be paying for it. I'll borrow it or play my brother's copy if he gets it.

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#2 DarkGamer007
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When a game autosaves before a lengthy cutscene, exposition dump, or segement where you do nothing but walk, and then a massive battle occured, so every time you died you had to rewatch the cutscene or exposition dump. This happened a lot in Gears of War and I think the most annoying part was before the the final boss battle where you respawned in the train car and had to re-pick up all your weapons, that got tedious and annoying as **** after the third time you died.

Also the "Dark/Gritty/Realistic" artstyle is really overstaying its welcome. What happened to colour? It is part of the reason why I enjoyed Halo was because it was full of bright colours yet stilll serious in tone.

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#3 wiouds
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A story that is "Dark and gritty." Too many times it just comes off as fake. Worse is that they use the "dark and gritty" as more of a gimick.

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#4 Lucky_Krystal
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Quick time events in the middle of a battle, where if you fail you die, THEN get penalized for the death at the end of the level. Example of this would be Bayonetta. I still love the game but the QTE's were dumb.

Others include stupid party AI, artificial difficulty, repetitive and boring gameplay, and unskippable cutscenes. Goes 10 fold for the last one if the story, characters, and voice acting is awful.

Also agree with the "dark and gritty" artsyle as well. I prefer something with at least a little color (like Persona 4 and Borderlands)

They aren't always deal breakers for me but they're bothersome. :?

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#5 Oozyrat
Member since 2008 • 926 Posts

When a game autosaves before a lengthy cutscene, exposition dump, or segement where you do nothing but walk, and then a massive battle occured, so every time you died you had to rewatch the cutscene or exposition dump. This happened a lot in Gears of War and I think the most annoying part was before the the final boss battle where you respawned in the train car and had to re-pick up all your weapons, that got tedious and annoying as **** after the third time you died.

Also the "Dark/Gritty/Realistic" artstyle is really overstaying its welcome. What happened to colour? It is part of the reason why I enjoyed Halo was because it was full of bright colours yet stilll serious in tone.


Yeah bad autosaves are a total pain. Playing GTA Vice City on my iPod and they don't exist lol GTA has actually had bad autosaves in every one I've played :/. And Halo is definitely a good example of art style done right. You can tell exactly what kind of ship you're on by looking at the floor or just a foot of wall. Also the weapons are beautifully made (how they came up with and animated some of the Forerunner reloads is beyond me).

Another thing this reminded me of is not being able to skip through conversation that you already heard. I adored the Walking Dead game with all of my heart, but there was nothing more annoying than listening to a long conversation twice because you clicked the wrong number button.

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#6 Oozyrat
Member since 2008 • 926 Posts

Quick time events in the middle of a battle, where if you fail you die, THEN get penalized for the death at the end of the level. Example of this would be Bayonetta. I still love the game but the QTE's were dumb.

Others include stupid party AI, artificial difficulty, repetitive and boring gameplay, and unskippable cutscenes. Goes 10 fold for the last one if the story, characters, and voice acting is awful.

They aren't always deal breakers for me but they're bothersome. :?


Loveeeeeed Bayonetta :D. RE6 was a pretty good example of what not to do with QTE's (still enjoyed it though). Bad voice acting is another major issue with some games today. I've seen some indie games have better voice actors than some of the major games. Mass Effect, (again) Walking Dead, Resident Evil (the recent ones!), and Battlefield 3 all have very good voice acting (and there's quite a few more)

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#7 Oozyrat
Member since 2008 • 926 Posts

Two more HUGE turn-offs:

When a game switches genre (looking at RE6 again). I just pray Dead Space doesn't fall..

Unessessary multiplayer. One of the worst issues to date.

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#8 wiouds
Member since 2004 • 6233 Posts

Games that are all about quick reflexes and little about thinking like those music games that is mostly just QTE or fighting games. This is not all games that need quick reflexes. For example I find there is a good amout of thinking in the current FPS. I like how FPS force you to quickly thinking.

