It doesn't bring anything that's big and new to the table, but it still is a very solid way to end a series.

User Rating: 9 | Super Donkey Kong 3: Nazo no Krems Shima SNES
Donkey Kong Country 3 is the third and final Donkey Kong game that was released for the SNES. In fact, it was even released after the launch of the N64. That didn't stop the game from being great. The game stars Dixie Kong and her cousin Diddy Kong on a journey to the Northern Kremisphere to stop K. Roolstein (funny name, I know) from reeking havoc with his KAOS robots. The game ditches the pirate theme of the previous game with a more mechanical/futuristic one. The controls haven't changed much from the last game. You can move, jump, and latch a Kong onto your back to jump higher. Kiddy Kong also has the advantage of pounding the ground for secrets using this technique. The game now features more of a sandbox hub, which is a change from the linear maps in the first two games. There are also a bunch of secret caves which hide banana birds. The graphics and sounds haven't really changed much from the last game. I guess you could say that it was released a little late to be visually groundbreaking. However, if you loved the second game, then the third one serves as a great continuation of monkey platforming.