World in Conflicts is a brilliant game who's single player is definately overshadowed by the brilliant multiplayer.

User Rating: 9 | World in Conflict (Collector's Edition) PC
Beautiful Graphics
Great sound
Awesome, destructible environment
Great Storyline

Single Player aspect a bit short

World in Conflict is a great game. The single player campaign features a good story, and some brilliant battles. However, The Campaign is fairly short, and there are no other single player modes (custom missions don't seem to work), although, it is possible to do a skirmish in the LAN mode by setting all the players to computer (bots). The sound is magnificent, with proper sounding explosions and gunfire, which is accompanied by some brilliant visuals. The many types of Tactical Aids are all brilliant to watch and listen to, as they tear apart the enemy in a wall of smoke, fire and noise. The battles are good, as you can jump straight into the action.

World in Conflicts strengths lie obviously in its multiplayer modes, and, although the single player story is good, it is almost too quick to make it a viable buy only for the single player experience alone.