Much better than Warioware Inc. Mega Party Games

User Rating: 7.5 | WarioWare: Touched! DS
I bought Warioware touched after it came out for 2 years. It was still at a steep price but i still wanted to try it out. I played and I was amazed of it. This game was much more better than the one on Gamecube. It had much more minigames than on the gamecube and the graphics had been improved. it also had extra features like toys to play with, using the mic and using the touch screen all the time amde this game unique and tremendous. But the downside of this game was after I played it for a week I had already completed the game and unlocked all the toys in the game, but this would be a perfect game if it was much longer and had more varied minigames and if it had a multiplayer mode so I can play with my friends just like the one on the Gamecube.