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#9 Avenger1324
Member since 2007 • 16344 Posts
Quick Time Events are a big turn off for me - I would much rather be in control of the combat either through my actions or by my earlier choices building the character.
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#10 Lulekani
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For me its RPG's - anytalk of leveling up, and passive upgrades and equipment upgrades will send me in the oppasite direction, note this also applies to racing games with upgradeable cars. Another tiny deal breaker is lack of Co-op in a game that could use it (Bioshock Infinite and Lost Planet 3). And Dude whats with all that green ?
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#11 Namgis
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Constant hand holding throughout the game. If I'm having trouble solving a puzzle or difficult section, I don't want pop ups asking me if I want to skip the section or "why don't you try over here ->".


In game tutorials for games that require little to no help. If you can't figure out what button is to jump or run, you have bigger issues. I thought that's why they include a manual in the case instead of wasting plenty of game time teaching me how to open doors or crouch.

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#12 wiouds
Member since 2004 • 6233 Posts

I can not stand Idnie games that claim it is more that what it is.

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#13 TheFatPerson
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Boring collecting/gathering/killing quests. "Kill X amount of these, gather Y of these, return to me, rinse and repeat for different monsters and different objects, come back to me." I really cannot stand to bear that style of gameplay anymore and if games have too much of that, I usually get bored right away and never touch the game again. A couple of them are okay, but i hate it when games overdo it.

Poor characters. If I find the characters annoying, if I can't relate to them or if they overall lack charisma and distinction, I get turned off the game easily.

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#14 Deihjan
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Being unable to skip long long LOOOOOOOONG cutscenes after watching it seven times because you failed at something and had to redo it/you're replaying the game for the second, third or even fifth time. That can make me stop enjoying a game completely. Also, I'm replaying/finishing Skyrim now a year after everyone else seemed to have finished it. It's a massive, beautiful game. It's a lot of fun. But it's actually -too big- for me. I have attentionspan issues and if a game isn't at least somewhat linear and forces me to go finish something before I can move on to the next area, chances are I will pick up ALL the quests I find, and then I'll focus on finishing those closest to where I am. Elder Scrolls players will know what I'm talking about next; I almost finished all of the Thieves guild quests before I had even learned how to Shout proper by the Greybeards, because FVCK DOING THE MAIN STORYLINE IF I CAN DO SIDEQUESTS THAT DON'T REALLY MATTER. HELL YEAH! I've spent over 60 hours now on my new Nord character and I'm actually further behind than I was on my first character in Skyrim, which I didn't even finish the main storyline with before giving up, and she's only level 39 out of 81 possible. If Skyrim forced me to, say, finish Riften before being able to move on to Morthal, I would enjoy it immensely more than I am. It's too open-world for me. I love Open World games. One of my favourite games ever is Red Dead Redemption, because it LETS ME DO ANYTHING -but- it forces me to still follow the main storyline before I can actually open up for new tasks. Sure, I can roam (most) of the map on my horse and pick flowers and kill animals, but it still limits me until I've gotten to a specific point before it lets me explore further. Skyrim(and Fallout) does not. You can (attempt anyway) to kill Giants right after leaving Helgen. I actually don't like that much freedom, as strange as it sounds.. Does it even make sense? Not sure. But it's why I play so few massive games.
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#15 SciFiCat
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Bad camera, it is about the one feature that when it fails that I cannot fathom playing a game that has it. QTEs, try to avoid most games that use them, but most of all, Randomly generated dungeons are the worst for me.
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#16 Deihjan
Member since 2008 • 30213 Posts

Quick time events in the middle of a battle, where if you fail you die, THEN get penalized for the death at the end of the level. Example of this would be Bayonetta. I still love the game but the QTE's were dumb.

Others include stupid party AI, artificial difficulty, repetitive and boring gameplay, and unskippable cutscenes. Goes 10 fold for the last one if the story, characters, and voice acting is awful.

Also agree with the "dark and gritty" artsyle as well. I prefer something with at least a little color (like Persona 4 and Borderlands)

They aren't always deal breakers for me but they're bothersome. :?

