Maybe the best PS1 wrestling title

User Rating: 9.4 | WCW Mayhem (Classics) PS
Maybe the best PS1 wrestling title……. WCW Mayhem is probably my favorite wrestling title on Playstation but not for who’s in it or out of nostalgia or stuff like that, this game featured some of the best grappling controls, excellent graphics, use of weapons, plenty of options, a half decent caw mode, a great selection of wrestlers, great music, excellent commentary, good crowd reaction and enough modes and unlockables to keep you busy for a while. The modes consist of…… -A quest for the best that takes you (your caw) from day 1 as a nobody to the title holder of all the WCW belts. -An exhibition mode where you can just freeplay alone or with friends in a match of your choice -PPV mode where you play out PPVs some of which unlocked by codes -create a wrestler mode where you make you or your favorite wrestler that isn’t in the game -and more Overall I give this game a strait up 9.4 due to it being a top notch PS1 wrestling game I take away a little for semi long load time and a smidge lacking in cawness