Wii Sports is a great title that can be enjoyed by just about everyone.

User Rating: 8.6 | Wii Sports WII
Wii Sports is one of those few titles you can bring home to your family and they will be grateful that you did. Instead of being left out, they too will be able to enjoy the thrill of playing this game. With simple controls and great use of the Mii characters, this game shines magnificently. As the game can be played by just about anyone, gamers who want something more can work themselves up to being a pro at any of the sports that are available at their disposal. They can also test their Wii Sports ages, which is similar to Brain Age for the Nintendo DS. Instead of testing your mind, it will test your physical fitness. With numerous activities to test your skills each day, you'll master each sport individually. This is a great addition that will tack on more hours for the hardcore gamer. There is 5 sports within this title which fundamentally uses the Wiimote in its own way. In tennis the Wiimote acts like a racket, in golf it acts like a club, ect. The only Wii Sport that involves the Nunchuck is Boxing which the controllers act like they are your fists. This is the most strenuous sport of this game since it comes down to timing your dodges, blocks, and punches. Overall, Wii Sports shows exactly what the Wii is capable of and proves that Nintendo is out to make fun games for everyone.