tom clancy's old games were bad. though the modern games make up for it. and this game is no exception to the older game

User Rating: 4.5 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 GC
this game was fun at first. it was just amazing at first but after i left it and came back to it a month or 2 later. i hated it. the story is very invisable. a ship explodes so they send a squad to check out what happened. then what. i just got to the part where you have to save the helicpoter pilot. so there is basically no story. the ai is a joke since i cant get past the pilot part because your allies cant shoot 2 feet in front of them. and the map is useless since the enemies just poof in their spots. there are no saving graces. its what tom clancy does but come on. hit detection is horrible since i put 10 bullets into a guys head and they wouldnt die. and plus if your leaning around a corner with a rocket. you can hit the wall and die. and let me just finish with the annoying grey effect when you shoot your gun. its very annoying.

its a nice shooter but it just has to many flaws and annoyance to be fun. thank goodness that the advance warfighter and las vegas series since they rock hard.