The only thing I am eager for right now in the game industry is more XCOM.

User Rating: 10 | XCOM: Enemy Unknown PC
It is amazing that although some truly excellent games have come out the last few years, XCOM, just a simple "lame strategy" game, wound up being one of the ONLY games I have been able to get this excited about in a long time. This game was WAY out of my genre park, and I only played this game because it came free with a pr-order for Bioshock Infinite. It turned out XCOM was the far better reward in that deal. All I have been looking forward to now is more XCOM. XCOM wound up being more immersive than the majority of rpg and sandbox games I have played recently. The characters and the team you create feel deep and intuitive, the homebase and combat areas are all artistic and very detailed, the story kept me interested and involved, and the actual gameplay was more fun than I can remember having in a very long time in games.
It is simply ironic that in this day and age, a simple turn based strategy game ends up deserving the 10 ratings. Really, all I want to see is MORE XCOM right now. A bigger version of it. You guys did great Firaxis, now just give us more of it.