Dead or Alive 3 for an XBOX launch title is impressive.

User Rating: 8 | Dead or Alive 3 (Classics) XBOX
Dead or Alive 3 was, besides Halo, another good exclusive game for the XBOX. Obviously owning Dead or Alive 2 for the PS2, I wanted to check out the third game because I obviously enjoyed the second game. So how is the game?

Stories have never really been well drawn out in fighting games, so there's nothing much to mention here.

For it's time, it was amazing. The character models, backgrounds and everything about it is just so good and so nice to look at. When you look at the game now, it still looks really good.

Obviously Dead or Alive gameplay feels really solid; it's not as good as Tekken, but it beats Virtua Fighter in terms of complex fighting. Obviously, it's a very solid fighter with kicks, punches and very fast-paced combat. The only thing I don't like about this game is that while I understand the challenge, sometimes it crosses the line into frustration. When you punch or kick a certain enemy, you may find yourself getting counter-attacked quite a bit and it's quite annoying.

The sound effects of the kicks and punches sound great, while the music it's mixed. Some of the music I liked but for the most part I feel this is the weakest Dead or Alive soundtrack.

For a launch title, it is quite impressive and I recommend Dead or Alive fans to give this game a try.