Old school game, best of its time, nothing like it, has been made so far.

User Rating: 10 | Tribes 2 PC
I love this game, burned about three or four years on it. If you love games like BF1 or 2 this game is a classic and a great deal if you can find it. i have seased to play this game how ever its memories will always stay in my head as i year for some thing to be made just like it. But it looks like that will never happen. If you feel like Bombing the hell out of some thing you can hop into a vehicle such as a tank or a bomber. and just bombard the enemy but your going to want to look out for the more you fire the more energy you use. and that takes away from shields. Feel like attacking some one gather a group of fighters with a transport and drive it right to the door of there base. you will distroy the enamys automative turrits and they are quite life like, and highly accurate. while in the air avoid giveing off a heat signiture or missles will lock onto you if that happens and your in a veh i hope your fast, or you can dodge it.

If not bail out and hope your intime. with the three armers each with there own Possitives and negatives this game rocks. jugernots, with there heavey wepions are good for assalting bases, but slow. if your really good you can go out into the middle of no where and wait for scott armers to come and they will. you are a target that is easy prey for them out in the open. if your a scot you can use any veh. be an assasin or sniper, or your own bread of attacker. Medium armer is sweet. its sort of a mixs of scot and jugernot armer. So it enables you to do stuff inbetween. This game feels more like a warzone and less like a game. how ever outher mods keep you interested every time. Dont feel like fighting why not build? yes there is building and its mad cool. there are outher mods. two this game is amazeing but sadly is dieing slowly.
Writen by dark volture