Crypt of the NecroDancer

User Rating: 7 | Crypt of the NecroDancer PC

I won this game as a prize for doing well in a video game, Nezzenista.


- Creative idea: fighting enemies to the music is definitely something I haven't seen before.

- Great quality for being in alpha.

- Fun!

- The game can be really exciting to play when you know the enemies' movements. - You can play to your own custom music.


- I'm not a big fan of roguelikes, but that preference is not specific to this game. Just throwing it out there.


- The in-game weapons, items, equipment, shrines, etc. don't have any explanation attached to them. Only some of them can be fully understood by using them, the rest (the vast majority) you have to look up online.

- It's hard to both get used to dancing with the music and trying to understand what things do before you do/get them; for instance, several times I've been caught up in the rhythm and accidentally bought something that trades some of your health instead of money. It would be nice to have a screen that says "You cannot buy this" if buying it would drain your health to zero and kill you.

- It's frustrating to start with nothing each time, but I suppose that's part of it being a roguelike. I can't say it makes me want to continue playing, though.