ZombiU is a game wich has a overused topic despite its great survival and combat this kills it.

User Rating: 7.5 | ZombiU WIIU
So many series have had this same topic and in the end ZombiU is just another one. How come you my ask well aside from its topic not being new at first it was very glitchy although it was patched up quickly but not fast enough for reviewers to see the game.
The good part of ZombiU is that you wake u in the train station in circa 2012 apocalypse
you start with a cricket bat and that will be your main weapon since ammo is scarce giving you a very realistic feeling you may find guns but you will most likely not use it except for emergencies.
Now to the not so good part apart from massive patching ZombiU makes you check the gamepad to loot and this gets annoying because many times there is nothing with the zombie wich may infuriate you but it is necessary to loot to find ammo so you become even angrier.
The Verdict 7.5/10 while giving you a very realistic feeling it feels incomplete i am sure that if Ubisoft gives it a sequel it will be superb