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PS5 Might Get Easier To Buy This Year | GameSpot News

Finding a PS5 might get easier this year, new Gotham Knights gameplay is released and EA renames FIFA to EA Sports FC.

As part of Sony's latest investor briefing, the company said it projects to sell 18 million PS5 consoles during the fiscal year that began April 1 and runs through March 31, 2023. For comparison, Sony sold 11.5 million PS5 consoles during its fiscal year that ended on March 31, 2022 and 7.8 million PS5 consoles for the fiscal year that ended on March 31, 2021.

Gotham Knights has been confirmed that the game is skipping PS4 and Xbox One as well. In a press release the developer said, it’s aiming to provide the best possible gameplay experience using the more powerful hardware available with PS5, Series X|S and PC. Alongside that release info, fans also got a new gameplay trailer that showcased how Nightwing and Red Hood’s playstyles compare.

EA's massively and enduringly popular football/soccer series EA Sports FIFA is changing names. As rumored, the franchise will be called EA Sports FC going forward as part of a rights-negotiation process with FIFA that has been brewing for some time already.

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