5.7 my ass this is one of the first games i ever got and i loved it!!!!

User Rating: 8.8 | Cel Damage XBOX
hmm.... this game is funny fun addictive and weird

Gameplay unique but very much like tiwsted metal you get to kill your apponents and let them respawn and do it again it's also pretty challenging once you beat the first level it becomes pretty easy and the multiplayer is tons of fun

Graphics unique pixel animation it looks pretty good but there are some graphical glitches

Sound the sound of engines and your opposition dying it's pretty nice

Value great multiplayer and a fun story mode it lasted me for a while and it was one of my first games

Tilt twisted metal rip-off no way this game is unique fun and wacky and you deserve to play it but answer me why gamespot game it a 5.7??????????
anyways it is a fun game that you should give a try