A suprisingly good puzzle game.

User Rating: 6.9 | ZooCube GC
ZooCube is an addicting puzzle game where you have to move a zoocube and catch shapes that represents an animal. When you have two of the animal pieces toching each other, an animal is realeased and you get a certain amount of points. Gameplay- Moving the cube can get annoying at times. When you press the A button, the shape automatically goes on the side it was above when you pressed that button. Sometimes, when the shape goes down, it is like I just pressed the A button right when it popped up. 7/10 Graphics- Not the best, animals look creepy at times (the penguin is a good example), the cutscenes don't look too good either. 6/10 Sound- Decent. 6/10 This game is fun, I can't picture myself playing this game a lot, due to most of the levels being the same. If you like puzzle games, rent this game.
