User Rating: 9.5 | Tony Hawk's American Wasteland PC
If not for the minor glitches when you hit tables/boxes, the game is excellent. It's spiced up with a ton of new cool tricks and even a BMX! The difficulty level is overall easier than in the previous games, but with some of the levels in THUG 2 and THPS 4, that is a very welcome change. Imagine doing a Natas Spin on your first try on ANY difficulty. In THAW it's possible, while I have yet to see a person do that on their first try in THUG 2.

The "no loading screens" is of course a rip-off, but they are interactive. What would you rather have a loading screen that you stare at or a loading screen in which you can pull of a grind and a couple kickflips? The buses are more of a rip-off, but they are much faster.

The game is good. If you liked the previous games, but were frustrated at the difficulty, this game is for you.