overated this game is fun for an hour then it just starts to suck the only good thing about this game is its mutiplayer

User Rating: 4.5 | WarioWare: Smooth Moves WII
this game is fun for bit then it gets old if u r thinking of getting this game dont rent it there are only 2 good things about this game the mulitiplayer and it fits in a toaster. the game has no story line ur r just doing random stuff. this game is a waste of money a waste of a disk a waste of space do not get this game it blows. if u want a party game get mario party not wario. i highly reconmend that u do not buy this game or even rent it that is still a waste of 5 bucks. this game does not deserve to be a 9.1 even my rating is too high for this peice of garbage. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxy now i no my abcs and i dont no what else to say because i need more letters so aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaahhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh this game sucks ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh