With most 2600 games, looking at the picture on the box is more fun that actually playing the game. But Warlords does ha

User Rating: 6.7 | Warlords 2600
With most 2600 games, looking at the picture on the box is more fun that actually playing the game. But Warlords does have some play value. Basically a multi player version of Breakout, up to four players try to defend their castle while attacking the other players’. Each player occupies a castle in each corner of the screen. The castle is just a nested set of colored lines, but, hey, greatest graphics for the time. You catch a ball using the paddles and launch it at the other players’ walls, slowly breaking them up. When a player’s wall is breached, he is out. It is the only game I own that uses the double paddles, allowing for players. Definitely one of the better 2600 games.