Good game with an actually somewhat interesting story, but has some annoying problems.

User Rating: 7.5 | Transformers: War for Cybertron PC
As far as games go i was not very interested in this one, but it actually surprised me. When i saw it got a low score i almost forgot about it. Then i was confused that it had a good user score, so i decided to check it out. The story is what got me. I figured that the story mode would be quick, easy and not make any sense. Then i was shocked that it was actually somewhat interesting and entertaining. I actually found myself kind of wanting to see what happened next. The voice acting was good, not the best but still pretty good. They never seemed to say anything that sounded really stupid, well maybe in 2 or 3 places but still it wasn't to bad. The only thing i found irritating, was the fact that in some of the boss fights they would repeat the same thing over and over again. I'm not talking about when you died and retried. Fortunately this only happened on 1 or 2 bosses. I had fun playing the story mode and it wasn't short ether. It took me a good 20 hours to beat it. Unfortunately the game-play has some annoying problems. Don't get me wrong its a good game and the problems didn't ruin the game, they were just annoying. The aiming system is by far the worst. I'm not talking about aiming and shooting, i mean it really could have used a lock on system, especially on the boss fights. In the regular combat you didn't need it but the boss fights you needed to move around dodge there attacks while shooting them. The boss fights weren't a cake walk ether. (Which i really appreciated them being hard and fun.) My other problem is the cover. Ok most of the time the cover was good but in big areas were enemy's were all around you, its not very good. Which makes those spots way harder than the rest of the game. My other issue is the dog fight levels. I don't think you could even call it dog fighting, it was more like hover fighting. This game has to have the lamest aerial combat Ive ever seen, well maybe halo 2 is worse. ( Ive only played 2 so the other games might have worse but i wouldn't know) My last issue is the multiplayer. I tried it for a little while but got bored with it quickly. it lags and its just to spastic to be any good for pvp combat. There is a co-op survival mode but i found it to slow and boring. I like this game but after the story mode theirs not much to keep you playing it.