Not a bad game, seems a little mediocre and generic at first, but it"s actually a fun and challenging FPS.

User Rating: 7.5 | Turok X360
When I first started playing this game I thought great another 60.00 piece of #*@% but as I played on I started to enjoy this game more and more. The controls are very simple and so is the weaponry. The knife feature is actually cool as hell. so is the stealth mode using the knife or bow. The dinosaurs are very fast and hard to hit with a gun. Killing them with a knife is cool. They actually make the game, because without them, the game would be very bland. I have been playing in hard mode so it is challenging yet still fun. I have not beat this game yet but I intend to. That makes it worth the purchase in my book. The AI charaters are desent so is the acting. If you like FPSrs this game is worth playing. Despite this games shotcomings its still alot of fun and it keeps you wanting to play more.