About QTE's - urgh, the bane of my gaming existence. I love God of War, but I am so terrible with QTE's.. It doesn't help that I like rhythm games, either, because those are even more difficult if you're bad at QTE's. Stupid/overpowered AI - fffffffffff yes. I don't care if my team mate is not helping me, but couldn't they at least STAND WAY BACK AND/OR OUT OF MY AIM?! Or at least the developers should have made friendly fire optional/only on Hard/insanity. Because oh boy have I killed many partymembers thanks to sh!t like this.. Boring/Repetitive gameplay - Assassin's Creed is a perfect example of this. Especially paired up with awful controls/wonky movement that makes it even more challenging to finish a race against an NPC that can somehow ignore the things that make me fail. Say, you're doing a race against the AI, having to cross a sea of people. It doesn't matter which AC game this is, it happens in all of them. Every single non-specific, just-there-to-annoy NPC either walks into you, comes up to you to beg for money, gets in your way or decides that HEY LET'S FIGHT. And you're on a timer. With 5 seconds left. And the computer is winning with an arms length. I can deal with a repetitive "Kill ten bears, acquire bear butts" quest just fine. I'm fine with randomly generated loot. I'm fine with a low droprate on a quest item. But god fukken damnit have I lost my temper many times over the AI cheating/getting in my way. Only to find out I have to complete the same kind of quest seven times over in another region of the game because WHAT IS FUN NEW TASKS.
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#17 Venom_Raptor
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Probably the technical side of a game, most notably a game's framerate. It's an area within every game that has to be good, otherwise the immersion is almost certainly broken once or twice.

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#18 godfather_1
Member since 2005 • 562 Posts

A big turn-off for me is when a game has objectives that start to feel like chores. For example in Far Cry 2 when you had to remember to take malaria pills, that was such a dumb mechanic and also in RPG's when the grind is blatant and not mixed in different gameplay elements.

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#19 Floppy_Jim
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You walk forward 5 paces- the game snatches control away from you for a boring,unnecessary cut scene. You open a door- the game snatches control away from you for a boring,unnecessary cut scene. You exit the building- the game snatches control away from you for a boring,unnecessary cut scene. These devs need a goddamn slap. I wish they would make more of an attempt to tell the story as you're actually playing- less like RE6, more like Dead Space.

Checkpoints before cut scenes before a difficult segment. Max Payne 3's cut scenes come to mind as some can't be skipped when they're masking load times- I would honestly prefer a load screen over sitting through the same dialogue again and again. Anything easy/tedious sandwiched between the checkpoint and the difficult part is a turn-off. Utterly mysterious how playtesting allows this.

Outside of God of War, QTE's. Evil, evil annoying things.

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#20 wiouds
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Also, gamers thank acts as if pretending is the same thing as a RPG. This hurt the RPG system of the game so much.

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#21 Ricardomz
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Bad voice acting.

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#22 Goyoshi12
Member since 2009 • 9687 Posts

Strategy games.

Everyone else just seems to drool and love over them but I just can't get into any of them (with the exception of tower defense games and very few turn-based strategy games). I don't know, I'm just more of a FPS/Action oriented gamer than the slow tactical pace that strategy games go for.

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#23 Everiez
Member since 2006 • 1946 Posts
  1. First Person view, if there is no 3rd person view option the game is immediately no buy for me. I don't like limited cone view.
  2. Vague, misleading, unclear dialog choice and the one that leads to one ending or several endings without significant outcome.
  3. Poor story telling or unclear objective.
  4. Dark and muted color as dominant color palette.
  5. Excessive blood and gore.
  6. MMS (modern military shooter). This has point 1, 3, 4 and military jargon which I don't care about.
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#24 Lulekani
Member since 2012 • 2318 Posts

Strategy games.

Everyone else just seems to drool and love over them but I just can't get into any of them (with the exception of tower defense games and very few turn-based strategy games). I don't know, I'm just more of a FPS/Action oriented gamer than the slow tactical pace that strategy games go for.

perhaps everybody would play action games if they were actualy good at them, but they cant all be good, even if good players like me were blind folded they would stil suck, so they do thinking games instead. Can you imagine an MMO that blends both thinkers and doers ?
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#25 mrsniper83
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When a game that should have co-op and it doesn't, and when a game is more about about blood and violence than it is about story.
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#26 capaho
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Boss fights and other challenges that amount to a timed, button-mashing hand-eye coordination test. They are unimaginative and tedious. The melee fights in Sleeping Dogs are among the worst of this type of fighting, where your controls are temporarily locked out if the timing isn't exact. The opposite of that is Batman: Arkham Assylum, where the melee fighting is fluid and uninterrupted and skill and strategy are far more important than mere button mashing on cue.

