Disappointing game, Platinum. Show some dedication.

User Rating: 5 | World of Demons IOS

Action: 4/10

Story telling: 6/10

Gaming experience: 3/10

Art style: 7/10

Not as fluid as any other game from platinum, many yokai skills stops time and let you aim slowly which breaks the flow of the battle completely. The actions always lag behind your button press and there is no slow-yet-natural attack/dodge animations like in Dark Souls to compensate for that, resulting in a lackluster fighting experience. The game's camera control code is clearly brought from a console game with joystick controls, it starts moving seconds after your drag and moves slowly, which is perfect for joysticks, but considering this is an iOS exclusive game, totally unacceptable. Also, the game's levels are divided into enemy encounters, basically it's a never-ending cycle of "you see a black tornado -> you walk in -> a few yokais pop out -> you kill them -> repeat" loops... Seriously Platinum? I am not expecting another Nier Automata or Bayonetta or Astral Chain, but this is worse than most indie action games we see today... Considering the quality of the game and the controls which are clearly not for mobile phones, I can only say that Platinum probably just had a contract with Apple or something and didn't put much work into it. If you are looking for a solid Platinum action game, this is not the game for you.