Very fun game.

User Rating: 9.1 | Cel Damage XBOX
I rented this game a long time ago before i started reading gamespot and when i played it, i enjoyed it a lot. Its really fun to play via split screen and if you have four players, its actually quite fun. Sure the weapons are extreamly lop-sided and getting an axe is pretty much your ticket to victory but half the fun is getting the weapon, getting your friends frustrated and screaming your ass off when some one does the same thing to you. Its actually really fun.

What im trying to say is, don't pass up this game just because of the review. its a really fun game and if you can pick it up from a bargain bin or really cheap on ebay i highly suggest you get it. You will have a ton of fun and though it will get boring after a while it will be fun for atleast a month.

However don't buy this game if you dont have anyone to play it with, the single player mode, isn't worth it. unless you can get the game for like 5 bucks then i highly suggest you do.

The graphics are also nice to look at. They work as a throw-back to old tom and jerry, daffy duck cartoons.

In simple language, buy this if you can find it and if you have friends to play it with.