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#27 crimsonman1245
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Framerate drops, its far to common. I would rather them tone down the graphics to fix the framerate if they have to.

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#28 Daizengar
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Stupid AI. It can really break immersion for me. I'll use Halo 4 as an example. While I love the game, and I was really getting into it, the AI could be really dumb at times. I could be in the middle of a firefight, then I move, take cover, reload, expecting the enemy to chase after me. What happens? I peak around the corner, and the enemy is acting as if I wasn't even there. Not only that, they like to shoot corpses, a lot. I had one part where I was driving a warthog with a marine on the gun. I saw him shoot and kill an enemy, then continue to shoot the enemy's body while another enemy was shooting at us. Brilliant.

Unskippable cutscenes. It's a minor complaint, really, but sometimes I like to start new characters just to play them out and get a feel for them. When I'm doing that, I don't wanna have to watch a long cutscene just so I can play. I just wanna test the character. The most recent issue I had with this was Mass Effect eand Skyrim. Both had fairly lengthy intros that you can't exactly skip. (You can skip some dialogue in ME3)

Dull, boring characters. Perhaps my biggest complaint. If you can't add interesting characters to your story, then it gets boring very quick. It's one of the reasons I have such a hard time getting into Skyrim. I would rather have a character that I despise because he's such a fiend than have these carboard cutouts people like to call characters.

Forgettable soundtracks. One big thing for me is the music. If the game has a dull soundtrack, it's difficult to get into. While I love Hans Zimmer and the music he does, I felt the music he did in the MW games was just boring in comparison to his other works. Another soundtrack I didn't enjoy too much was Halo 4's soundtrack. There was really only one song that I could really remember. Also, bad placement of music in certain areas can be a real turn-off. Like Skyrim's attempt at creating an epic score while I fight a mudcrab. Doesn't really do it for me, Bethesda.

Tedious sidequests. Gathering quests, killing quests, and go from point A to point B quests. Most are just boring, and feel like chores as opposed to making any sort of progress. It's one of the main reasons I stopped playing World of Warcraft.

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#29 Oozyrat
Member since 2008 • 926 Posts

Strategy games.

Everyone else just seems to drool and love over them but I just can't get into any of them (with the exception of tower defense games and very few turn-based strategy games). I don't know, I'm just more of a FPS/Action oriented gamer than the slow tactical pace that strategy games go for.


If you like tower defense games, Sanctum off of Steam is a great (very challenging!) game. I bought it for only $2.50 and I'm sure it'll go on sale again for the holidays

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#30 Oozyrat
Member since 2008 • 926 Posts

Another bad thing left out in most games today is the lack of split screen. Before I had high speed internet (and still even with high speed internet), if a game does not have a splitscreen option I'm likely to skip it.

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#31 Goyoshi12
Member since 2009 • 9687 Posts


Strategy games.

Everyone else just seems to drool and love over them but I just can't get into any of them (with the exception of tower defense games and very few turn-based strategy games). I don't know, I'm just more of a FPS/Action oriented gamer than the slow tactical pace that strategy games go for.


If you like tower defense games, Sanctum off of Steam is a great (very challenging!) game. I bought it for only $2.50 and I'm sure it'll go on sale again for the holidays

Oh yeah, played a lot of that game.

It is fvcking awesome.

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#32 Lulekani
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Stupid AI. It can really break immersion for me. I'll use Halo 4 as an example. While I love the game, and I was really getting into it, the AI could be really dumb at times. I could be in the middle of a firefight, then I move, take cover, reload, expecting the enemy to chase after me. What happens? I peak around the corner, and the enemy is acting as if I wasn't even there. Not only that, they like to shoot corpses, a lot. I had one part where I was driving a warthog with a marine on the gun. I saw him shoot and kill an enemy, then continue to shoot the enemy's body while another enemy was shooting at us. Brilliant.

