More than 20 years old, but still ace.

User Rating: 8 | Super Mario Bros. NES
You know what, despite the amazing leaps that gaming has made since the debut of the NES, Super Mario Bros. rocks. I never did play the game back when it was first released, but I can see from playing it now that its popularity was not without reason.
Despite its clearly basic design from a technical standpoint, Super Mario Bros. still pulls off an enjoyable game with its mind set on pure gameplay. While the graphics and audio are very dated, it does little to spoil the game. Plus, that famous Mario theme tune is still pleasant for the ears.
Much like most games of old, the game is very short, but the challenge is increased due to no save system. This may be something you don't like, but personally I think it's great to replay the game, getting better and finding more secrets each time, until you can beat it. Even when you can, it's still a blast to play through it again.
So, 500 wii points for a gem like this? Bargain.