Good fighter, but it could have been much, much better.

User Rating: 6.7 | Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 SNES
First of all, there's no way you can ever call UMK3 "The Ultimate Fighting Game" like the cartidge says. MKII took that title a long time ago, and no other game has ever been able to catch up. Mabey I say this because that's where the series peaked, or mabey it's because this seems like an unnecessary upgrade from MK3, but either way, the cartridge is deceving. In theory, UMK3 sounds great, but there's not much variety to it. It has come back to 2 people fighting in a 2D area. That's all you'll find in the single player game. The variety has been even more reduced in the character selection. Sure, there's 23 warriors, but out of them, 3 are feamle ninjas made by pallet swaps, and 8 are male ninjas and 3 are cyborg robots. This means that more than half of the characters are almost exactly the same as some one else. UMK3 excells mostly in its multiplayer. Besides the normal one on one fighting, there is a 2 on 2 endurance match, and an 8 player tournament mode. Mix all this with about 23 fighters and you've got one killer party game. The one player game, ufortunately isn't as interesting. They used the same engine as MK3, and that's not a good thing. The AI is very unhuman. What I mean is, the AI can do things that are impossible to a human. It's not possible to send 2 identicle projectiles in a row, but the computer has no problem doing it. There's also a lot of balancing broblems. Jade, for example, doesn't do much damage, so when you're fighting her, she becomes immune to projectiles as soon as youthrow one, then while you're still recovering for the move, she rums up and does a 5 hit combo. The good news is, the game is exceptionally good looking. While it's not nearly as good as the Saturn or arcade versions, it's still quite impressive. You'll find very detailed fighters, and veryfew, but clear areas to fight in. The audio is also good, but it's missing one very imporant detail. After a ffight, the anouncer never says who wins. All you ever hear is "Fight" "Flawless victory" and what ever finishing move was used. Don't take anything the wrong way. I had alot of fun with UMK3, even though it could have been better. It's worth buyingif you want a great multiplayer experience. If you want a good one player game though, you should just get MKII.