TOO DAMN short....

User Rating: 6 | Yesterday PC
The "Review Deck" says it all...

WARNING: Spoiling!

Great beginning! The end of the "first chapter" (if you may) leaves you "open-mouthed"!
Fair puzzles (though there are some "try and error's" that could have been improved...)
Nice story: a bit "fantastic", but enjoyable.
Some times you may get lost in time between memories and tales...

BUT, just when things are starting to heat, all the pieces come together all of a sudden and, just like that, the freaking END!!!
I mean, the game is that short that it's giving me a HARD time trying to remember the names of some of the "main" characters, because you didn't have enough time to get to know them...! I easily remember OLHAK ADIRF just because backwards it reads FRIDA KAHLO....

AN ADVICE: Save your game (quit, then reenter...) the second time (if I'm not mistaken) you're in the mountain, preferable just when you've planted the seeds you've got from the bird, but right before you pour the water on them. This way you'll get the opportunity to "play" the 3 different endings more quickly...

If you played the second, or worse, the third ending first (Henry's), as I delusively and masochistically did, you'll get a sad feeling like you have to start playing again but this time you think they'll put you on another point of view or time or whatever...

But NO! You just have to swallow the bitter taste of expecting A LOT MORE...

Do yourselves a favor and just play the first ending (happiest one) so you can put this hell of a sudden ending to a rest....