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Top New Games Out This Week On Switch, PS4, Xbox One, And PC -- November 18-24

Wage war with Battlefield 5 or tend your fields with Farming Simulator 19.

There are only a few episodes of New Releases left in 2018, but there are still plenty of games to talk about. This week is home to the big, explosive Battlefield V and the calm, quiet Farming Simulator 19. Meanwhile, both Wreckfest and Bendy and the Ink Machine are getting console ports, while Warframe arrives on Nintendo Switch.

Battlefield V -- November 20

Available on: PS4, Xbox One, PC

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Battlefield V is firmly planted in World War II, with a focus on realism. This time around, you can create a whole squad of custom soldiers with the new Company feature, then take them into progressive multiplayer modes like Operations. Developer DICE has lots of free post-launch content planned too, including its take on the massively popular battle royale mode, dubbed Firestorm.

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Farming Simulator 19 -- November 20

Available on: PS4, Xbox One, PC

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The long-running series is back, and it's looking better than ever thanks to a totally overhauled graphics engine. This is also the first time the series has featured John Deere vehicles and tools. You can raise crops, tend livestock, and explore the world with up to 16 players online.

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Wreckfest -- November 20

Available on: PS4, Xbox One

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Wreckfest gives you two paths to victory: cross the finish line first or destroy every other car in the race. But you can't just collide with your opponents recklessly: Wreckfest features realistic physics in its crashes, so you'll have to choose between slamming into others or slamming on the brakes.

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Bendy and the Ink Machine -- November 20

Available on: PS4, Xbox One, Switch

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Bendy and the Ink Machine released episodically on PC, but now the full story is making its console debut. That story involves exploring an abandoned cartoon studio, where the creepy ink drawings have come to life. This survival horror game has a lot of secrets to uncover as you explore the hallways and studios.

Warframe -- November 20

Available on: Switch

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Warframe is an incredibly popular co-op shooter full of multiplayer missions and PvP, and it's landing on Nintendo's hybrid console this week. Panic Button, the team that also ported Rocket League and Doom to the Switch, is bringing it over with a bunch of performance improvements.

Further Reading:

Believe it or not, there are still more games to come in November. In the next episode of New Releases, we'll tackle the post-apocalypse with Darksiders III and take a look at Valve's new digital card game Artifact.

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