Unskippable cutscenes. It's a minor complaint, really, but sometimes I like to start new characters just to play them out and get a feel for them. When I'm doing that, I don't wanna have to watch a long cutscene just so I can play. I just wanna test the character. The most recent issue I had with this was Mass Effect eand Skyrim. Both had fairly lengthy intros that you can't exactly skip. (You can skip some dialogue in ME3)

Dull, boring characters. Perhaps my biggest complaint. If you can't add interesting characters to your story, then it gets boring very quick. It's one of the reasons I have such a hard time getting into Skyrim. I would rather have a character that I despise because he's such a fiend than have these carboard cutouts people like to call characters.

Forgettable soundtracks. One big thing for me is the music. If the game has a dull soundtrack, it's difficult to get into. While I love Hans Zimmer and the music he does, I felt the music he did in the MW games was just boring in comparison to his other works. Another soundtrack I didn't enjoy too much was Halo 4's soundtrack. There was really only one song that I could really remember. Also, bad placement of music in certain areas can be a real turn-off. Like Skyrim's attempt at creating an epic score while I fight a mudcrab. Doesn't really do it for me, Bethesda.

Tedious sidequests. Gathering quests, killing quests, and go from point A to point B quests. Most are just boring, and feel like chores as opposed to making any sort of progress. It's one of the main reasons I stopped playing World of Warcraft.

gee wiz batman! thats alil harsh, and i suppose you can't name a game that doesn't have those issues.
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#33 Daizengar
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gee wiz batman! thats alil harsh, and i suppose you can't name a game that doesn't have those issues.Lulekani

Maybe, but there are games that have fewer of these issues than others. Example, the classic Unreal Tournament. The bots could be challenging, it had an awesome soundtrack, no insanely priced DLC, and it was all good fun. The only real negative thing about it was the lack of a decent single player.

Another game I really enjoyed with only a few of these issues was Hitman: Blood Money. There were a few cutscenes that were unskippable, but most of those were very short, and were only really dialogue. The AI could be questionable at times, sure, but weren't quite as dumb as other games. The soundtrack was fairly good, and I love the work that Jesper Kyd does. Most missions felt really unique, and were more of a test of patience, and not quite as tedious. While there was little character interaction within the game, most of your targets had a fairly interesting backstory that you could choose to read about.\

I'm told Far Cry 3 has an excellent soundtrack, amazing characters, fairly decent AI, and most of the gathering quests are more fun.

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#34 BatCrazedJoker
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A short single player mode, I am sick of all of the mulitplayer focused games.
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#35 Lulekani
Member since 2012 • 2318 Posts

[QUOTE="Lulekani"]gee wiz batman! thats alil harsh, and i suppose you can't name a game that doesn't have those issues.Daizengar

Maybe, but there are games that have fewer of these issues than others. Example, the classic Unreal Tournament. The bots could be challenging, it had an awesome soundtrack, no insanely priced DLC, and it was all good fun. The only real negative thing about it was the lack of a decent single player.

Another game I really enjoyed with only a few of these issues was Hitman: Blood Money. There were a few cutscenes that were unskippable, but most of those were very short, and were only really dialogue. The AI could be questionable at times, sure, but weren't quite as dumb as other games. The soundtrack was fairly good, and I love the work that Jesper Kyd does. Most missions felt really unique, and were more of a test of patience, and not quite as tedious. While there was little character interaction within the game, most of your targets had a fairly interesting backstory that you could choose to read about.\

I'm told Far Cry 3 has an excellent soundtrack, amazing characters, fairly decent AI, and most of the gathering quests are more fun.

OMG I love Jesper Kyd's work on the entire Assassin's Creed franchise. As for Far Cry 3 ? I would tread careful when following recommendations from word of mouf. In a totally unrelated matter, I recommend Journey, its too simple and non-gamey to have gotten anything wrong.
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#36 Daizengar
Member since 2012 • 45 Posts

OMG I love Jesper Kyd's work on the entire Assassin's Creed franchise. As for Far Cry 3 ? I would tread careful when following recommendations from word of mouf. In a totally unrelated matter, I recommend Journey, its too simple and non-gamey to have gotten anything wrong.Lulekani

Yes, Jesper Kyd's music is among my favorites.

I've heard a lot of good things about Journey, and I even own the soundtrack. Sadly, I don't have the cash to buy a PS3, and while I would love to play it, I feel shelling out $400 for a game that lasts about 2 hours just isn't quite worth it. I'll either find someone who owns it, or hope they release it on PC/Xbox.

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#37 bowserjr123
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Games with LOTS of cutscenes and that feel like movies, such as Uncharted 2 and Metal Gear Solid. I'm also not a fan of games with clunky controls like the original Resident Evil.

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#38 blangenakker
Member since 2006 • 3240 Posts
Boring boss battles, I feel that boss battles are almost a thing of the past now, all they ever are is flip a couple of switches or unload all your ammo into the boss. Only hack and slash games seem to have proper boss battles.
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#39 anirin
Member since 2011 • 69 Posts

Generic fetch/kill subquests, especially when they make up a large bulk of the content.

Overuse of minigames, or a game making them essential for progression.

More of the same sequels to games I've already played through.

Bad loading times and frustrating save/checkpoint systems... when the two are combined it can be infuriating.

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#40 Elutheria
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Escort quests, just no. First person melee combat... ugh.
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#41 koospetoors
Member since 2004 • 3715 Posts
Unnecessary padding Its a terrible way to lengthen a game and just makes it downright tedious.
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#42 godfather_1
Member since 2005 • 562 Posts
A short single player mode, I am sick of all of the mulitplayer focused games. BatCrazedJoker
I agree with this also, the need to have multiplayer in everything when they can't even complete with the elite ones.
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#43 Lulekani
Member since 2012 • 2318 Posts

[QUOTE="Lulekani"]OMG I love Jesper Kyd's work on the entire Assassin's Creed franchise. As for Far Cry 3 ? I would tread careful when following recommendations from word of mouf. In a totally unrelated matter, I recommend Journey, its too simple and non-gamey to have gotten anything wrong.Daizengar

Yes, Jesper Kyd's music is among my favorites.

I've heard a lot of good things about Journey, and I even own the soundtrack. Sadly, I don't have the cash to buy a PS3, and while I would love to play it, I feel shelling out $400 for a game that lasts about 2 hours just isn't quite worth it. I'll either find someone who owns it, or hope they release it on PC/Xbox.

and I'l hope just as hard, (because its cheaper).
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#44 Canvas_Of_Flesh
Member since 2007 • 4052 Posts
Usually if it seems that multiplayer is a big focus of the game, then I don't usually bother with it. I also absolutely hate tutorials that take hours to get through.
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#45 capaho
Member since 2003 • 1253 Posts
[QUOTE="koospetoors"]Unnecessary padding Its a terrible way to lengthen a game and just makes it downright tedious.

Like staggering around in the desert in Uncharted 3. One of the most blatant cases of unnecessary padding I've ever seen.
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#46 Jackc8
Member since 2007 • 8515 Posts

I enjoy RPG's, but there's just no way I'm going to play one of these Japanese things where you've got characters that look like they're 12, act like they're 8 and talk like they're 5. The dialogue is embarrassingly awful and you've always got some girl with an extreme case of clinical hyperactivity way.

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#47 Lulekani
Member since 2012 • 2318 Posts

I enjoy RPG's, but there's just no way I'm going to play one of these Japanese things where you've got characters that look like they're 12, act like they're 8 and talk like they're 5. The dialogue is embarrassingly awful and you've always got some girl with an extreme case of clinical hyperactivity way.

and lets not forget the subtle but guaranteed panty shot.
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#48 Postal_Guy
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the thought of one sends a shiver down my spine

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#49 Renegade_Fury
Member since 2003 • 21708 Posts

Long cutscenes and huge breaks in the action due to boring dialogue.

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#50 geoxadem
Member since 2012 • 25 Posts
When there's too much focus on multi-player