This is the best card based game I've ever played, and it works sensationaly well with it digimon genre...

User Rating: 10 | Digimon World: Digital Card Arena PS
This game is amazing, I first rented it out as a child and LOVED IT. it is focused on beating your opponent in a card battle but not just any card battle a DIGIMON card battle. The game is set in series 2 so there is an unbeleivable cast of playable digimon for you to master. You can attack evolve use cards that will turn the tables on your foe in a flash. A great add on to this intense card game is the very detailed animations that go on when you are battling like your agumon sending a fireball to the opponents gabumon. each digimon has three different attacks with added effects so you can come up with hundreds of strategies and decks. Another thing the digimon are set into groups which are fire, water, nature, a yellow one???, and darkness. Play this game if you ever get the chance its great, and i have no idea what gamespot were talking about this game is for any fan of the series :D