This. game. is.awful.

User Rating: 1.5 | Yu-Gi-Oh! Falsebound Kingdom GC
Okay before i start let me just say 2 things.1 I love both rpg and rts type games but if they are put together in a game it just makes it terrible.It was just bad.
2 when i bought this game i loved yu-gi-oh i know kinda sad.

First to describe this game it's awful it practically takes an hour for a unit or creature or whatever you like to call them to get from point a to point b.And I have to admit that the graphics are average for that day and age but now they would be mediocre.

To describe the fighting it's knda like those pokemon games(sorry) where your moving around and you don't wanna fight but their everywhere.The actual but are not terrible bad but they could be better.

The storyline basically was really messed up and basically beeped(I don't swear is that sad?)It felt all mushed up and mashed together kinda like meat and potatoes.Ya im kinda making a comedy out of this since the game is awful.

The only thing that i really liked in this game was when you had an Egyptian God thing battle.The actual fight was amazing the stage got ripped apart and when two mosters God thingies battle each other it's even better.

I would recommend this game to small children and idiots, but i saw this game for a really cheap price at gamestop (i think it sold poorly and i was one of the sad people who bought it)

Due to the fact that this is my first review the rating might be really high but i had planned on making it a 2.0 reallllllly low