A challenging but excellent game, the first tennis game i've played that is truly great.

User Rating: 9 | Top Spin 2 X360
The game starts off really challenging as you start a 5 year career, where you have to earn stars & make your way to the top of rankings & win many titles.

The game can become very addicting there are way more pros than cons. The only cons are that the loading times are long & sometimes sets can become extremely time consuming especially in grand slams.

Then for the pros, the biggest thing for me is that it is realistic which is great. I'd prefer a game that takes a long time to conquer rather than something you can complete in no time without breaking a sweat. This game definitely fulfills that in the beginning when literally everyone you play is much better than you & there is lots of skill involved. But eventually when you reach the top & have won everything you become accustomed to the game & it becomes regular routine to win all your matches.

The other pros are the player variety, the different courts, the shot selection & the tournament varieties.

As a whole it's well worth the money & extremely cheap nowadays plus the achievements are pretty easy to overcome, if your looking for something challenging & realistic top spin 2 is your game.