Only for the fans.

User Rating: 5.5 | Call of Duty: World at War X360
CoD: World at War returns the series to it's WW2 roots, in this ultimately dissapointing game.

The game itself was made by TreyArch (who didn't make Modern Warfare), and this just goes to show that they aren't very good with the franchise, and that Black Ops will be just as bad.

The campaign, while it does have it's moments of fun, as most games do, it was extremely boring and at times frustrating, I had to try and not turn the Xbox off so I didn't get bored (I went so far as to put tape on the power switch!).

The multiplayer is decent however, it's basically the same as Modern Warfare's, though sadly it has MW's problems too.

The best part of this game is the now infamous 'Nazi Zombies' mode, which is great fun to play multiplayer (if you aren't playing with a 'super serious' annoying idiot), but it is a bit slow paced.

Overall, this game is a complete dissapointment, and the only thing about it that is good is Nazi Zombies.