The Super Mario Bros. in their side scrolling debut!

User Rating: 9 | Super Mario Bros. NES
Super Mario Bros.
Nintendo Wii Virtual Console

The evil Bowser has kidnapped the princess, and it is up to the Super Mario Bros. To save her. Mario and Luigi must travel castle to castle through the Mushroom Kingdom to find the princess.

Even after twenty years later, Super Mario Bros. Is one of the greatest platforming game ever! The platformer genre is a dying breed of games, but Super Mario Bros. holds up to this day. Any novice or experienced player can pick up this game, and get lost in the wonderful side scrolling adventure.

Super Mario Bros. has one of the most mesmerizing over world and under world themes. These themes are so popular that they appear in many of the other Mario games to date.

In order to get the "old school" feel of this game I recommend using the Wii-mote. But, all the Classic and GameCube controller feels great. To be honest the GameCube controllers analong stick kinda feels like the NES MAX controller.

If you have never played Super Mario Bros. then you'll need to pick this game up. If your looking for a great platformer pick this game up. If your looking for a good NES title pick this game up.